Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 611 Achievement

Batman took a deep breath and his eyes became firmer: "Justice is not simple killing and revenge, it requires wisdom and courage. We need to protect those who are weak and keep them from harm. Not like you Same, use violence to solve problems."

Luther snorted disdainfully: "The law of the jungle is the law of nature. This is even more true in a sin-filled place like Gotham City. I'm just doing what I think is right."

Batman was silent for a moment, and then said slowly: "Maybe your approach can achieve some results in the short term, but in the long run, it will only plunge Gotham City into deeper chaos and darkness. What we need is order and Peace, not more violence and hatred."

Luther sneered: "Peace? Order? Those things only exist in your fantasy. In this real world, only the strong can survive."

"Beyond, you need to stop. What you're doing will only make Gotham City worse."

Batman said.

Luther sneered and said, "Who are you to judge me? Do you think you are righteous?"

Batman took a deep breath, and his voice became soft and firm: "I am not a representative of justice, I am just a person trying to maintain order and peace. And you, the Transcendent, you need to find your own bottom line, don't let the power It corrodes your heart.”

"It's no use talking more."

Luther said.

"Why don't you let yourself be cruel?"

Luther stopped responding and walked towards Batman, obviously intending to use violence to solve the problem.

"I don't want to hurt you."

Batman got into a fighting stance, but he didn't want to hurt Luther.

"Again, I don't want to hurt you, so I'll try to keep you whole."

Luther said with a smile.

Just then, Batman suddenly threw several batarangs.

These darts are not ordinary weapons, but his carefully designed tools.

They drew a beautiful arc in the air and flew accurately towards Luther.

Luther smiled contemptuously, and he easily dodged the batarangs.

However, just when he thought he could continue to close in on Batman, the batarangs suddenly exploded with a bang.

Luther immediately felt a strong stimulation, his eyes began to shed tears, and his vision became blurred.

It turns out that these batarangs are filled with tear gas and sleeping gas, which Batman specially prepared to deal with opponents like the Beyonder.

After all, the Beyonder has been in action during this period, and Batman has obtained a lot of information about him.

He began to feel that simple smoke bombs might not be able to limit the transcendent, so he not only modified his smoke bomb darts, but also modified his helmet to filter tear gas smoke and sleeping gas.

The tear gas smoke is actually a tear gas device from one of the women's self-defense weapons, and I have to admit that it is very effective.

Sleeping gas is a material specially prepared by Batman. As long as it is inhaled, even an elephant will be hypnotized in a short time and fall unconscious.

There is no consideration at all whether this will cause damage to the brain nerves.

After all, anesthetics and the like are very dangerous drugs, otherwise there would be no professional anesthesiologist profession.

Now I see that Luther seems to have been hit hard and seriously affected.

Batman is also relieved. His Bat Helmet has been modified to not only filter tear gas smoke and sleep gas, but also allow him to see through the smoke.

At the same time, Batman quickly turned on the sonic device on his arm.

This device is one of the results of his research on Transcendents. It can simulate the effect of shock bombs and release strong sound waves to interfere with the opponent's hearing.

For an opponent like Luther, this is undoubtedly a huge blow.

Strong sound waves impact the auditory nerves of the transcendent.

Batman only launched an attack at this time, but he still used exploratory attacks.

That is, the bat darts that were prepared before will release electric current attacks.

Just after he threw the dart, he saw something seemed to change in the Beyonder's armor.

After the batarang came into contact with his armor, it made a few "dings" and was actually bounced away.

The Batarang that fell to the ground was still shining with electricity, but it was no longer possible to harm the Transcendent.

"Does your armor have other abilities?"

Batman realizes this immediately.

Because of the twisted force field, Batman didn't dare to get close, and planned to use electric current to paralyze the Beyonder's armor first.

As a result, I didn't expect that the Transcendent had other abilities.

"Yes, this is the armor mode of my armor, specifically for the current situation."

Batman saw the Beyonder walking out of the smoke. The surface of the armor was covered with a layer of fine cone-like structures.

At the same time, the head also changed, and something similar to a respirator appeared.

It looks like it's a filter.

Batman immediately realized that his action plan had failed. It was obvious at first glance that this armor mode focused on defense, even including sensory protection of the human body.

He didn't expect that the Transcendent would hide such an ability.

We must escape immediately and make a new battle plan.

Batman has never been ashamed to escape. For him, as long as he can win, it doesn't matter if he wins once or twice.

It's just that he wanted to escape, but Luther wouldn't let him.

Just kidding, beating up Batman is better.

So he used his super speed to grab Batman's leg.

"Don't be in such a hurry to leave, Batman."

Luther grinned, and then used the green version of Hell's Paradise on Batman!

This move also has a more popular name called - Hulk Return.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

Batman was thrown around by Luther, and felt that the thickened armor parts all over his body were broken.

Then it wasn't over yet, Luther lifted him above his head with both hands.

This action made Batman suddenly realize that something was wrong, but he had no ability to resist at all.


With a very loud fracture sound, Batman's waist bent to 90 degrees.


Batman let out an unbearable howl of pain!

Luther achieved the achievement of Brokeback Batman, and from then on, Bane could only copy others.

He was no longer the one who started the history of Batman's broken back.

Batman fell to the ground. He struggled to get up, but his body below his back no longer obeyed his command and control.

"You should retire, senior."

Luther said calmly.

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