Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 591 The Day the Earth Stood Still

"What should we do next?"

Everyone stood on the devastated battlefield, their hearts filled with worry.

Although they successfully defeated the enemy in front of them, the crisis was not resolved.

The two Saiyans, Raditz and Napa, are still at large and could attack again at any time.

What's more worrying is that they don't know if more Saiyans will come to invade.

How many such warriors are there on the Saiyan home planet? How strong are they? These are the unknowns and their biggest concerns.

Tony thought for a moment, and then slowly said: "I am more inclined to think that there may continue to be a Saiyan invasion."

Although his voice was calm, there was a firmness and determination between the lines.

"The coordinates of our earth have been exposed. In this case, it is impossible for the Saiyans to give up without completely solving us." He continued.

"It's like discovering a gold mine or an oil field. Americans and fungi are unlikely to give up unless they can't defeat it."

His words made everyone fall into deep thought. Indeed, the purpose of the Saiyans is obvious, they are here to invade and conquer.

As long as the coordinates of the earth are still in their control, they may launch another attack at any time.

Thor held the Thunder God's Ax tightly in his hand, with an angry light flashing in his eyes: "It is impossible for the Saiyans to give up. Several of them have died here. We must fight back and cannot continue to passively wait for the Saiyans." People invade!"

His voice was full of strength and determination, clearly ready to fight again.

Captain Marvel also nodded. She agreed with Thor: "We can't just sit back and wait, we must take the initiative."

However, she also raised a key question: "But how are we going to find the Saiyans' home planet? I have been in the universe for so many years and I have never heard of the existence of the Saiyans."

Thor thought for a moment, and then said: "I'm looking for Heimdall. He may be able to find the existence of the Saiyans." Heimdall is the guardian of Asgard. He has the ability to see through the nine realms. He may be able to Find traces of Saiyans through his power.

At this time, Tony spoke solemnly.

His voice echoed in the silent conference room, and every word seemed so heavy: "I have studied the Saiyan spacecraft in depth. Their spacecraft has detailed coordinate information inside."

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused an uproar among everyone.


Captain Marvel Carol and Thor stood up almost at the same time, their eyes shining with determination, as if they saw the dawn of hope.

As long as they have the coordinates, they may be able to find the Saiyans' home planet and eradicate this hidden danger that threatens the earth in one fell swoop.

However, Tony's next words were like a basin of cold water, mercilessly extinguishing the fire of hope in their hearts.

He shook his head slightly, frowning, and the expression on his face was extremely solemn: "But unfortunately, I have not found a galaxy that matches the coordinates on the Saiyan spacecraft among the galaxies we know. Change. In other words, the Saiyans come from a galaxy beyond the scope of our human observation, and their home star may be farther away than we can imagine.”

Tony's words instantly made the atmosphere in the conference room become heavy.

Everyone looked at each other with disappointment and worry in their eyes. If the Saiyans' home planet is really in such a distant galaxy, then they will face unprecedented difficulties and challenges if they want to find and eliminate this threat.

"Perhaps, we can continue to study the Saiyan spacecraft in depth." Tony made a new suggestion, his eyes flashing with determination, "See if we can find some useful information from it, such as their technological level. , combat capabilities, etc. In this way, we can better formulate response strategies.”

This suggestion was approved by everyone. They knew that in order to defeat the Saiyans, they had to understand their strength and technological level. And studying their spacecraft is undoubtedly a good way.

As a result, everyone once again devoted themselves to intense research work. They used advanced technological equipment to conduct a comprehensive scan and analysis of the Saiyan spacecraft. Every detail is ignored, hoping to find some useful clues.

Banner finally regained his freedom, and Green Hulk knew that he had nothing to do next.

They need to quickly restore the earth's environment.

Tony stood on the top floor of Avengers Tower, looking at the distant skyline.

There, the once prosperous city is now devastated and in ruins. His heart was filled with endless grief and anxiety, as if there was an invisible force pressing on his chest, making him almost breathless.

"Jarvis, count the number of casualties on earth this time." Tony's voice was low and firm. He must know how much damage this disaster caused.

Jarvis did not answer immediately, but remained silent for a while, as if collecting and analyzing data.

Tony knew that this was a huge task, because the Saiyans' ravages had affected almost every corner of the earth.

Jarvis started running quickly, and a stream of data and images appeared on its virtual interface. Tony stared at the data, knowing it was going to be a brutal read.

"According to my calculations, the Earth suffered extremely heavy casualties in this disaster. The invasion of the Saiyans and the subsequent rampage of hundreds of Saiyan gorillas led to the direct extinction of more than 50% of the Earth's species. Among them, the number of human deaths is in the hundreds of millions. From cities to villages, from plains to mountains, almost every corner is left with the shadow of death."

Jarvis's voice was calm and objective, but Tony could hear endless sadness from it.

He closed his eyes, as if he could see those innocent lives falling one by one under the attack of the Saiyans, their blood dyed the earth red, and their shouts echoed in the sky.

Tony's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. He originally still had a glimmer of fantasy, hoping that Luther could revive those who died. Although he knew that this sounded a bit absurd and even unrealistic, he couldn't help thinking so at this desperate moment.

However, reality is cruel. Luther did not revive those who died. Tony's fantasy was shattered, and he could only face this cruel reality.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm the grief and anger in his heart. He knew that now was not the time to dwell in grief, they needed to act quickly to restore the Earth's environment and rebuild their homes.

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