Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 571: Destruction of Heaven and Earth

Steve and the others' fighting experience with Raditz gave them a deep understanding of Saiyan's energy attacks.

Therefore, before Tony even shouted, they had already sensed the danger and quickly took action to avoid it. However, the Qigong wave released by Vegeta was too powerful. Even if they avoided it, they were still affected by the indiscriminate energy.

Once the Qigong wave is released, it is like a huge energy ball, rapidly expanding in the air.

Its color quickly changed from an initial light blue to a deep purple, as if it absorbed all the surrounding light, darkening the entire sky. The terrifying energy released by this purple energy ball makes people's hearts palpitate.

According to the law of conservation of energy in physics, the energy released by Qigong waves is actually converted from the high-density energy in Vegeta's body.

When this energy is released to the outside world, they propagate in the form of waves and collide with surrounding air molecules, causing the air molecules to be rapidly heated and expanded, forming a huge vacuum area.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful shock wave centered on the Qigong wave and spread crazily in all directions.

This shock wave is powerful enough to destroy all obstacles.

According to the principle of fluid mechanics, during the propagation process of the shock wave, the air in front will be compressed to form a high-pressure area, and the air in the high-pressure area will quickly spread to the surroundings to form a low-pressure area. This alternation between high and low pressure causes the shock wave to move forward at an alarming speed.

Under the action of the shock wave, all obstacles such as soil, stones, and trees are instantly vaporized.

This is because the energy carried by the shock wave is extremely high, enough to destroy the molecular structure of the substance and convert it into a gaseous state. This gasification phenomenon is called "pyrolysis" in physics and is a natural reaction of substances under high temperature and pressure.

In addition to the gasification of matter, Qigong waves also cause strong geological vibrations.

This is because the energy released by Qigong waves not only acts on the surface of the earth, but also penetrates deep into the underground rock formations. When energy waves impact rock formations, the rock formations will deform due to tremendous pressure, causing earthquakes.

As the geological shaking intensified, the ground seemed to be torn apart by an invisible giant hand, forming huge cracks.

These cracks quickly expanded and eventually converged into a huge rift valley.

The formation of this rift valley is the result of the fracture of the crustal plates under the energy impact of Qigong waves. According to the plate tectonics theory, the earth's crust is composed of multiple plates. When these plates are acted upon by external forces, they will move or break, forming geological phenomena such as rift valleys or mountains.

The edges of the chasm were steep and rugged, as if they had been split by a giant axe. This is because during the formation of rift valleys, the crustal plates experienced violent fractures and dislocations, causing huge changes in the surface morphology.

The entire battlefield seemed to have turned into a purgatory on earth at this moment.

Fires shot into the sky, smoke and dust billowed, and air waves surged into the sky. Fire is produced by the violent reaction between the high-temperature gas released by Qigong waves and the surrounding air; smoke is formed by gasified substances; air waves are the phenomenon produced when shock waves propagate in the air.

There was a loud rumbling sound from the depths of the rift valley, as if it was the roar of the earth. This loud noise is actually the sound wave produced when the geological structure undergoes drastic changes.

When a rift forms, the rocks underground make sounds as they break and shift. These sounds travel through the earth to the surface, causing the loud noises you hear.

Vegeta stood on the edge of the rift valley, his eyes as cold as ice. He looked at everything on America as if he were looking at a tiny toy.

His Qigong wave had just ravaged the land, leaving behind not only the destruction of the enemy, but also a huge rift, like a huge wound, tearing the land deeply.

The edge of the rift valley seemed to have been burnt by fire and was scorched black, while the depths of the rift valley were filled with darkness, as if leading to another world.

This rift is undoubtedly a symbol of Vegeta's power and the deep mark he left in this battle.

Steve could only watch this happen.

His pupils were bursting with shock and anger.

The expressions of his comrades were no better, with fear and despair written all over their faces.

They knew that under this blow, those in the city who had not yet had time to evacuate would have been reduced to nothingness.

They couldn't imagine that the power of the Saiyans was so terrifying, and they couldn't even resist that devastating blow.

"I'm so sorry. Your planet is too fragile and cannot control its power well."

Vegeta said coldly, his tone full of mockery and contempt.

He didn't seem to care about the damage he had just caused, but instead seemed to be admiring his handiwork.

"Well done, Vegeta, destroy them all like this!"

When Nabal saw this, he immediately started shouting excitedly.

He seemed to be infected by Vegeta's power and wanted to follow his example and release his own energy to destroy these nasty guys.

They don't seem to be able to use Qi or attacks like Qigong waves. They even seem to be quite vulnerable to Qi attacks.

Steve took a deep breath and lunged towards Nabal.

His speed was so fast that he almost turned into an afterimage.

His eyes shone with determination, and his heart was filled with determination.


Steve's punch hit Naba's face hard, severely deforming his face.

Naba screamed in pain, then flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

At this moment, Steve's power finally surpassed Naba.

He was no longer the warrior who could only passively defend. He became proactive and began to fight back against the Saiyans.

His heart was full of anger and hatred for the Saiyans. He could no longer let the Saiyans continue to destroy the planet.

He had to stand up and protect the planet and his home.

"Damn it!"


Venom, Eddie and others were also scared. They were newcomers who were pulled into the Illuminati and had never experienced such a scene.

They looked at the Saiyans' destructive power and were filled with fear.

They knew that if the Saiyans were not stopped, the entire America and even the entire earth would be in danger of destruction.

So they also began to take action and began to fight the Saiyans.

Although their power was insignificant compared to the Saiyans, they still stood up bravely.

They knew that if even they gave up, then the planet would be truly doomed.

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