Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 731: Opposites

After a thrilling adventure, Yoruichi Shifengyuan finally returned to the world with extremely important information.

She brought back not only news about the omniscient God King Luther and the God of Destruction Esdeath, but also everything about the mysterious world of God. This information is undoubtedly a bombshell for Urahara Kisuke.

Urahara Kisuke, once an outstanding genius of the Technology Development Bureau of Seireitei, always maintains a high degree of vigilance and curiosity about unknown things.

When Urahara Kisuke heard Yoruichi tell about how Aizen Sosuke was almost stopped in the Soul Society and even forced to use his Bankai to escape, a glimmer of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Aizen Sosuke has always been a major hidden danger in their hearts. Now that he heard that he encountered such a powerful opponent, Urahara Kisuke couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

However, this relief did not last long.

When Yoruichi mentioned the omniscient God King Luther, Urahara Kisuke frowned.

When faced with unknown things, people often feel fear and uneasiness.

The power of this God King Luther is too powerful, and may even exceed the scope of their understanding.

Urahara Kisuke couldn't help but start thinking, if this God King really came to the world, what kind of disaster would it bring?

Urahara Kisuke knew that the ability of omniscience and omnipotence meant infinite possibilities and endless threats.

Once such power is in the wrong hands, the consequences will be disastrous. Therefore, he was both curious and daunted about the appearance of Luther.

He was worried that the intentions of the God World were unclear, and he was even more worried that God King Luther would use his power to threaten the world.

At the same time, although Kurosaki Ichigo and his companions were also shocked, they were more curious and yearning for the God World.

Kurosaki Ichigo even began to imagine whether he would have the opportunity to visit the God World and explore the unknown area.

However, they were soon sent back to the world.

After all, they were all living people and could not stay in the Soul Society for a long time.

Deep in the Hueco Mundo, in the magnificent building called the Hueco Night Palace, Aizen Sosuke sat quietly on his throne, his eyes deep, as if he could penetrate the barriers of space and reach every corner of Soul Society.

His fingers gently tapped the armrests, making a rhythmic sound, which formed a sharp contrast with the quiet atmosphere around him.

His heart was surging with complex emotions at this moment.

As a self-proclaimed genius, Aizen Sosuke has always been confident in his abilities, believing that no one can match him in terms of wisdom or strength.

However, at this moment, he learned from the spy a shocking news - the omniscient and omnipotent God King Luther.

This name, like a flash of lightning that cut through the night sky,

made Aizen Sosuke's heart surge with an inexplicable fear. He knew that a God King who could predict everything and control everything was undoubtedly a huge threat to him.

He began to doubt whether his abilities and plans could still succeed, and whether it was necessary to continue to implement them.

He carefully studied the intelligence, trying to find some clues and inspirations from it.

He learned that the "God's World" is a mysterious place that only "Gods" can enter, and the rules and order there are completely controlled by the God King Luther.

Every soul that enters the God's World will be issued a "Soul Blade", which not only represents their identity and status, but also the source of their power.

In the God's World, these souls will become "ordinary gods" of the God's World, enjoying extremely high power and status.

And those souls that fail to pass the selection of the God's World will be placed in the periphery of the God's World-Soul City.

Although they cannot obtain the power and status of the God's World, they can still survive and reproduce there and live a relatively free life.

Aizen Sosuke realized that this means that the future Soul Society is likely to be polarized.

On the one hand, there is the Soul King headed by the Soul King, who controls the order and rules of the Soul Society and maintains the stability of the entire world.

On the other hand, there is the God's World ruled by the omniscient and omnipotent God King Luther, who has power and wisdom beyond ordinary people and controls the fate and future of the entire world.

The struggle and contest between these two forces will determine the fate and future of the entire Soul Society.

Aizen Sosuke knows that this struggle will be an unprecedented catastrophe, which will not only affect the creatures of the entire Soul Society, but also affect his plan.

However, what worries him more is the existence of God King Luther. This omniscient and omnipotent God King not only possesses extraordinary power and wisdom, but also can predict everything and control everything.

In front of him, Aizen Sosuke feels like a tiny existence and cannot compete with him at all.

He began to think about how to deal with this situation.

He knew that he could not compete with God King Luther by his own strength.

From the short time of meeting, it was enough for Aizen Sosuke to analyze too many things.

Aizen Sosuke began to realize the complexity and diversity of this new world.

He realized that the power and wisdom he relied on in the past may no longer be applicable in this new era.

He needs to re-examine his abilities and plans to meet the upcoming challenges.

He began to think about how to deal with this omniscient and omnipotent God King Luther. He understood that the existence of this God King would have a huge impact on his own plans and goals.

He couldn't sit back and do nothing, nor could he act rashly. He needed to find a way to protect his own interests and deal with God King Luther.

However, Aizen Sosuke also knew that he didn't have the means and plan to deal with God King Luther at the moment. He knew that he couldn't underestimate the enemy, nor could he be blindly confident.

He needed to study the Hogyoku more deeply to find a way to deal with God King Luther.

Before breaking the limit of the god of death and gaining new power, Aizen Sosuke would not think about how to defeat God King Luther, because that would just be a waste of time and it would be impossible to deal with an enemy that was currently unbeatable.

Luther's so-called soul passing qualification was actually very simple, that is, to eliminate the bad guys. Most souls did not meet this standard, so they could become ordinary gods.

This also led to the fact that the world of gods was very quiet at the beginning, and more than a thousand ordinary gods were filled in in the blink of an eye.

This was because Luther eliminated the part of the soul that had no fighting talent, otherwise there would be more.

Their skills are also very simple, which is "Divine Light". The Divine Flash used by Esdeath is now renamed "Light of the God of Destruction" or "Flash of the God of Destruction".

The Divine Light of ordinary gods is also very powerful because it is mixed with a small amount, trace, or even a tiny amount of destructive power.

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