Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 85 Discovery

On the Juxia, the men of the Xiongbing Company were training.

"I heard that the Alliance of Haters in Beautiful Country is gone!"

Xin Zhao brought up this recently hotly discussed topic.

"What? Why is the League of Haters gone?"

Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang and Cheng Yaowen were all very curious and puzzled. Isn't the Haters Alliance just like them, all super soldiers?

Thor, the god of thunder, is a civilization's super gene, and he also comes with his own super weapon, Thor's hammer, which is said to be very powerful.

"Of course it was the devil who did it. Some survivors broke the news on the Internet that the Haters Alliance was having a meeting at that time, and then suddenly a devil appeared. It was invulnerable and cut a super soldier of the Haters Alliance with one knife. There was also a saying that he didn't know where he came from. Bullets flying out of nowhere will hit your head directly!"

Xin Zhao said excitedly.

The mutant demons of the demon civilization naturally used wormhole technology to break into the Haters Alliance. These mutant demons are all original demon super genes. They are not as difficult to solve as the demon warriors, but they are indeed very powerful.

After all, the mutant demons that Morgana could like all had special skills, such as being able to spit out super powerful fireballs.

There are also ones that can release lightning, and there is even a perverted demon with three heads that can spit fireballs from one head, lightning from another head, and cold air from the other head.

Morgana was ecstatic, this was equivalent to picking up a powerful third-generation warrior for nothing.

However, these are all those who are favored, and those who are not favored are deformed demons mutated by nuclear radiation. They are a little stronger than the little devils, but their strength is limited and they can only be used as cannon fodder.

But even cannon fodder cannot be stopped by humans. This can be seen from Fraser's little devil. The barbarian king took the tribe's best sword and slashed it with one sword. The sword broke and the man collapsed. As a result, the little devil was unscathed.

This kind of defense can only be broken by using a machine gun, or by continuously shooting with a rifle to break through the defense cumulatively.

The key is that their strength is not small. A slap can send the barbarian king flying far away. This strength can even shake a tank at least.

"Then the alliance of haters will collapse instantly?"

Ge Xiaolun felt hairy all over after hearing this.

"It collapsed in an instant. Now no one dares to take the lead. There is nothing left to deal with the devil. No one dares to organize. If anyone dares to organize a speech, they will be sniped. It is useless to hide anywhere. It is too scary."

Xin Zhao nodded.

"Then it won't be our turn. Can we deal with it?"

"I don't know. Foreign countries are in dire straits, and people like Xiao Baga, Xiao Xiba, Xiao Fake and others have come to seek refuge. I heard that they recently asked us to be humanitarian and cede a piece of land to them."

"Bah, they have a good idea. According to me, we should drive them all back."

"I think so, but the people above said that if we don't save them, we will start a war on our own territory. It's better to start a war in other people's homes than in our own, right?"

They were discussing.

The clouds suddenly rolled in.

The Deno-3 system on the Grand Canyon also detected dark energy reactions.

"Alert, alert, there is unknown energy in the sky above the Grand Canyon. All units are asked to enter a state of combat readiness. All units are requested to enter a state of combat readiness."

The Xiongbing Company looked confused, but the soldiers and weapons on the Juxia were already in action.

"Let the clouds roll up, Queen Keisha is here!"

Angel Leng said to his sister arrogantly.

In fact, the effect of controlling the clouds does not require so many angels.

Holy Kesha acquiesces to this behavior of her subordinates. After all, this is a must for God. The theocratic order created by Holy Kesha herself, if she does not abide by it, that will be a problem.

"What's going on!"

"Don't mess up!"

"You have already experienced war, why are you making trouble!"

"Act quickly!"

Dukao walked directly to the deck and scolded the men of the Xiongbing Company.

Ge Xiaolun and the others also took action immediately.

Then, the person behind the big commotion finally appeared.

A huge cross slowly descended, and a blond beauty sat on the throne on the cross. Then, each of them held a sharp sword, and the swords were drawn. The heroic female angels followed and landed, with red skirts fluttering, but the atmosphere at the scene made it impossible for them to do anything. Do you have any special thoughts?

Angel warriors also fell on the Juxia, but they were barely able to walk on the ground, and they seemed to have a special feeling.

The huge noise of the arrival of Holy Kesha attracted the attention of the gods of war and warriors in the supreme heaven.

They can't be blind.

"Is this angel civilization?"

Because they are the super genes of the Noxian God of War, these Kryptonian Gods of War are somewhat similar to Liu Chuang, but only a little bit similar. Their temperament and other things will not make people think that they are Liu Chuang.

At most, I feel that every one of them is a real man, a fierce man, and a mighty one.

"According to the information we read about the dark plane of the known universe, it is true that they are the angel civilization, and the one at the head is the king of the angel civilization, Holy Kesha, the most powerful god in the known universe."

Another war god followed.

At this moment, Holy Kesha looked towards the direction of the Supreme Heaven.

She originally wanted to say hello to the people on the Grand Canyon, after all, she was here with a dating team.

The super genes and future male gods of the Giant Gorge were basically predetermined by the angel civilization. According to the data matching of the Holy Knowledge Treasury, they all had paired angels.

Perhaps only Angel Leng didn't have any, because Angel Leng didn't have any concept in this regard.

She was full of second thoughts, and she didn't know how long it would take for her to realize that these were all her dark histories.

However, Holy Kesha felt that someone was reading her dark plane information. The Holy Knowledge Treasury competed with the other party, but it turned out that it was not the opponent of the other party!

Of course, this was also the result of Holy Kesha not going all out, and most of the computing power of the Holy Knowledge Treasury had not been used.

But it was enough to surprise Holy Kesha.

"Kryptonian civilization?"

Holy Kesha's actions attracted the attention of the angels.

"Queen Kesha, what's wrong?"

Angel Yan bowed and asked.

"Kryptonian civilization is paying attention to us."

Holy Kesha said.


Angel Yan and the angels around her immediately looked around, but they found nothing.

"Can't the Eye of Insight see it?"

Angel Yan and the others naturally did not doubt their queen's words, but they felt that their dark energy analyzer could not see the other party.

Krypton civilization actually has such technology?

"General, they seem to have discovered us."

The Supreme Heaven also realized this.

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