Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 613 Batman Fan Club

"It's a miracle, Master Bruce."

Ahfu's voice echoed in the medical room, with deep surprise and emotion.

He stood at the door of the medical room, his eyes locked on Bruce sitting on the bed, as if he wanted to see something different from his face.

Bruce turned his head slightly and looked at Ahfu, with a faint smile in his eyes.

Although his face was still a little pale, his mental state was much better than before, and there was a firm light in his eyes, as if he was ready to set off again.

He shook his head gently and said, "Ahfu, this is not surprising. I have never given up on myself, nor have I ever given up on this city. I believe that as long as I have faith in my heart, I will be able to overcome all difficulties."

Master Bruce has always been a strong and brave man. No matter how great the difficulties and challenges are, he can persist and never retreat.

And now, his injuries have miraculously healed, which has to be said to be God's favor to him.

However, Ahfu's eyes also revealed a trace of worry.

Now, although Bruce's injuries have healed, has he fully recovered? Can he face a powerful enemy like the Beyonder again?

Alfu couldn't help but say, "Master Bruce, the situation in Gotham City is very good now. Because of the Beyonder, criminals dare not act rashly, and the number of cases per day has also dropped significantly. You have just recovered, so you should rest for a while."

Bruce sighed softly after hearing this.

He understood Alfu's worries and concerns, but he also knew his responsibilities and mission. He looked out the window, his eyes revealing firmness and decisiveness.

"Alfu, you know, I am not just the young master of the Wayne family, I am also the Batman of Gotham City. This city needs me, and those innocent people need me. I can't forget my responsibilities because of a moment of comfort."

Alfu looked at Bruce's firm eyes, and although he was worried in his heart, he also knew that he could not stop his determination.

He nodded silently and said, "I understand, Master Bruce. I will always support you, no matter what decision you make."

Afu was silent. He knew Master Bruce's character. Once he made a decision, it would be difficult to change it.

He could only support him silently and hope that he could protect himself.

Bruce got up from the bed and stretched his muscles. He felt that his body had almost recovered. Although he was still a little weak, it was enough for him to face the challenge again.

He put on a black windbreaker and a signature hood, ready to set off again.

He knew that there was still a lot for him to do in this city, and he couldn't stop.

However, when Bruce stood on the streets of Gotham City again, he found that the situation had changed dramatically.

The originally dark and chaotic streets are now well organized, and criminal behavior has almost disappeared. People walking on the streets are filled with long-lost peace of mind and smiles on their faces.

All this is due to the appearance of the Transcendent.

He shocked all criminals with absolute power and cold means, so that they dare not do evil easily again.

His existence has greatly improved the security of Gotham City and made people full of hope for the future.

Batman was a little shaken and doubted whether his behavior was correct when he saw such a scene.

Isn't this what he has always dreamed of?

Now that it appears in front of him, must he destroy it?

However, Bruce knows that all this is not true peace. The means of the Transcendent are too extreme and cruel, and he does not care about the lives and rights of innocent people.

Although his existence temporarily suppressed crime, it also buried greater hidden dangers and crises.

He has seen how the Transcendent treats those criminals, and those cruel punishments and indifferent eyes make Bruce shudder.

He knows that if the Transcendent continues like this, Gotham City will become a darker and more terrifying place.

Therefore, Bruce decided to continue to fight against the Transcendent.

He can't let the future of this city be destroyed in the hands of the Transcendent. He wants to protect this city and those innocent people in his own way.

However, Bruce has experienced the result of rashly dealing with the Transcendent, so he wants to strengthen himself!

Without Batman, Luther encountered many enemies that Batman should encounter.

His absence gave the evil forces hidden in the dark corners of Gotham City an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Those criminals who had been defeated by Batman time and time again, now surfaced like sharks smelling blood. Their purpose is clear, that is, to take advantage of Batman's absence to turn Gotham City upside down.

To put it bluntly, the fans of the Batman fan club want to make trouble.

Then they don't even need to go to Arkham Asylum in Gotham City, Luther just let them lie down and rest.

Unless the Joker generously gives them the Dionysus factor, but it is still a question whether this version of the Joker has the Dionysus factor.

The Gotham River shallows, the night fog is filled, like a layer of veil caressing every inch of land.

The moonlight is looming in the fog, adding a bit of mystery to this quiet river beach.

This tranquility was broken by the appearance of Luther. He did not pass by by chance, but was attracted by the scene in front of him.

A group of wild cats, about a dozen of them, were gathering on the shallows. They were not lying lazily in the sun and napping like ordinary cats, but were busy digging in the sand.

Their movements were unusually consistent, as if driven by some mysterious power.

Luther was not a cat lover. Cats were too difficult to serve, and Luther was not interested.

But he found the plot that matched his memory.

As the wild cats dug, the sand was turned over little by little, and a faint stench gradually spread.

At this moment, the wild cats suddenly stopped their movements. They gathered in a circle and stared at something in the sand.

A female corpse was revealed in the sand!

Her face was pale, her eyes were closed, as if she died in a deep sleep.

Then the wild cats actually began to bite the female corpse's body.

Their movements were crazy and cruel, as if they were venting some emotions.

The female corpse's hands, feet, skin, and even face were bitten by the wild cats.

At this moment, a strange cloud suddenly rolled in, covering the moonlight. The entire shallows instantly fell into darkness.

The wild cats seemed to be summoned by something, half of their bodies disappeared into the darkness, leaving only two cat eyes flashing a faint green light in the darkness.

One wild cat jumped onto the chest of the female corpse, and its head drooped slightly, meeting the female corpse's eyes that were still open.

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