Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 81 Blow up the black hole again

The experiment failed without a doubt.

Luther was not interested in the void matter, and when it was collected by the God of Death Carl, Luther ignored it.

"What went wrong?"

Luther began to review his black hole explosion experiment.

He even reproduced the settings he saw at the beginning word for word.

Then Luther really found something different.

"Use tens of thousands of large stars to cool the edge of the black hole, and then let the divine body approach the black hole, react chemically with the black hole matter at the black hole, and extract a considerable amount of black hole matter."

"It took only about less than 10 million years to study the black hole matter, and all the stars were almost burned out, and then a huge explosion occurred, shattering the black hole. The black hole matter was cast again at super high temperature, so a lot of super matter was produced."

Luther realized that the problem might be in these two sentences.

"Cooling... the reaction of the divine body with the black hole... the explosion... the super high temperature casting..."

Luther was thoughtful.

"No, the black hole experiment during the Super Seminary period of Shenhe Civilization is different from the black hole experiment that Pan Zhen and Death God Carl cooperated with later. What Pan Zhen said was to blow up the black hole... to obtain five void particles."

"Explosion, super high temperature, recast black hole matter... that should be the case."

Luther immediately realized this. The energy of gas conversion is too strong. He used the Big Bang mode. It is estimated that most of the black hole matter has been destroyed, and the remaining is not enough to be recast into void particles under the action of super high temperature.

In short, the energy level of gas is too strong.

He needs to lower the energy level of gas and try again.

"Then try again."

Luther found a black hole in another galaxy.

It must be said that the very convenient point of the Super Seminary Universe is that as long as it can be calculated, it can directly use the wormhole to go to the destination.

Of course, it is undoubtedly very difficult to solve the existence of Luther's level. Only Luther's super brain can complete instantaneous solution and transportation without the assistance of the Great Worm Bridge Station.

"Qi, it would be most appropriate to transform it into a solar flare or a supernova explosion."

The temperature of the Big Bang is too high and the power is too strong to destroy elementary particles.

Qi is indeed a very strong energy. Luther speculates that only the energy in the super beast armed forces and the energy of the Saint Seiya's small universe can be compared with it.

This transformation is just a simulation, and it cannot make Luther self-sufficient, just like the Saiyans cannot directly simulate Qi into the light waves they need to turn into gorillas. They have to create a light ball first before they can absorb the light waves and turn into giant apes.

"Super solar flare bombardment!"

Luther has accumulated terrifying energy. After being bombarded by high-energy particles and destroyed by the black hole explosion, Luther's current combat power has exceeded 100 million. He can become stronger even if he stands and takes a beating. It can only be said that he is too strong now.

This time, the high-energy star energy that Luther played was detected again by the super god civilization, and then with the preparations from the last time, they reacted very quickly this time.

The god of death Carl immediately asked the big clock to detect the situation of the black hole, and the holy Kesha also stopped the process of going to the blue star to detect the data of the black hole.

The terrifying black hole explosion destroyed countless planets within light years. The Moss Galaxy did not have a large range of impact because the black hole was very small, and the Moss Galaxy was equivalent to hundreds of solar systems.

But this black hole was hundreds of times more massive than the black hole in the Moss Galaxy, and its terrifying gravity was enough to distort everything, tear them into quarks, and arrange them neatly.

When such a terrifying mass of black hole was exploded, the power generated evaporated thousands of planets, and then the stars were also impacted and shattered.

The ejected material flow destroyed the entire galaxy. According to the theory of relativity, when huge mass/energy is concentrated in a very small area, gravity will play an increasingly prominent role.

A mountain weighs hundreds of millions of tons, and the gravity it produces on us is almost negligible;

But for a behemoth like the Earth... falling more than 10 meters to the surface of the Earth may cause you to break bones or even die... If the sun is compressed so that the entire mass of the sun is concentrated in an area with a radius of 3km, then the gravity of this thing is enough to prevent light from escaping.

This is a black hole.

When interstellar matter falls into a black hole, it will emit much stronger light - so when a black hole that cannot let out light "eats", it will become the brightest celestial body!

The way to destroy a black hole is to inject matter to increase its gravity.

The pressure on the core will then increase and become more intense.

The reaction of the core will weaken to the point where it cannot produce enough radiation pressure to counteract gravity, and then collapse will occur.

At this time, both the core and the shell will collapse rapidly. The black hole itself is a singularity. It can increase its mass by accreting matter, and it can also emit matter outward to reduce its mass. As evaporation intensifies, mass is lost quickly, and the temperature will rise rapidly. As the temperature rises faster, mass loss will be even more severe. This process will evolve in a crazy way, and eventually the black hole will be destroyed, ending in a violent explosion, and all particles will be pardoned (for giant black holes, the process of emitting particles is very slow, equivalent to evaporation; while for micro black holes, the process of emitting particles is very rapid, equivalent to an explosion).

At this point, any object around the black hole cannot escape this explosion that can rival the brightness of the entire galaxy and is destroyed instantly.

Now, the matter inside the black hole gushes out, forming a torrent of matter with a diameter of hundreds of thousands of kilometers. These black hole materials carry a terrifying high temperature of tens of millions of degrees. All liquids and gases are completely dissipated, and all solids appear dark red, like carbon in a stove when grilling.

The expansion speed of gravitational force is also the speed of light, so it is almost synchronous. The huge gravitational lock of the broken black hole captures everything in a large range.

There is nothing that can escape from this gravitational effect of the speed of light.

Countless particles spread at a sub-light speed close to the speed of light, bombarding everything, and the light particles visible to the naked eye are each of astonishingly large mass.

There is no matter that can be called formed, all of which are light particles visible to the naked eye, or microscopic particles that are invisible to humans.

They all focus on the terrifying energy and mass that is enough to shatter the planet.

"It's spectacular."

Luther faced this terrifying scene and blew a breath.

Frozen breath!

Also called super breath!

Superman once froze and blew out a star in one breath.

It is a very powerful force, and it is no less powerful when used by Luther.

High-energy particles and high-energy radiation cooled down instantly, and the high-energy particles with a temperature of tens of thousands of degrees were only tens of thousands of degrees, and even their sub-light speed was reduced a lot.

Then Luther noticed that a unique particle state appeared among the microscopic particles and high-energy particles!

"Void particles?"

Luther grabbed the particles.

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