Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 861: Rebellious Teenager

Nero has to save Gillie now. She is very important to Nero. It is not just because her parents have done Nero a favor and raised Nero. Nero loves her as a pure woman.

Nero did not tell her about this. Nero has never been sure of his own thoughts. Will it make her feel disgusted that someone like Nero has such feelings for her?

But before saving her, Nero has to sort out his feelings. For some reason, seeing the tragic ending of his former comrades, Nero made up his mind.

"Don't worry... I will save Gillie... I will also kill those who turned you into this."

Nero said, and the man who used to be Tonio seemed to smile at Nero.

They must also want to protect her, so they want to get power. And Nero is just lucky.

"So, at least in that world, cheer for Nero..."

Nero smiled and walked out of the room.

There is no other way. Nero can't destroy the cage to let them escape in this form, and Nero doesn't know how to make them recover. Thinking of this, Nero still felt that he was incompetent.

But Nero must rescue Gillie, Nero should have this power, Nero said to himself, and stepped onto the stairs connecting to the bottom floor.


The Savior is a giant weapon that symbolizes that the cult will guide the world to become a blissful force.

The principle of sealing the magic power in the artificial shell and driving it is the same as that of the White Angel.

But the White Angel uses the shell extracted from a single demon, and then wraps the demon's soul as a power source, while the structure of the Savior is more complicated, and compared to the White Angel, which is a mass-produced weapon, the Savior must be a unique existence.

For this reason, Agnes cultivated various demon cells on the Savior's shell, which not only has high strength, ductility and regeneration ability, but also has a very superior speed of magic conduction.

In addition, it also has an internal combustion device called the Demon Heart Furnace, which the White Angel does not have. Like the human heart, it continuously transports the magic power extracted from millions of demons to every corner of the Savior's huge body.

It is because of its superior shell and internal combustion device that the Savior is huge but still agile, and its overwhelming power can be called the strongest weapon.

The construction of the Savior is the culmination of Agnus's research and can be called the highest masterpiece. However, Agnus also realized its imperfections.

No matter how much magic power is filled in the magic heart furnace, the amount dispersed everywhere is still not enough. The current situation is that it can be driven and will never lose to ordinary demons.

However, in theory, it is far from exerting its maximum strength. This is also attributed to the fact that the Savior is too large, and millions of demons are still a drop in the bucket. Therefore, Agnus once gave up perfecting the Savior.

At that time, Gloria appeared, and she brought the magic sword Sparta that Agnus had longed for to the cult.

This was the favorite sword of the magic swordsman Sparta who defeated the devil, and it was also a symbol of his magic power. If magic power is extracted from the magic sword Sparta, it can provide the Savior with twelve points of magic power.

Agnas thought so, but there was still a problem. The magic sword Sparta did have so much magic power that it was almost terrifying. The problem was that only Sparta himself could fully guide this magic power.

The savior was originally created by the cult to replace the missing magic swordsman Sparta, but to complete it, it was necessary to find the magic swordsman Sparta, which was putting the cart before the horse.

However, Pope Sankodos, who received Agnas' report, said without hesitation:

"Then can Sparta's son do it?"

There is no doubt that Sparta's son does exist in the world. He once sealed the demon king who attempted to revive again, and since then, he has continued to hunt demons in various places.

The cult has been monitoring him. When they knew of his existence, some cult cadres proposed to invite him to Fortuna to worship him as a living god, but after a period of secret monitoring, this voice gradually disappeared.

Because he is too much like a human, running an office in a run-down town, likes to listen to rock music, drinks red wine and eats pizza in broad daylight, and he not only uses swords, but also other weapons such as guns, which greatly deviates from the teachings of the cult.

He is the son of Sparta-Dante.

But he did inherit the bloodline of Sparta. If it were him, he would be able to guide the magic hidden in the magic sword Sparta with a power infinitely close to Sparta.

From that day on, the cult modified the plan with the premise of capturing Dante as the core of the savior, all for the world of God. Now, the plan has been modified again and finally reached the final stage.

Dante is too difficult for the cult. It is almost nonsense to capture him and then trap him in the body of the savior.

But even if it doesn't work, it has to be done.

Now Dante has come to Fortuna, this is the best opportunity!

With the Yama Sword taken away by Luther and Agnes becoming Luther's subordinate, no one knows that Nero is a descendant of Sparta.

After Credo led the team to find Dante, he was defeated by Dante.

After all, Dante's strength is now much stronger than that of the Demon Emperor Mendes, and Credo is really no match for Dante.

This made Pope Seentes very distressed, so that Nero's troubles were nothing to him.

He couldn't lose Credo, his trusted general.

The most he can do is let Credo discipline Nero so that he doesn't go to places he shouldn't go or know things he shouldn't know.

Credo is helpless. He is now caught between the two ends and is very embarrassed.

But he went to warn Nero anyway.

This also led to Nero's rebellion like breaking up with Credo.

He told Credo about the tragedy he saw, but Credo told him not to continue investigating?


What are you kidding!

Nero, who had a fight with Credo, ran to the street.

He is very confused now.


Luther showed up just in time.


When Nero saw Luther's appearance, he suddenly felt as if he had someone to rely on.

Just now he felt that the world was vast and he had nowhere to go. Although he could go to Ji Liye, Nero was in confusion now and didn't know what to do.

"Where have you been?"

Nero asked.

"Went to the Order's headquarters."

Luther said.

"Then did you see anything?"

Nero suddenly asked excitedly.

"I've seen a lot of people turn into demons."

Luther said.

"What are you going to do?"

Nero wanted answers from Luther.

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