Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 446 Easily changing the terrain, doomsday is coming

Raditz looked at the exhausted coalition forces with a disdainful smile on his lips.

He looked at these so-called superheroes on Earth and mocked.

"You earthlings are so weak! Your self-righteous superpowers and fighting skills are not worth mentioning in my eyes!"

Raditz's words stung the coalition's heart like a needle.

They understood that Raditz was right.

Despite their superpowers, they are nearly defenseless against Raditz's immense power. They try to defeat Raditz using various tactics and strategies, but all seems to be in vain.

"Saiyan, you will regret saying this to an Amazon warrior!"

Wonder Woman Diana shouted angrily.

"We will definitely defeat you!"

Raditz sneered disapprovingly.

"Defeat me? You earthlings are not qualified enough! I came here to conquer your planet, not to play children's house games with you!"

Clark gritted his teeth in anger.

"Don't be too arrogant! We will definitely find your weakness and defeat you!"

Raditz shook his head disdainfully.

"You can't find my weakness, because I have no weaknesses! No matter how you attack, you can't hurt me at all!"

Captain America took a deep breath and said firmly.

"We won't give up! We will definitely find a way to defeat you!"

Captain America used his shield to block Raditz's attack, and there was a strong banging sound on the shield.

At the same time, he uses his great strength and fighting skills to start a fierce battle with Raditz. He moved quickly, dodging Raditz's attacks and constantly launching counterattacks.

Clark and Supergirl Kara used air superiority during the battle.

They flew above Raditz and attacked from the air.

"Supernova, be careful!"

Kara yelled, but it was too late.

Raditz sent out a powerful qigong wave that hit Clark directly.

Clark tumbled through the air, lost control, and plummeted to the ground.


Kara rushed over to catch Clark, but luckily he was okay.

Clark had dual defenses with a body of steel and a biological force field. He was rough-skinned and fleshy, and the Qigong wave was powerful, but it only blew up his biological force field, causing Clark to be temporarily unable to fly.

Superman's flight is not a separate superpower, but relies on a biological force field to fly.

Wonder Woman Diana battles Raditz with her strength, endurance, and agility. She used the divine shield in her hand to resist Raditz's attack, and at the same time launched a fierce attack on Raditz with her Vulcan Sword.

After Raditz defeated the three superheroes, they were shocked and dismayed. They had never encountered such a powerful opponent, and Raditz's strength made them feel frustrated.

"Can we really defeat him?"

Supergirl Kara is filled with doubts.

"His power seems endless, what should we do?"

Wonder Woman Diana also looked heavy.

Now the whole of America is in chaos and panic. People began to question the capabilities of the government and military, as well as the strength of superheroes.

"Why do these aliens come to Earth? What is their purpose?"

There are rumors that aliens are there for exploration purposes, and some people think that they are there to plunder the earth's resources.

"Are governments really capable of fighting aliens? Why weren't they prepared in advance?"

"Is the government really going all out to fight aliens? Or are they hiding something?"

Due to America's erroneous silence and information blockade, people began to wonder whether the government was hiding the truth or not taking enough measures to fight aliens.

"Are superheroes really capable of fending off alien attacks?"

Some people began to question the abilities of superheroes, worrying whether they could truly protect people.

"Can our military and superheroes protect us in time?"

As the situation worsens, people are beginning to worry about their survival and questioning whether they are adequately prepared to deal with the crisis.

The radio was filled with rumors and scaremongering, sending the entire country into panic.

"Urgent news, according to reliable intelligence, aliens have occupied many cities, and the government is secretly evacuating residents!"

The news spread quickly, causing panic among people, who began to hoard supplies and prepare to flee the city.

"Rumors say that a member of the Fantastic Five died in a battle with aliens, and they may not be able to continue fighting!"

This news caused people to lose hope, and they began to question the abilities of superheroes and despair about the battle ahead.

"Scientists warn that aliens may use unknown technological means to attack us, and humans may not be able to resist!"

This statement intensified people's panic, and they began to fear for their lives and looked for various ways to protect themselves.

"The latest news is that the government is conducting secret negotiations with aliens, and they may be betraying our country!"

The news cast doubt on the government's motives and loyalty, and they began to question whether the government was serving its own interests at the expense of the country.

After all, America tried to block the news at first, which led to the emergence of conspiracy theories.

Although if they have a choice, they don't mind being dogs if it's really possible.

Because even through the screen, they can feel how powerful and invincible this alien is.

When the Qigong wave hits the target, there will be a violent explosion and shock, as if the whole world is shaking.

The blast of air instantly swallowed up surrounding buildings and streets, as if it was about to level the entire city.

People screamed in terror and ran in all directions, trying to escape the scene of the disaster.

In addition to destroying mountains, Raditz's Qigong waves can also rewrite the terrain. He can change the terrain by adjusting the energy release range and intensity of Qigong waves.

Whether it's turning plains into mountains or filling up the sea, he can do it easily.

This terrifying power makes all enemies tremble.

Facing such a powerful enemy, the coalition forces fell into a bitter battle.

Raditz's Qigong wave attacks have a wide range, are fast, and are powerful, making it difficult to dodge.

Even though the superheroes resisted bravely, they were still powerless in the face of Raditz's powerful power.

"It's still sloppy. Raditz is just a fish fry now."

Luther shook his head.

Neither Superboy Clark nor Supergirl Kara, as well as Captain America and Wonder Woman Diana, are no match for Raditz now.

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