Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 416 The naive little bat

He is the same person as himself!

The little bat looked at each other.

I saw that the other party was wearing a very conspicuous white suit, and he was not wearing tights, but light armor similar to armor, and tights were placed on the joints to avoid affecting flexibility.

The helmet is also white, just like a unicorn helmet. The single horn is very conspicuous, and behind it is a pure white cape.

"I am the Light Knight of Gotham City. Who are you and why do you come to Gotham?"

Luther struck first and said to the little bat with his hands on his hips.

Little Bat was shocked. He had always considered himself the Dark Knight of Gotham City, but he had just debuted.

"I should be the one to ask you this question!"

"Also, I'm not an outsider, I'm a native of Gotham."

Little Bat's voice is gloomy and hoarse, almost like that of Batman's official debut. It's the kind of voice where you don't know what the other person is saying without reading the subtitles. However, it is speculated that Little Bat made his own voice changer.

I don’t know if she has the charming Yujie voice and lolita tone...

"Boy, this is my territory. If you want to enforce justice here, you have to take off your hood and mask and let me see your face!"

Luther is very good at repaying the other person with the same method, and directly spoke to the little bat preemptively.

"You can try it!"

Little Bat naturally refused to take off the mask. To him, this was tantamount to a declaration of war.

"Just give it a try. Your words and actions make me very suspicious that you are a super criminal rather than a superhero!"

Luther slapped a hat on Little Bat so that he would not be able to find trouble later.

Hey hey hey hey.

Luther threw out the dart. The crescent-shaped dart gave Little Bat an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

I always feel like I have seen such darts somewhere?

Little Bat has not yet gone to the Ninja Master for further training, so naturally he does not have the famous Batarang.

So he could only choose to dodge. Even if the suit on his body was bulletproof, he would not recklessly accept the enemy's attack, unlike a certain third princess.

Crescent darts are very easy to hide from. Although the little bat sees that they can fly in magical arcs, as long as they avoid it...

Crackling! ! !

Bat electric attack!

There was also a crescent dart that exploded directly and turned into a smoke bomb, covering the surrounding area.

The little bat was caught off guard. He was still a newbie and he didn't expect such fancy operations. He was electrocuted and fell to the ground convulsing.


A burst of crazy laughter came, and the little bat's pupils shrank. With strong willpower, he broke away from the paralysis and stiffness of the strong electric current. Physicists saw it and shouted "Superman".

A pure iron boot trampled on the spot where he was just now, and the cement exploded. The little bat could not see at all in the smoke. The bat helmet did not have as many functions as the latter, including night vision, thermal imaging, sonar, etc. Gas masks and other equipment are not available.

The food was so delicious that Luther felt like he was picking his feet.

Just when he was trying to catch Luther's laughter, a force came from his abdomen that almost punched his body through!

The white arm armor almost penetrated his invulnerable artificial muscle suit, but in the end the little bat relied on strong willpower to hold on. He rolled on the spot, crawling around in embarrassment, and huddled in the corner.

What Batman is best at is escaping, and even The Flash can't compete with him. Often, villains are escaped by Batman without paying attention, and then are completely crushed by Batman the second time.

The little bat has not even developed combat intelligence.

"I'm using smoke bombs. Guess whether I can see your position?"

Luther couldn't stand it anymore and said with a smile.

Little Bat's expression changed, and the next moment, he was kicked and rolling on the ground.


The little bat hit the wall hard, the wall shook violently, and then cracks appeared.

Ignoring the pain of almost multiple fractures in his body, he relied on his strong willpower to quickly find a way to break the situation. He launched the cable to hook a roof, and then soared into the sky.

"It's outrageous. Even if your joints are broken, you can still persist with strong willpower."

Luther watched the little bat fly away without stopping him. Where did he go? The next time the bat cub came back, wouldn't he continue to torture him?

However, he complained that Little Bat has repeatedly performed various incredible operations with his "strong willpower". At this time, Little Bat already has such strong willpower, which is really amazing.

All I can say is that he is indeed DC’s biological father.

Little Bat awkwardly sent a signal to Alfred, and then Alfred drove an ordinary, worthless car to take Little Bat home.

"Master Bruce, are you in danger?"

Now Alfred and Little Bat are not able to communicate at any time. Alfred felt very distressed when he saw Little Bat covered in scars and even the artificial muscle suit was badly damaged.

"I'm fine. I met a superhero, Ah Fu. Help me collect information about Gotham City's Bright Knight."

Little Bat calmly took off his artificial muscle suit, then treated the wound himself and said to Alfred.

"Master Bruce, this kind of thing is too dangerous. Now all kinds of super criminals have appeared. Just leave this kind of thing to those superheroes."

Alfred couldn't help but said.

"No, they are unreliable."

"Gotham has never changed, and it's time for some change."

Little Bat rejected Alfred without hesitation.

Batman is the most vigilant person in the world, even to the point of being callous and paranoid.

Alfred sighed. There was nothing he could do. Although he watched Bruce grow up, after all, there was still a master-servant relationship, and he could not forcefully stop Bruce from doing anything.

"By the way, order a batch of materials for me, and help me invite the best people in materials science and genetic engineering to give me lessons."

Bruce realized that his artificial muscle suit had too many shortcomings, especially in terms of shock absorption. He took a punch and almost vomited out his overnight meal.

The usual buffer layer is enough for bullets, but it is not enough when facing superheroes!

The Bright Knight woke up Little Bat with a punch. When facing the super criminal, his artificial muscle suit was no match at all!

He also had to quickly collect data on the punch of the Bright Knight, starting with force analysis, so that he could create a better suit.

At that time, it will be impossible for the Bright Knight to break his own defense.

Little Bat is worried about leaving Gotham City to anyone, so he must defeat the Light Knight and collect his true identity and information.

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