Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 687 Parallax Monster

"Is it enough to just say you will be responsible?"

Luther said coldly.

Selina didn't know what to say.

"Changing the perspective, if a stranger did this to you, would you forgive him and stay with him because he said he was responsible?"

Luther asked Selina to put herself in her shoes.

Thalia rubbed her neck that was hurt by Selina. After hearing what Luther said, she didn't know what to say for a moment.

They were indeed acting against Luther's own wishes.

Luther had no problem pointing fingers at them from a moral high point.

Thalia's mentality has changed. Before she succeeded, she just wanted to give birth to a powerful offspring with Luther. Now, Thalia wants more than just a child.

She wanted the father of her child.

"Death, I know this is all my fault, but I love you so much."

Thalia then said to Luther.

"Then after you were fucked like this by another man and he said this to you, you would forgive him, right?"

Luther said coldly.

Thalia was speechless, how could it be possible, she was afraid she would kill that man.

But Talia quickly thought of a solution. As long as she was pregnant with Luther's child, she wouldn't need to worry about this problem. For the sake of the child, Luther would definitely be willing to be with her.

Now the God of Death can't accept this. It's normal. Thalia plans to give Luther time to calm down.

Selina wanted to say something else, but was pulled away by Thalia.

It's not a good thing to continue irritating Luther. It's better to let him calm down.

Luther watched the two people leave.

"By the way, Damian is gone now, right?"

Although Luther would not really let Talia get pregnant with his child, if he really wanted a child, it would definitely be Qilin and the others.

He is just playing now.

Thalia seems to have fallen in love with him, so she probably won't go to charm Batman for another plot.

So Damian's fate has been changed. Unless Batman and Harley Quinn or Poison Ivy give birth to Damian, otherwise, Damian will not be born.

However, anything can happen in the DC Universe, and there is no guarantee on this.

"Thalia, what should we do?"

Selina had no idea for a moment.

Catwoman hasn't grown up yet, and she hasn't had the experiences she had before.

When encountering something like this, I naturally lose my sense of proportion and have no idea what to do.

"Let Death calm down for a while, or wait until we are all pregnant with his child."

Thalia looked at Selina, she originally planned to kill Selina, but now she changed her mind.

"Is this really okay?"

After hearing Thalia's words, Selina said suspiciously, looking at Luther's appearance, it seemed that he did not intend to continue to interact with them.

"Don't worry, as long as you are a responsible man, you will not neglect two unborn children. Also, we are so beautiful, how can he resist?"

Thalia was convincing Selina as well as herself.

Otherwise, can we say that she is not sure?

Selena was a little skeptical, but there was no better way now.

However, Thalia herself soon couldn't hold it any longer, because she found that she had been testing for a while, but there were no results.

Obviously not pregnant.

The same goes for Selena.

You've done it so many times and asked for so many things, but you're not pregnant?

Thalia was puzzled, and then a possibility occurred to her.

Could it be that it is more difficult to conceive a transhuman, or is there already reproductive isolation?

Thalia felt like all her thoughts were gone when she thought about this possibility.

If she wasn't pregnant, how could she be with this cold guy like Death?

Luther was not idle during this time. Thalia and Selina wanted to calm him down, so Luther simply left Gotham City.

Seaside City, this bustling city located under the bright starry sky, is famous for its unique seaside scenery and highly developed technology.

On this land, the future Green Lantern Hal Jordan is quietly cultivating. He wears a green suit and holds an energy ring that emits a dazzling green light. He is an intern in the Green Lantern Corps.

Although he is still just a fledgling young man, he cherishes the dream of protecting the peace of the universe and looks forward to one day becoming a hero in the universe like the legendary Green Lanterns.

However, a twist of fate caused Hal Jordan to encounter an unprecedented enemy at this challenging moment - the Parallax Monster.

Parallax, this name was mentioned countless times in Green Lantern's preschool education. It is one of the most terrifying creatures in the universe, condensed from endless fear.

Its appearance is strange and terrifying, like a demon from the abyss, which is daunting. Its body is made of black material, occasionally flashing yellow light, as if the flame of fear is burning.

The power of Parallax Monster is extremely powerful. It can manipulate the inner fear of creatures, trigger their violent behavior, and then provide itself with a steady stream of energy.

Its appearance undoubtedly brings a huge threat to the universe. And Hal Jordan, the young Green Lantern intern, had to face this powerful enemy.

Hal Jordan felt unprecedented pressure. He knew that he was just a rookie who had just stepped out of the novice village. Facing such a full-level BOSS-like existence, he had almost no chance of winning.

However, he did not back down. Because he knew that as an intern of Green Lantern, he was responsible for protecting the peace of the universe. He could not let the people he loved and the world fall into danger.

Hal Jordan decided to ask for help from Oa Star. Oa Star is the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps, with powerful technology and combat power. However, his request was rejected by Sinestro.

Sinestro is one of the commanders of the Green Lantern Corps, and he knows the horror of Parallax Monster.

He told Hal Jordan that Parallax Monster is a creature born in terror, and any intelligent creature has a terrifying emotion, and conventional means cannot kill it at all. He suggested that Hal Jordan give up resistance and let Parallax Monster leave on its own.

However, Hal Jordan could not accept this suggestion. He knew that if Parallax Monster continued to grow, it would bring disaster to the entire universe.

He could not watch his world and his loved ones fall into danger. So, he decided to stand up and fight against the parallax monster alone.

The reason why Luther appeared was, of course, to build up the image of the Galaxy Supervisor.

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