Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 680 Photosynthetic Reaction

There are fewer than twenty Kryptonians left, and they may be at risk of genetic problems in their newborns, such as birth abnormalities, genetic defects, and various genetic diseases.

This is because in a very small population, genetic diversity can be limited, leading to genetic drift, which can lead to the loss of certain important gene functions and increase the risk of problems for newborns.

And where populations are sparse, the likelihood of inbreeding is greatly increased.

Inbreeding increases the risk of genetic diseases and genetic defects in offspring because similar gene combinations are more likely to cause adverse genetic effects.

"It's okay, I can help you."

With Luther's ability, it was too easy to repair genetic defects, but he did not take the initiative. Instead, he provided them with a batch of drugs called "gene repair potions."

Once a newborn has a genetic defect, injection of this gene repair agent can directly repair the genetic defect.

This solved the problem of possible genetic defects caused by less than twenty people reproducing a civilized race.

"We want to protect the endangered species in the universe, and this gene repair agent was developed based on this need."

Luther said.

General Zod was shocked after hearing this. Is there such a thing?

"To put it bluntly, it is gene editing technology, such as the CRISPR-Cas9 system, which allows the precise location and modification of DNA sequences. Gene repair agents contain genes that can guide CRISPR-Cas9 or other similar systems to reach and repair specific mutations or defects. instruction."

When Luther explained it, the people of Krypton had a headache. The main reason was that their scientific researchers were not omnipotent. They must not have genetics and genetics researchers. Otherwise, there would be no need to come all the way to find Karl Ai. Alright.

They could extract genes from Kryptonian corpses from other Kryptonian outposts for synthesis and in vitro fertilization.

But they have good brains and can memorize things by rote.

"Agents carry molecules (such as antisense RNA) that inhibit the expression of harmful genes, providing healthy gene replacements to compensate for the function of the defective gene."

"Also, by changing epigenetic marks such as chromatin structure or DNA methylation, agents can affect gene expression, thereby correcting genetic problems without changing the DNA sequence."

"Also, the agents contain ingredients that promote cell regeneration and repair. These ingredients can accelerate the recovery or replacement of damaged cells, thus indirectly solving genetic problems."

"Strengthening the immune system, agents contain ingredients that strengthen an individual's immune system, helping the body fight off diseases caused by genetic defects."

"Precision drug delivery, with a precise drug delivery system, can ensure that repair molecules or genetic instructions accurately reach the target cells or tissues."

"And finally a combination of gene therapy and cell therapy, which combines the advantages of gene therapy (directly modifying DNA) and cell therapy (replacing damaged cells with healthy cells) to more comprehensively address genetic problems."

The Kryptonians don’t know what they have obtained yet, a multi-functional gene repair potion. This is a technology that countless civilizations dream of.

And now Luther gave them a cart like cabbage.

Then they just have to work hard to have a baby.

"That's part of the upfront investment, and these multifunctional gene-repair agents are very expensive."

Luther said to General Zod and the others.

"I understand, Lord Inspector."

General Zod lowered his head and said.

They are soft-mouthed and short-handed in taking advantage of others, not to mention that General Zod feels that they have nothing that Luther can covet. Isn't it just a civilization that has been exterminated, with less than twenty people left?

What is there for others to covet?

Therefore, General Zod became more determined that he must serve Luther.

Luther stood on the deck of the Kryptonian spacecraft, looking at the center of the Terra star system - the dazzling star.

This is a young yellow sun with bright rays. It is larger and younger than the earth's sun. The yellow sun it emits is extremely intense, like a burning flame, shining brightly in the universe.

General Zod and the others have completed modifying the planet's gravity.

However, when he and his men took off their heavy armor and were exposed to the strong sunlight of Terra Star, they felt unprecedented discomfort.

"what happened……"

General Zod's brows furrowed, and there was a hint of confusion and panic in his voice.

He felt as if his senses were infinitely amplified, the sounds around him became extremely clear, and every slight movement seemed to be roaring in his ears.

What's even more incredible is that his eyes seem to be able to see through everything, not just the surface of objects, but also his own flesh and blood, and even the clear bone structure under the flesh and blood of his hands.


Fiora's voice rang in General Zod's ears, and she also felt this strong sensory change.

Her body lost its balance under this intense sensory impact and fell to the ground involuntarily.

Other Kryptonians also felt discomfort. They either covered their ears or closed their eyes tightly in an attempt to reduce this strong sensory stimulation.

According to the setting of the Kryptonians, the gravity of their planet is ten times that of the earth.

In such a gravity environment, the bodies of Kryptonians are fully exercised, and their muscles and bones are harder and stronger than those of Earthlings.

At the same time, their visual, auditory and other perceptual abilities are also extremely sharp, and they can capture subtle changes that ordinary people cannot perceive.

What is even more amazing is that Kryptonians have a special system similar to photosynthesis energy conversion in their bodies. This system can convert external energy into their own power.

Under the red star of Krypton, they can only maintain basic life activities, but under the light of this yellow sun, they can absorb more energy and gain more powerful power.

However, this power is not unlimited. To have superhuman power, Kryptonians need to constantly absorb and store energy.

And the source of this energy is yellow stars like the sun. Under the light of Terra, they felt unprecedented energy fluctuations, but also felt tremendous pressure and challenges.

This is the first time he has witnessed how Kryptonians react so amazingly to sunlight as a bystander.

The sun, the warm and bright energy, falls on the bodies of Kryptonians like a golden ribbon. Their skin, under the sunlight, seemed to be covered with a faint golden glow.

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