Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 76 Super Gene Rewriting Function

How the void controller should be built has been shown in the original plot.

Luther only needed an idea, coupled with the biological engine and the power of the galaxy that had unlocked most of the permissions, to successfully create his own void controller.

However, Luther did not add it to himself, but created a void warrior.

This void warrior has the Galactic Force super gene and a void controller.

As for the functional program of the void controller, Luther developed an additional anti-void ability. Because it is the power of the galaxy, the anti-void ability is activated. If it is a sub-biological engine, then the additional anti-void ability is activated.

Additional intermediate definition substance, intermediate concept rewriter, intermediate spiritual strike, intermediate void radiation strike, and intermediate gene rewriting function.

The Void Controller has many and complex abilities. As long as your imagination is big enough, you can play in all kinds of strange ways.

If there is a gene attack function, there will naturally be a gene rewriting function, but the attack is more direct than rewriting. This was demonstrated by the Void Warrior who fought against Angel Burning Heart, rewriting the super gene of the De Star Gun and the super gene of Angel Burning Heart. .

Then he asked this void warrior to cooperate with him to define his own super gene.

The results were gratifying. Luther's guess was correct. The intermediate definition substance and the intermediate gene rewriting function had strengthened his Doomsday gene, Kryptonian gene, and Broly gene!

"This is the most useful thing to me in the world of super seminary."

Luther can feel that he has become more powerful, and his Doomsday biomass computer has also been affected, and it has been upgraded to a quasi-fourth generation, or it has embarked on a completely different path to a fourth-generation divine body.

The biological fourth-generation divine body, more of an animal body?

The genetic defects of the Kryptonians have also been modified. Luther previously speculated that his Kryptonian genes were likely to be military-type, and redundant emotional elements such as fear were deleted. The genes were all adjusted to a type suitable for combat. Now it is based on the genes. Go back to the source and repair the deleted gene segments.

At the same time, hundreds of millions of mutations are carried out in one second, the directions and possibilities of countless mutations are calculated, and super genes are rewritten.

"The genes of Doomsday... so many gene fragments were directly deleted. That's right. After all, it is just a preventive measure. It is impossible for monsters like the ancient Doomsday to appear. That would not be a preventive measure, but a device to destroy the universe. "

Luther saw that the most severely missing Doomsday could no longer be rewritten and had reached its limit.

Unless he can create a more powerful void engine to rewrite the super gene!

Then he destroyed the void warrior and asked the other party to analyze his super gene so that he could better rewrite his super gene. After the rewriting was completed, Luther would naturally not leave the void warrior behind.

"However, the most confidential way is to become a void warrior myself...but there may be something wrong with the power of the galaxy."

The last level of authority was extremely difficult to unlock, so Luther thought about letting it go for the time being.

Anyway, he already knows how to make a void controller. The only thing left is to get the void particles, analyze the void particles, and create a high-frequency void engine. By then, he should be able to completely rewrite his own super gene.

A general void engine is created by collecting the void matter residue produced by ancient civilizations bombarding black holes. It can subvert the conservation of energy and modify the laws of physics, but it can only partially rewrite it, and it still cannot bypass the conservation of mass.

Specifically, the Void Warrior and Howl modify the composition of the air to make people disappear directly, define energy, rewrite blockade genes, and the most powerful ones include directly enhancing the energy itself to strengthen the attack power, and directly breaking the large cross shield.

"My men should be equipped with void engines and god-killing power. Liu Chuang's god-killing ax seems to be the best god-killing weapon. It can explode stars. Ge Xiaolun's void sword cannot be missed. It may be a more advanced void engine... …”

Luther thought.

The Void Engine also has high and low levels. For example, the Styx version of the Void Engine and the Angel version of the biological engine are most likely to be the advanced version of the Styx version of the Void Engine. After all, Death God Karl has been studying it for so long, and Holy Kesha and Tianji King Hexi followed behind. Research.

The Kamigawa version of the void engine from the Kamigawa Civilization Super Seminary definitely has merits. Even if it is still made of void matter, the technology is probably much better than that of Death God Carl and the Angels.

It's just that Ge Xiaolun doesn't know how to use it, and the material used to install this engine is too poor. It's just a dark alloy material, and it was broken by Hua Ye all of a sudden.

Super Seminary has so many good things, no wonder it attracts so many people.

Luther didn't spend too much time analyzing the super gene of the God of War. The power of the galaxy was unlocked by his super brain, let alone the super gene of a pure god of war?

Even now that Luther's super gene has been upgraded and evolved again, the super brain has become stronger again. It can no longer observe the dark plane and dark energy without its own biomass computer system, and can drive large enough to explode at will. The dark energy of a star.

The benefits of brain evolution to Kryptonians are much greater than imagined.


"Void radiation also has a mutation effect on the genes of Kryptonians. Is it still a very obvious mutation? I don't know if it is an effect similar to blue sunlight or the effect of multiple celestial radiation experienced by Super Kryptonian Hale?"

Luther did not adopt this mutation for the sake of stability and did not want to become a monster, and planned to study it again when he had time.

So he came to Super Seminary again.

Liu Chuang and Ge Xiaolun were suffering in the so-called "training".

They were not taught how to use their genetic abilities, but were bombarded with artillery shells, missiles, and tens of thousands of meters of long-distance running.

In the original plot, Luther wanted to complain about the meaning of this kind of physical training for them?

Those who run tens of thousands of meters every day, transfer to the Giant Canyon and swim tens of thousands of meters every day.

It would be better to teach them how to drive dark energy. The great god of war of No Star can't even use his own god-killing power. It was not until the late stage that he developed a big axe energy strike.

Shaking his head, Luther went straight to his goal and got Ge Xiaolun's void sword first.

Well, he also made a sub-biological engine version of the void sword to replace Ge Xiaolun's sword. They probably won't notice this.

Liu Chuang's black cutter was also replaced by Luther.

Luther, who got two ultimate weapons, easily completed the analysis.

"The Black Cutter is indeed powerful. The dark energy is activated and transformed into the power to kill gods. It can easily destroy the divine body and decompose the super gene... Although it is a little behind, it has no strong radiation like the solar flare bombardment."

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