Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 855: The Son of Sparta Kills the Pope

Finally, after a fierce collision, the two stopped attacking at the same time. They looked at each other with respect for their opponents and desire to win.

Dante was the first to break the silence: "Not bad, kid. You are much stronger than I thought."

Nero replied: "I haven't lost yet! Come again!"

"Sorry, that's it for today."

Dante felt someone else approaching, so he jumped and smashed the ceiling.


Nero fired at his figure, but missed Dante with a single shot.

Then Dante turned back to the pit.

"See you next time."

Nero didn't fire because he was out of bullets.

Without using magic power to generate bullets, his blue rose quickly consumed all the ammunition.

"How does it feel?"

A voice suddenly startled Nero.

After turning around and finding it was Luther, Nero breathed a sigh of relief.

"How about what?"

He heard Luther's words.

"We met a powerful opponent."

Luther said with a smile.

"...very strong."

Nero thought for a moment and said, Dante was so invulnerable that he felt that even if he had to do it again, even if he fought for a day, he would not be able to defeat Dante.

The difference is too obvious, so obvious that it can be seen.

"His name is Dante Sparda, the son of Sparda whom this island worships."

Luther said to Nero.

"Him? Why?"

Nero was shocked. This news was really shocking to him. Since he was the son of Sparta, why did he kill someone?

"Look at the bodies on the ground."

Luther signaled to Nero, who looked at the corpses of the Knights of the Demonic Sword Order on the ground and found that they had turned into demons without knowing when.

"How come?"

Nero's pupils shrank and he realized something.

"There is something wrong with the Demonic Sword Order."

Luther said.

"Maybe they were doing something shady in secret, and then they were discovered by Dante. Dante is a demon hunter, and he will only take action on things related to demons."

Luther continued.


Nero thought of Credo. A man as upright as Credo would not be able to do such a thing.

"No matter what, I don't plan to leave so soon. I will investigate what the Demon Sword Order is doing behind the scenes."

Luther said with his hands crossed.

"...That's it."

Nero wanted to say something else, but Ji Liye had already appeared holding a long box.


Ji Liye breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Nero was safe.

"Ji Liye."

Nero rushed to greet him.

"This is your weapon. The Order has repaired it."

Jilie handed the long box to Nero.

"Crimson Queen?"

Nero was pleasantly surprised and quickly opened the box, and it turned out to be the Crimson Queen, his favorite weapon.

He then wanted to return the Demon Sword Apophis to Luther. He would then investigate the problem of the Demon Sword Order, and he needed weapons.

As a result, when I turned around, I found that Luther was gone.

This made Nero feel worried about gain and loss, and he didn't know what to say.

But he was soon attracted by the Crimson Queen.

"Have the enemies left?"

Ji Liye asked, looking around cautiously.


Nero nodded. After learning about Dante's situation from his father, Nero knew that Dante was not a bad person.

Instead, the problem might be the Demon Sword Order. He planned to tell Credo about it and see if Credo could find out these problems.

After the incident, Credo was not idle. He immediately took the Pope to resurrect him through the death ceremony.

Agnus, the chief scientific researcher, sneered at Credo.

Credo had no reaction to this, and he didn't care about Agnas' words.

Back at the scene, Nero told him that someone in the Demon Sword Order might be conducting demonic experiments, which shocked Credo.

Then he noticed the magic sword Apophis behind Nero.

"What's going on with this sword?"

The magic sword Apophis is no ordinary sword, so it will naturally attract Credo's attention.

"This is the magic sword Apophis. It was given to me by... a friend."

Nero didn't say it was his father.

Credo stared at the magic sword Apophis, wondering if he could use this magic sword to summon demons.

But in the end, he gave up. After all, the relationship between Nero and him could be said to be as close as brothers, and the relationship with Ji Liye was not simple either.

They can be said to be a family, and Credo will naturally not put his thoughts on Nero.

The original work was also helpless because Agnus discovered that Nero was of Spartan blood.

With Credo's character, if he found out first, he would definitely help Nero hide it.

"What friend?"

Credo knew that Nero was rebellious but obedient and worried that he had made bad friends.

"How is the Pope?"

Nero avoided talking and changed the subject.

He was so blunt that Credo knew he didn't want to say anything.

"The Pope is fine, just a little injured."

Credo stopped pursuing the matter and nodded.

"Be careful about what I say, Credo."

Nero continued.

"I understand, I will investigate clearly."

Credo didn't know how to explain it for a moment.

Before Nero joined the order, Credo had already accepted the order's return ceremony and could transform into the angel Credo, although the so-called "angelization" actually turned into a seemingly holy demon.

Later, Nero joined, and he personally taught Nero swordsmanship and valued Nero's fighting ability.

He had planned to promote Nero, but was troubled by Nero's frequent disobedience and arbitrary actions.

He also thought about letting Nero undergo the ceremony of death, but he didn't know that Nero himself had demonic power.

Now that Nero has discovered this, Credo has no choice but to issue a mission and let Nero hunt down Dante.

When Nero knew Dante's identity, he naturally told Credo that Dante was the son of Sparta.

"How do you know this?"

Credo realized something was wrong.

"It' friend told me."

Nero looked around and said what he said.

"We still don't know the specific circumstances of this matter. We can't believe one side of the story. In short, you should hunt down the man in red first."

Credo said vaguely.

He felt that he needed to find out who Nero's friend was.

"I see."

What Nero was thinking about was to find Dante and ask him to come back and explain the matter clearly. As the son of Sparta, was he afraid that no one in the Demon Sword Order would listen to him?

When the time comes and the matter is explained clearly, the matter can be resolved, and Credo will be out of danger.

Also, my father plans to investigate the Demonic Sword Order, but I don’t know how he plans to investigate.

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