Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 635 Clark

He began to analyze the combat data and characteristics of the Terminator, trying to find its weaknesses.

He turned on a huge display screen, which showed various combat images and data of the Terminator. He carefully observed every detail, trying to find the flaws of the Terminator.

He began to upgrade his armor, hoping to better deal with the Terminator's attacks.

On the other side, after several days of observation, Clark finally found the Terminator.

At this time, Catwoman was with the Terminator, and Clark saw Catwoman's agile figure and cold eyes clearly with his own eyes.

She killed those criminals mercilessly, and every shot was clean and neat, as if she was carrying out some sacred mission. Clark couldn't help but feel a palpitation, he had never seen such a cold and ruthless person.

However, it was this cold and ruthless that made Clark feel an impulse. It was not the impulse to join, but the impulse to stop.

He felt that he could not kill people as lightly as the Terminator and Catwoman, and he could not accept this way of fighting violence with violence.

He knew that he could not change his mind after all. He could not become the guardian of Gotham City like the Terminator. He also didn't want to be a cold-blooded killer like Catwoman.

So, he came to say goodbye.

Clark was silent for a moment, then said: "I can't accept your way. I think killing is not the solution to the problem. I don't want to be like you."

"Really? That's a pity."

Luther really felt it was a pity that his cards were gone.

But it wasn't that bad.

Clark didn't know what to say. He saw that the security in Gotham City had improved, and he also heard from other ordinary citizens of Gotham City how bad Gotham City was before the Terminator appeared.

Even if there was Batman, Batman made Gotham City worse. Because of Batman, a lot of freaks appeared in Gotham City. In the past, Gotham City might only have bank robberies, murders, and gang fights every day, but in actual calculations, Gotham City's crime rate was actually lower than that of New York City.

Until Batman appeared, super criminals and mentally ill people like Scarecrow, Riddler, and Joker began to appear, and they would drag the entire Gotham City together to make big events or something.

It was simply chaos, surpassing the level of chaos in New York City at one point.

The Terminator appeared at this time, ending the darkness and saving Gotham City.

He saw the smiles and sense of security on the faces of the citizens, all of which were brought by the Terminator. He knew that the Terminator was a hero and a guardian for Gotham City.

However, Clark also understood that not all places needed heroes like the Terminator. Some places need a more gentle and kind force, and people who use justice and reason to solve problems.

"Why? Do you think I did something wrong?"

Clark shook his head: "No, you didn't do anything wrong. Gotham City has become safer because of your appearance, and the citizens have lived a more stable life. These are all your credit."

"But I always think that justice should not be maintained by violence and killing."

Clark continued.

"Clark, I understand your thoughts. However, the world is not always so kind and gentle. Some criminals cannot be redeemed, and they will only bring more harm and pain to society. My way may be a bit extreme, but I think it is the most effective way."

Luther said with a smile.

Clark sighed: "Maybe you are right. But I still cannot accept your way. I think we should solve the problem in a more rational and humane way."

Luther nodded: "I understand your position, Clark. Although we cannot reach a consensus, I still respect your choice. Go ahead, I hope you can find your own way."

"Thank you very much for your education and guidance."

Clark nodded gratefully, then turned and left.

The differences between himself and Luther could no longer be bridged, but the respect and understanding between them still existed.

He will continue to move forward and find his own way. He knows that this road may be difficult, but he believes that as long as he persists, he will be able to find his own answer.

"I hope I won't meet Louise."

Luther said, looking at his back.

It can be said that Superman's transformation began with Louise.

At night, the streets of Gotham City were shrouded in a dim street light, adding a bit of mystery to the dark corners of the city.

A group of hooligans, dressed in tattered clothes and with unruly faces, were chasing a graceful girl with a smile on their faces.

The girl was wearing a tight dress and her long hair fluttered in the wind. She kept shuttling between the narrow streets, trying to shake off the annoying flies behind her. Her face was full of anxiety and fear.

At this moment, Luther was patrolling in the air in the Decepticon vertical take-off and landing aircraft that he had repaired after hitting it with a hammer. His eyes were sharp, as if he could penetrate the night and see through everything. He noticed the movement on the street below, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"What a clumsy show."

Luther watched with interest. Although it looked normal, Luther was used to seeing people with his heart, so he knew what was going on.

Talia took action. She really couldn't find the true identity of the Terminator. In desperation, Talia could only use the old-fashioned beauty trap and the hero saving the beauty.

When she saw the flawless white biplane above her head, Talia knew that her plan had succeeded in the first step. The next step was...

But before Talia could prepare.

At this moment, the Decepticon aircraft suddenly changed.

Two black cannons suddenly appeared on the originally flawless white wings.

Luther installed two 7.62mm caliber cannons on the Decepticon, fully charged.

Seeing this scene, Talia couldn't help but take a breath.

Those gangsters naturally saw this scene. After seeing the two cannons, their minds, which were originally full of passion and desire, became sober in an instant.

They screamed in fear and tried to turn around and run away, but it was too late.

Luther did not give them any chance to escape. In fact, even if they turned around and ran, they could not escape the speed of the machine gun.

He pressed the firing button of the machine gun without hesitation.

The two machine guns fired instantly, making a deafening roar.

"Boom boom boom boom——————"

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