Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 683 Kryptonians vs. Universe Emperor Frieza

The bio-force field on the Kryptonians is equivalent to this protection mechanism. This force field is their innate protection mechanism, which can automatically screen and filter out excess stellar energy.

For Kryptonians, this is a vital survival guarantee to ensure that they will not face life threats due to excess energy.

The bio-force field is like their second skin, protecting them from external energy at all times.

When Kryptonians approach a star, their bio-force field will automatically start, like a precise filter, removing harmful substances and excess energy from the energy emitted by the star, leaving only pure energy for them to absorb.

However, in the case of All-Star Superman, we saw a special case.

This powerful Kryptonian warrior encountered the calculation of Baldy Lai when he approached the sun. Baldy Lai is a cunning and powerful enemy who knows the weakness of Kryptonians and cleverly uses this.

He managed to induce All-Star Superman to take the initiative to release his bio-force field, exposing him directly to the energy of the sun.

In this case, his body cannot withstand such a huge energy load, so he will die.

However, this is just an exception.

Under normal circumstances, Kryptonians do not face such a crisis.

Their biological force field is their most solid backing, and they can easily cope with any strong energy shock. Moreover, their cells' ability to absorb and utilize energy is far beyond that of other races.

At the same time, the evolution of Kryptonians is also quietly progressing.

Although their cells have reached saturation, the energy of Terra is too abundant.

This planet is like a huge energy reservoir, continuously providing pure energy to Kryptonians. In this environment, the evolution of Kryptonians also began to accelerate.

Unlike Clark, Clark gradually strengthened his strength through long years and intermittent sun exposure. His process of becoming stronger is stable but relatively slow.

The Kryptonians are different. They are in an environment with sufficient energy and absorb energy every moment. This subtle influence makes their evolution speed far exceed Clark.

Luther stood on the edge of the Kryptonian base, looking at the busy figures of Kryptonians in the distance.

A bold idea was gradually taking shape in his mind. It was an unprecedented plan - to introduce the Kryptonians into Frieza's universe and let them fight a life-and-death battle with the powerful cosmic emperor.

This idea repeatedly circled in Luther's mind. He imagined the upcoming battle. What kind of battle would it be?

Is it a fierce battle with flames rising to the sky, or a contest of wisdom and strength?

With Luther's super brain, this imagination can even be said to predict the future.

He has a huge amount of information and intelligence, which includes not only Frieza's situation, but also the strength and potential of the Kryptonians.

He can play hundreds of millions of possibilities in his brain in real time, and each possibility is like an independent universe, unfolding in his mind.

However, Luther knew that this was just an imagination, and the real battle still needed to be carried out in reality. He longed to see the real scene of this battle, and the feeling of blood boiling made him excited.

It would be too boring to just "watch" the movie in his mind. What he longed for was real excitement and challenge, not empty fantasy.

Anyway, General Zod and his men have been fooled by him. It is not impossible for Luther to tell them to complete the task of annihilating the cosmic emperor Frieza. After all, they don't know that they have gone to other universes. They will only think that they have been teleported to other places in the Milky Way by Luther.

Luther has already determined that they have no ability to observe the Milky Way and have no way to confirm their position and coordinates through his behavior of finding life planets for them.

It is really suitable for fooling.

Of course, in this process, Luther also needs to consider some details.

For example, how to ensure that the Kryptonians don't know that they have been teleported to other universes?

How to ensure that they can quickly adapt to the environment there after arriving in Frieza's universe?

How to ensure that they can exert their greatest strength in battle?

"General Zod."

Luther found General Zod who was busy.

"Master Supervisor."

General Zod immediately replied respectfully.

"Be prepared, there will be a war that you need to fight soon."

Luther said calmly.

Luther planned to let the Kryptonians prepare first, and he couldn't suddenly drag them to fight, otherwise they would probably be unprepared.

General Zod was slightly startled. He didn't expect that they would be needed to provide services so soon.

However, as the leader of the Kryptonians, he naturally understood his responsibilities.

He nodded and said in a deep voice: "We are ready and will obey your orders at any time."

"What kind of enemy is it?"

General Zod asked.

The Kryptonians will naturally not break their promise, otherwise, who knows what price the galactic supervisor will make them pay?

Even if the Kryptonians have awakened their true power, General Zod does not think they can defeat Luther.

"Fighting an enemy who claims to be the emperor of the universe, a war of annihilation."

Luther said in a deep voice.

"There will probably be very powerful enemies, and it may be a fierce battle for you. You are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers, but your strength may create miracles."

Luther thought for a while and said.

General Zod frowned. What does it mean to be very powerful? Are Kryptonians who have awakened their racial talents and gained true power powerful?

"The leader of the enemy is your target this time-the cosmic emperor Frieza."

Luther continued.

"How powerful is he to us?"

General Zod asked in a deep voice.

Luther was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "For me, he can be destroyed with a wave of my hand. But for you, it may not be the case. His power is so strong that it is unimaginable. You must be fully prepared. Otherwise, once a mistake is made, it may lead to the destruction of the entire race."

General Zod's heart sank. He did not expect the consequences of this war to be so serious.

But he knew that now was not the time to hesitate. He must lead the Kryptonians to face this challenge bravely.

"I understand, Lord Supervisor."

General Zod said in a deep voice.

"We will be fully prepared to meet this challenge."

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