Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 877 Oh my god, Nero hit my dad!

This is an extremely dangerous task that requires someone to go deep into the core area of ​​the Demonic Tree, but it is also their only hope at the moment.

"I'll go there myself!"

Nero stood up resolutely, his eyes full of determination and determination.

As captain, he must shoulder this responsibility and lead the team to victory.

Under the cover of the vice-captain and other members, Nero headed towards the roots of the magic tree alone.

In the dark and twisted underground world, Nero walked on a rugged road made of decayed branches and twisted rocks. Every step was accompanied by an unstable creaking sound under his feet. It was the ancient forest telling the vicissitudes of the years and the demonic world. fear.

All around, the roars and whispers of demons intertwined into an ominous symphony. They were either hiding in the shadows and peeping, or they appeared openly, trying to block the progress of this brave warrior.

"...Oh my God, this smells like this."

Nero looked around and complained softly.

"The smell of garbage..."

Nero murmured to himself again. This was not only a disgust for the surrounding environment, but also a deep understanding of the nature of the demon world.

This pungent smell, like the smell of rotten flesh mixed with despair, chilled people's hearts, but it also inspired an even fiercer fighting spirit deep inside him.

He knew that only by passing through this filthy land could he face the devil who was trying to subvert the world.

As the soul-shaking roar that seemed to tear apart the soul suddenly sounded, the surrounding space seemed to be distorted by an invisible force. The earth trembled, dust flew, and a suffocating sense of oppression filled the air.

This power originates from the resurrection of an ancient and powerful existence under the abyss - the Demon King. It not only awakens the sleeping fear, but also heralds the coming of a new catastrophe.

Nero gritted his teeth, although there was fear in his heart, but more of it was anticipation and excitement for the upcoming battle.

When Luther assigned them the task, he said that the devil was resurrected, but he didn't know what kind of devil it was. Nero volunteered to take over the task, but he didn't expect the task to be so dangerous.

"The Demon King must be a very powerful demon, right?"

Nero thought to himself, this unknown made him both nervous and excited.

He is eager to compete with such a strong man to prove his strength, and he also hopes to take this opportunity to completely eliminate this existence that threatens the world.

For him, the past battles were just a warm-up, and the real challenge had just begun.

After a long journey and battle, Nero finally arrived at the root of the Demon Tree. A towering throne built of twisted roots and vines sat on top of which sat a huge and ferocious humanoid monster - Demon King Yurizon. .

His body was tightly wrapped in dense tree root-like tentacles, as if he were a monster growing from the depths of the earth. Those tentacles were like black cloaks, slowly swaying behind him, adding a bit of mystery and terror to him.

Urizen's head was covered by a thick layer of tree roots, revealing only four shining eyes. They were like deep black holes in the universe, capable of swallowing up all light and hope.

His big mouth revealed sharp fangs, which seemed to be able to easily tear steel; and his claws were like sharp blades, flashing with cold light, ready to deliver a fatal blow to the enemy at any time.

What's even more shocking is that Urizen's arms are covered with red blood vessels, squirming like living creatures, and the at least eleven blue-lighting round holes on his body are actually his extra eyes. It flashes constantly, monitoring all the movements around it.

The blood that constantly flows from the throne is the source of his strength and the witness to the loss of countless innocent lives.

"Are you the devil?"

Nero looked at the other person and said.

"Being born a useless human... you will regret it. You will see the most terrible nightmare. I will give you despair and death."

Demon King Yuri once said on the throne.

The power of the devil comes from human blood. The blood of countless humans is transformed into magic power through the Evil Tree of Reverse Kabbalah, and is continuously supplied to Yurizon on the throne through the vines. It is in this way that Yuri, who has not long been separated from his true body, He quickly accumulated huge power.

Fighting broke out immediately.

Urizen's power originated from the Evil Tree of Reverse Kabala. The blood of countless humans gathered into magic power and was continuously fed to him through the vines.

This allows him to hardly move during the battle. He can control everything just by sitting on the throne.

The floating red crystal in front of him is a transformation of the Yama Demon Sword, which can automatically block attacks for its master. Without breaking through this shield, Yurizeng's body cannot be touched, but the crystal will suddenly stretch out countless The spikes deal massive damage to unsuspecting challengers.

As Nero pressed closer and closer, Yurizen finally ceased to be just a verbal threat and began to show his true strength.

The moves derived from other demons in Red Tomb City became more powerful and deadly in Urizen's hands.

Artemis's laser bullets are like the light of death, cutting through the darkness and pointing directly at Nero; Goliath's fireballs are like falling meteorites, carrying destructive power; Geryon's time deceleration barrier makes Nero feel as if he is actually in the world In another world, time becomes slow and heavy.

He also has his own unique attack methods.

He can summon blue pillars of fire from the ground to trap the enemy in a sea of ​​fire; he can also release powerful shock waves to knock the enemy far away; even more terrifying, he can manipulate those root-like tentacles to pierce the enemy's body like a living thing, bringing endless pain and despair.

The third generation of the Scarlet Queen, this sword that has accompanied him through countless battles, is now firmly held in his hand, and the tip of the sword is deeply inserted into the ground, as if announcing the arrival of the challenger to this cursed land.

As Nero's low spell sounded, the sword of the Scarlet Queen began to tremble violently, and streams of hot red flames gushed out from the blade, accompanied by a low roar, drawing gorgeous trajectories in the night sky.

"Taste this!" Nero roared, his muscles tensed, like an arrow about to leave the string, suddenly bursting out at an astonishing speed, rushing straight towards the Demon King.

His movements were swift and powerful, and every jump and every swing of the sword contained enough power to shake the mountains. The Crimson Queen seemed to have life in his hands, spinning and swinging with his movements, releasing the power of destruction.

However, the Demon King did not panic.

On the contrary, it sneered, and the red crystals surrounding it acted like a shield, easily blocking Nero's fierce attack.

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