Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 561 Resurrection

Thor's heart is full of determination. He wants to find the dark elves and stop their conspiracy.

So, after he successfully built the power of Thor, he summoned the Rainbow Bridge and returned to Asgard.

Thor's footsteps were hurried and determined, and his figure shuttled through the palace of Asgard.

He is looking for Heimdall, the eye that protects Asgard, and the dynamics of the nine worlds and even the universe are under his control. Thor knew that Heimdall was the key to finding the Dark Elves.

Thor finally found Heimdall in a corner of the palace.

Heimdall sat on his throne, eyes closed, as if listening to the sounds of the entire universe.

Thor stepped forward and eagerly asked about the whereabouts of the dark elves.

Heimdall opened his eyes, his eyes were deep and bright, as if he could see through all hypocrisy and lies.

He looked at Thor, took a deep breath, and then spoke slowly.

"The Dark Elves are not in their world right now."

Heimdall's voice was calm and powerful.

"They are wandering around, gathering strength. They have recruited many plunderers who once conquered many planets by force, but now they have become minions of the dark elves. In addition, they have also recruited many enemies of Asgar. The dissatisfied resistance forces, induced by the dark elves, began to pose a threat to Asgard. "

Thor listened to Heimdall's story, and the sense of urgency in his heart became stronger and stronger.

He knew that the ambitions of the dark elves were far beyond that. Their goal was the entire universe.

If they are not stopped soon, the entire universe could fall into the reign of darkness.

Thor's eyes became firm and cold, and his heart was filled with determination.

He knew that he couldn't sit back and watch, he had to stand up and protect Asgard and the entire universe.

"We have to stop them,"

Thor's voice was firm and powerful.

"We cannot allow the dark elves' conspiracy to succeed, and we cannot allow the Nine Realms and even the universe to fall into the rule of darkness."

Heimdall looked at Thor, a hint of appreciation flashing in his eyes.

"I'll do whatever I can to help you."

Heimdall said.

"But it's a tough battle and we need to be well prepared."

Thor nodded.

However, now that the situation in Asgard has become like this, it is impossible to find any army.

Thor didn't care and directly called his three warriors of Asgard and Sif.

According to Heimdall's observations, the dark elves are actively preparing a huge fleet with the intention of fighting against Asgard.

Their actions were quick and decisive, and they had robbed dozens of spaceships in a short period of time, becoming new predators and growing in strength like a snowball.

Faced with this situation, Heimdall was deeply worried because he knew that once the Dark Elves' fleet was formed, Asgard would face an unprecedented threat.

However, what makes Heimdall even more troublesome is that Malekith seems to have anticipated his surveillance.

He cleverly used the power of ether particles to cover his whereabouts so that Heimdall could not spy on their true situation.

This situation made Heimdall feel powerless. He could not determine the movements of the dark elves at the moment, nor could he predict their next move.

Despite this, Heimdall did not give up.

He knew that although the dark elves were cunning, they also had their weaknesses.

He began to carefully analyze the movement patterns of the dark elves, trying to find their weaknesses.

He discovered that no matter how dark elves hide, they always need a territory of their own to operate their power. Therefore, Heimdall deduced that the Dark Elves had probably established their own base somewhere.

They would never have thought that the dark elves had returned to their hometown.

Watt Alheim!

Wat Alheim is a place full of mystery. Legend has it that the dark elves were born from the initial darkness of the universe.

Because they live underground all year round, their bodies gradually become snow-white, and their body hair is as white and flawless as snowflakes.

They have a unique appearance, with pointed ears unique to elves, and a pair of blue eyes in the deep-set eye sockets, which seem to be able to see everything.

The Dark Elf army warriors are also quite powerful. Each of them is equipped with a laser gun that emits a red laser, as well as a shield and a knife for close combat.

This configuration makes them very powerful in combat, and they can handle both long-range attacks and melee combat with ease. Moreover, dark elves may also possess magical power, which makes their strength even more important.

Malekith chose to return to Vat Alheim because his fusion with the ether particles gave him unprecedented power.

He discovered that ether particles not only possess powerful energy, but can also modify reality.

This gave him hope of reviving the Dark Elves.

That is to raise the dead!

Malekith discovered the ability of ether particles to modify reality.

He didn't trust those cannon fodder and looters, but the number of dark elves was too few.

The current dark elves don't even have four figures, how can they take the lead?

"Come back!"

Malekith's voice echoes like an ancient spell in the heart of Vat Alheim.

His voice was deep and majestic, as if it contained some kind of magic power, making the entire space tremble. His eyes were like a torch, staring straight ahead, as if summoning something.

As his voice fell, a bright red energy began to spread from his body. This energy was like liquid flame, hot and dazzling, and instantly covered the surrounding ground and sky.

It was like a huge red ripple, spreading outward until it covered the entire Watt Alheim.

Under the influence of this energy, the land of Watt Alheim began to tremble, as if some powerful force was awakening. The cracks on the ground continued to expand, as if to swallow everything.

The sky also became dim, and the clouds were thick and low, as if foreshadowing the coming storm.

Thousands of years, for the dark elves, is a long and tragic history. They once prospered, but eventually perished because of the power of ether particles.

Today, the former dark elf warriors have died without a slag left, but the magic of ether particles is that it is not restricted by time and space, and can travel through time and space to bring back the lost life.

Those dark elf warriors who once died began to stand up again under the call of this energy. Their bodies gradually became whole, and the wounds they had once suffered began to heal.

Their eyes shone with determination, as if they had forgotten the pain and sorrow they had once experienced. At this moment, they seemed to have been reborn, and their vitality was revived.

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