Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 736: Divine Gate

Under this cramming feeding, the Hollow seemed to be injected with endless life essence, and its growth rate was astonishing. Originally just an ordinary Hollow, it gradually broke through the limit and became a more powerful Achukas in the process of continuous devouring and digestion.

Achukas, this level of Hollow, is already the top existence in the Hueco Mundo. They have higher wisdom, stronger power, and more complex abilities.

However, for Luther, Achukas is far from enough. He pursues a higher realm, Vastod, which can make Hollows reach the peak.

But it is not easy to evolve from Achukas to Vastod. According to the conventional evolution method, Achukas needs to prey on more Hollows of the same level, and through continuous fighting and devouring, it can gradually accumulate strength and finally complete the evolution.

Although this evolution method is long and difficult, every step is stable and solid.

But in fact, there is a faster way, which is to devour the fragments of the Soul King.

The Soul King is the supreme existence in the Soul Society, and its power is so strong that any creature can tremble. If the Soul King fragment can be devoured, the power of the Hollow will make a qualitative leap and directly sublimate into Vastode.

But this road is also full of unknowns and dangers. The power of the Soul King fragment is too strong. If you are not careful, you will be assimilated by it and lose yourself.

This is not impossible. All the Soul King parts have become spirits, such as a single hand, a heart that turns into a human, and the parasitic Mimihachi-sama.

Anyway, Luther thinks this method can be used, but we have to wait until this Hollow evolves to Vastode.

Use the Soul King fragment to help it break through the upper limit of Vastode!

While Luther was busy cultivating Vastode and even the Hollow King, there was new movement in the Soul Society.

Unohana Retsu, the captain of the fourth division, the first generation Kenpachi, has always been known for her gentleness and kindness. However, deep in her heart, she hides a bloodthirsty soul.

Unohana Retsu is proficient in 8,000 ways of slashing people. Her swordsmanship is so exquisite that even Captain Yamamoto would be ashamed of himself.

She lives with the sword and fights for a living, enjoying the pleasure of every slash.

However, as time went by, Unohana Retsu gradually felt an unprecedented fatigue and heaviness.

She once served as the captain of the Fourth Division of the Soul Society, and won the respect of everyone with her excellent medical skills and fighting skills, but even so, she gradually reached her limit.

She found that no matter how hard she tried and how hard she improved, it seemed difficult to cross that invisible boundary.

Just as she was in deep contemplation, a shocking news exploded in her ears like thunder - Kenpachi Zaraki defected from the Soul Society. This news was like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, stirring up layers of ripples.

But what shocked her even more was another news that came afterwards - the omniscient and omnipotent God King came and seemed to have created a brand new world - "God World".

In the "God's World", the soul is no longer bound by the cycle of the three worlds created by the Soul King, and the reincarnation of life and death.

This is a brand new realm, a world full of unknowns and challenges.

For Unohana Retsu, this is undoubtedly a huge temptation and a brand new opportunity. She knows that if she wants to break through her limits, she must make changes, otherwise she will be eliminated by this world.

In the depths of the Soul Society, Unohana Retsu stood alone in her room, the moonlight outside the window sprinkled on her face, reflecting her firm and resolute look.

Her eyes stayed on the badge of the captain of the fourth team hanging on the wall for a long time. That was her identity and responsibility that she once cherished very much, but at this moment, she decided to let go of everything and embark on a brand new path.

Unohana Retsu knew that although her strength was good in the Soul Society, it was still a long way from the real strong.

She longed to become stronger, not for the struggle of power, nor for the prominent reputation, but for the pursuit of the supreme realm.

So, she decided to leave the Soul Society and go to the legendary "God's World" to find a chance to become stronger.

She gently took off the Zanpakuto hanging on her waist. It was her partner for many years and accompanied her through countless battles. She stroked the blade as if saying goodbye to it.

Then, she put the Zanpakuto and the feather on the table and turned to leave the room.

When Unohana Retsu walked out of the gate of the Soul Society, she did not look back or say goodbye to anyone.

She knew that her decision might disappoint and puzzle many people, but she was ready to meet the challenges of the future.

When Captain Yamamoto learned of Unohana Retsu's departure, he was silent for a long time.

He knew that Unohana Retsu's departure was undoubtedly a huge loss for the Soul Society.

But he also understood that Unohana Retsu went there in pursuit of stronger power. This was her choice and her destiny. He could not stop her, and could only silently wish her a safe journey.

At this moment, Unohana Retsu has already stepped into the territory of the "God's World".

She looked at the towering God's Gate in front of her. She knew that only by passing through the God's Gate could she truly enter the God's World and meet the strong and masters there.

She came to the God's Gate, which was a huge portal that flashed with mysterious light.

It is said that only those with qualified souls can enter the God's World through this portal.

Unohana Retsu is full of confidence in her soul. She believes that her soul is strong enough to pass through this portal.

However, the test of the God's Gate is not that simple.

It is very idealistic and depends on Luther's judgment.

Luther's strong thinking strength can calculate the trajectory of all microscopic particles in the entire universe in one second.

So he can also read soul information and telepathically sense the other party's spiritual information.

Then select according to preferences, all of which is infinitely shorter than a moment, close to time stopping.

When Unohana Retsu walked to the God's Gate, Luther looked at her curiously.

"Is this woman chasing Kenpachi Zaraki, or is she here for power?"

Luther guessed secretly in his heart.

Unohana Retsu is full of confidence that she can pass through the God's Gate.

She believes that her strength and will can allow her to successfully pass the test of the God's Gate.

She asked the souls around her about the information about the "God's World", and then thanked her and resolutely walked towards the God's Gate.

Those souls showed surprised expressions when they saw Unohana Retsu walking towards the God's Gate.

They tried to kindly persuade Unohana Retsu not to try rashly, as many souls had been bounced away by the divine gate, but Unohana Retsu simply smiled, expressed his gratitude, and continued on his way.

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