Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 604 Keep your word, if you say you will kill his whole family, then kill his whole family.

Luther was a little surprised, but not surprised.

Even if the original Thanos did not show this ability, it was the Time Stone, and that was Thanos.

It is not surprising that the two sides combined to do this.

From the perspective of physics, the ability of the Time Stone involves the deep principles of quantum mechanics.

Quantum mechanics tells us that the passage of time is not fixed, but there are tiny fluctuations and uncertainties.

The Time Stone is likely to use this uncertainty to achieve the control of time in some unknown way.

As a cosmic existence, Thanos' wisdom and power are enough to allow him to understand this deep principle and learn to use it.

He is different from other life forms that have obtained the Time Stone. They may not be able to exert their true power because they cannot understand its deep principles.

But Thanos is different. He has wisdom and insight beyond ordinary people and can see through the mystery.

Taking this opportunity, the current Thanos' consciousness once again communicated with the Power Stone and his Infinity Gauntlet, and then used the operation learned from Luther to tear the space and escape.

Space tearing involves the deep application of space dimension.

In physics, space is a multi-dimensional existence, and tearing space is to break the barriers between these dimensions and achieve a leap from one space to another.

This requires extremely high energy and precise operation, but Thanos did it.

He used the power of the power gem, coupled with a deep understanding of the spatial dimension, to successfully tear the space and escape from Luther's control.

The five generals of the Black Order and the Dark Order were left in place, at a loss.

They had just witnessed an unimaginable battle, but they couldn't understand what was going on.

In their eyes, the battle between Luther and Thanos had exceeded their cognitive scope, and they could only stand there helplessly, watching Thanos escape.

Luther did not continue to pursue Thanos.

He said from the beginning that his goal was not to destroy Thanos, but to deprive him of everything and make him a lonely man.

If you really want to kill Thanos, you don't need to be so troublesome.

Luther was just playing just now. He himself has surpassed the single universe. Playing with Thanos is purely a game within the universe. No matter how much Thanos struggles, it is impossible to affect the outside of the universe.

The power of the Infinity Stones is very strong. Theoretically, each one has the power of a single universe, provided that it can be used to its limit.

But even if it is used to its limit, it is not Luther's opponent.

The power of the Infinity Stones may be able to change most things in the universe, and even affect the balance of the entire universe, but in front of Luther, these are just child's play.

As a being with incomparable knowledge and wisdom, his understanding of the Infinity Stones far exceeds that of Thanos.

He knows how to use the power of these stones, and also knows how to limit and resist these powers.

Thanos developed the use of space dimensions based on the power stone, which is a manifestation of his deeper understanding of the rule of "power".

He estimated that he would not dare to appear in front of Luther if he could not get the space stone next.

Because only by getting the space stone can he limit and target Luther's high-dimensional space manipulation and perception based on what he has just learned and his own understanding.

But at that time, Luther will reveal a new trump card to play with him.

Even if Thanos collects all the Infinity Stones and obtains the power of the multiverse level, it doesn't matter. He will ascend to heaven in one step. The lack of knowledge and wisdom will allow Luther to challenge him and tell him what "knowledge is power" means!

"Your Majesty, how are they going to deal with it?"

When the people of the Galactic Empire saw the battle was over, they all stepped forward to ask.

They witnessed the battle of their emperor with their own eyes and were very excited. Is this the power of his majesty?

As for the Dark Order and the Five Obsidian Generals, they now only have fear and despair.

They know that they have become the victims between Luther and Thanos. They don't know what their future will be like, and can only pray that they can survive this disaster.

"People should keep their words. If you say that you want to make Thanos a lonely man, you must make Thanos a lonely man, annihilate them, and send Boros off."

Luther said calmly.

With Luther's order, the army of the Galactic Empire began to move.

They quickly and orderly launched the annihilation of the Dark Order and the Five Obsidian Generals.

This was a battle without suspense. Under the leadership of Luther, the army of the Galactic Empire showed strong strength and unparalleled combat effectiveness.

Soon, the Dark Order and the Five Obsidian Generals were completely annihilated. Their bodies were thrown into the depths of the universe and became Boros's burial objects.

If Thanos did not get the Time Stone and the Reality Stone, it would be impossible for him to revive the Dark Order and the Black Order.

In other words, he really became a lone man. Even if he could raise a team again, it would be impossible for him to be comparable to the Dark Order that has developed over the years.

The embarrassed Thanos appeared on an uninhabited planet, and his figure looked lonely and desolate.

The overlord who once ruled the universe was now like an abandoned wreckage, lifeless.

He tried his best to use the Power Stone to gather his energy and consciousness again and reshape his body.

However, the previous majesty and domineering power seemed to have disappeared with this heavy injury.

Thanos knows that loss and trauma are not easy to recover from.

Although the Power Stone was powerful and could theoretically repair his wounds, he couldn't.

He does not have this understanding or knowledge.

Everything in the field of consciousness or at the spiritual level can only be understood superficially by Thanos.

He was unable to understand those complex psychic phenomena and consciousness structures, let alone use power gems to repair them.

"Mind gem..."

Thanos murmured softly, a trace of desire flashing in his eyes.

He remembered that among the six Infinity Stones, the Mind Stone had the power to manipulate and shape the mind.

Only the Mind Stone could restore the trauma to his consciousness. Otherwise, he speculated that it would probably take him nearly a thousand years to recover from the damage suffered this time.

This time was undoubtedly a long torture for him.

The Mind Stone is not that easy to find.

So Thanos knew he had to find other ways.

First, he thought of the magicians in the universe.

In many civilizations, magic is regarded as a mysterious force that can affect reality and even change the trajectory of life.

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