Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 870 Stealing Dante's Business

Since Luther has seen Nero and Dante, he will naturally not let them go.

The identical replica appeared in the Galactic Empire and became the adopted son of His Majesty the Emperor of the Galactic Empire.

In other words, Nero and Dante are now of the same generation.

In the memories of the two, there is also a brother, Virgil, but he is temporarily sent to perform a mission.

The reason for adopting him as an adopted son is, of course, because Luther thinks it is fun.

In the future, there may be other candidates for the adopted son, such as Sephiroth.

The personalities of the replicas of Dante and Nero are also restored one to one. After all, if you only copy the appearance but not the personality, what's the point?

It can even be said that this kind of copying is directly reproduced by Luther from the groove mold of the "Devil May Cry World".

They are the isotopes of Dante and Nero in different worlds.

For such things, the whole Galactic Empire, including No. 18 and Esdeath, do not know the truth. Their memories have been rewritten by Luther.

Otherwise, they may reveal flaws when facing Dante and Nero.

And Luther is still waiting for Virgil to appear.

He has fun things waiting for Virgil.

But it is not easy to wait for Virgil to appear. The original plot is that he will appear in more than six years or so.

Luther basks in the sun every day, like an old man, and lives a retired life in advance.

"I say, as the leader of the Magic Sword Cult, are you a little too leisurely?"

Nero saw his father like this and couldn't help complaining.

"The people under my command are too capable, so I am idle."

Luther said lazily.

In the land of Fortuna, demons still appear from time to time.

But they were all found in the Mitis Forest or the deep mountains of Lamina, and no demons have ever appeared in the city.

This is all because the current Magic Sword Cult handles it well enough.

Recently, the number of demons has decreased significantly, and even if they appear, they are far away from this undeveloped forest.

It can be said that the Magic Sword Cult has completed its mission very well.

At this time, Nero knew that his father was a potion master. He used the potion to restore Credo and others to normal.

It is better to abolish the ritual of returning to heaven, which is a behavior of coveting demonic power. Luther, a powerful swordsman, taught them to fight.

Very powerful, Luther is very proficient in how to make human power reach its limit and defeat the strong with the weak.

And Luther is very fond of science.

After all, there will be a person named Nicole coming later, the daughter of Agnes.

It is that if the news is not widely reported now, I don’t know if Nicole can come.

Her full name is Nicoletta Goldstein.

She is a skilled craftsman and inventor, and is also Nero’s helper and partner in his career as a demon hunter. She inherited her father’s crazy personality as a genius scientist, although she hates her father.

In addition, her grandmother is Nelle Goldstein in the official novel of "Devil May Cry 1", an excellent gun maker. Dante’s ebony and white ivory were designed by Nelle herself.

Agnes abandoned her and her mother Alyssa and returned to Fortuna Island when she was two or three years old because of an order from Pope Sanctus, so Nicole hated her father.

Alyssa later died of illness, and she has been taken care of by her adoptive father Rock Goldstein since then.

Due to her biological father, the adult Nicole tried to enter her father's hometown Fortuna to learn the truth about the destruction of the cult.

If there was no news report from that reporter, Nicole would have a great chance to come, but the uncertainty was too great.

So Luther thought of another way, which was to let the Demon Sword Cult rob the business of demon hunters all over the world!

At that time, the famous Demon Sword Cult would definitely attract attention.

In this seemingly calm but undercurrent world, a new force is quietly rising, challenging the existing order in an unprecedented manner - that is the Demon Sword Cult led by Luther.

It undoubtedly dropped a bombshell in the demon hunter world.

Many people scoffed at this, but more people began to pay attention quietly, trying to spy on the true strength of this emerging force.

Nero was impressed by his father's superb swordsmanship. Since childhood, in his heart, Credo was an unrivaled swordsman. Every swing of his sword was as elegant and deadly as art.

However, when Nero witnessed the duel between Luther and Credo, his worldview was completely overturned.

Luther told him what it meant to be someone better than you.

Credo became a toddler in front of Luther.

"Your backhand is weak, your forehand is not good, your steps are loose, your reactions are slow, and none of your movements are decent."

Luther held the sword with one hand, his steps were light, as if every step was stepping on an invisible melody, while Credo held the Durandal sword tightly with both hands, and tried his best, but still couldn't resist Luther's surging attack like a tide.

Luther's swordsmanship was fast and accurate. Each strike landed precisely on Credo's weak points, neutralizing his attacks one by one and turning defense into offense, forcing Credo to retreat again and again, and finally falling to the ground in embarrassment.


Jilie's voice penetrated the noise of the battlefield. She looked at Credo nervously, her eyes full of worry.

Credo forced a smile and responded in a firm voice: "Don't worry about me, Jillie. This is just a test on my road to growth."

He struggled to stand up, and although his body was shaking with pain, the light in his eyes was brighter.

For him, it was a good thing that his swordsmanship could improve, especially when Luther told them that when his demon blood was still very weak, he had killed hundreds of demons with a sword alone.

It was this extraordinary swordsmanship that was relied on.

"It is the most glorious thing to defeat the demon with a mortal body."

Luther said calmly.

Credo no longer had the power brought by the Return to Heaven Ceremony, but he felt that he was now stronger than before.


Credo respected Luther very much. Whether it was the other party's identity as an elder, the status of the leader, or his strength and teaching, Credo respected Luther very much.

"It's my turn!"

At this moment, Nero could no longer suppress his excitement. He could not wait to grab the Scarlet Queen and rushed towards Luther like a cheetah ready to attack.

The hilt of the Scarlet Queen rotated in his hand, and the device that was supposed to spray propellant now spit out a blazing flame.

The device that was supposed to spray propellant now spit out flames and can continuously charge at the same time.

When the charge reached the maximum value, Nero wielded the Scarlet Queen.

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