Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 889 Welcome to the BOSS team!

The sword light became more dazzling, almost impossible to look at directly. It was a wonderful scene that combined good and evil, light and darkness.

As Luther's sword power increased, the original simple counterattack gradually evolved into an irresistible torrent, dissolving Virgil's offensive one by one and pushing it back.

Wherever the lightsaber passed, the air seemed to be cut in half, leaving visible cracks, which were traces of space being torn apart by force, which was palpitating.

Virgil's face changed slightly. He felt the horror of Luther's magic sword. It was an unprecedented challenge.

"Dimension Slash!"

Facing such a powerful opponent, Virgil's heart was turbulent, but his face became calmer.

In such a duel, any panic could be fatal.

The Yama Sword seemed to come alive in his hands. Every swing was accompanied by the distortion and folding of space. Those seemingly chaotic trajectories actually implied the most profound laws in the universe.

His attacks were no longer limited to the material level, but directly acted on the essence of space, trying to break Luther's seemingly impeccable defense.

However, Luther seemed to be born to restrain this kind of power.

His lightsaber could not only absorb and counterattack physical attacks while dancing, but also distort and guide the flow of magic power to a certain extent.

When Virgil's magic attack came, a series of magic vortices that were difficult to detect with the naked eye would suddenly form around Luther's lightsaber, swallowing up these attacks one by one and converting them into part of his own energy.

This made Virgil's every effort like hitting cotton, not only unable to cause damage, but also constantly consuming his own strength.

Luther's lightsaber constantly devoured Virgil's attacks, and the absorbed magic power did not disappear, but merged with the power in the lightsaber in a subtle way, making the lightsaber more powerful.

Every counterattack was like a surging wave, pressing towards Virgil with an unstoppable momentum.

The two men's fight in the air became more and more intense, and every collision was accompanied by a deafening roar and the terrifying sight of space being torn apart.

The interweaving of light and darkness, the collision of good and evil, formed a shocking picture under this sky. The surrounding air seemed to be ignited, releasing blazing light and powerful energy fluctuations.

After a particularly fierce confrontation, Luther finally found Virgil's fatal weakness.

He used the devouring power of the lightsaber not only to absorb physical attacks, but also to accurately capture and guide the flow of Virgil's magic.

At that moment, he seemed to have turned into the most sensitive hunter in the universe, accurately capturing the tiny flaws in Virgil's magic flow, and using this as an opportunity to launch a fatal blow.

Luther's figure suddenly rose up, like a meteor streaking through the night sky, and the lightsaber turned into a dazzling light, going straight to Virgil's heart. Although Virgil had tried his best to resist, his defense was still powerless in the face of Luther's full-strength attack that combined the power of light and darkness, good and evil.

The lightsaber penetrated his defense and hit his vitals accurately. At that moment, time seemed to have really frozen, and the whole world trembled.

"It's over, Virgil!"

Luther snatched the Yama Sword from Virgil's hand.

Virgil fell from the sky to the ground.

Dante and Nero, who had been ready to help, did not expect Luther to solve Virgil by himself, and it looked so easy.

The gap in strength is too big!

Dante thought that no matter how strong Luther was, he could not be stronger than Virgil. The two of them joined forces to take down Virgil.

But now, it is obvious that Luther's strength far exceeds that of the two brothers.

Virgil looked at the two unwillingly.

"How can I fall here!"

This sentence is not only Virgil's inner cry, but also his final defense of the dignity of life.

All of this made it impossible for him to accept that he would disappear silently in this nameless land.

However, reality is cruel. Virgil felt that his strength was fading rapidly, like the tide receding, and it was irreversible.

His consciousness began to blur, and his eyelids seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, and every time he opened them, he had to exhaust all his strength.

Pain, the companion that once made him more resilient, seemed to become distant and vague at this moment, replaced by an unprecedented emptiness and tranquility.

"Am I going to die?"

This thought hovered in Virgil's mind, with a trace of unwillingness and helplessness.

He looked at the gradually darkening sky, his heart filled with fear of the unknown and nostalgia for life. At this moment, a sudden light broke through the darkness, like the first ray of sunlight at dawn, illuminating Virgil's world.

The light was so dazzling that Virgil had to close his eyes, but even so, the warmth and hope penetrated his eyelids and reached his heart.

Then, a magnificent voice sounded in his ears, as if it came from the sky, and it seemed to echo in the depths of his soul.

"Do you want to live?"

This sentence was simple and direct, but it was like a powerful force that instantly awakened Virgil's strongest desire to survive.

He answered without hesitation: "Yes!"

Then, he fell into darkness completely.

I don't know how long it took.

Virgil slowly opened his eyes, and the world in front of him seemed to be gently wrapped in a layer of soft and dazzling light, which was in sharp contrast to the all-devouring darkness before.

"Oh, this newcomer is of good quality and wakes up very quickly."


His vision gradually became clearer, and the surroundings were no longer the familiar wreckage of the battlefield, but a space full of unknown and strange atmosphere. There was an indescribable wave of energy in the air that was both awe-inspiring and inexplicably reassuring.

He struggled to sit up and found that he was lying on a platform made of an unknown material. This material was neither metal nor wood. It felt warm and elastic to the touch, as if it could automatically adjust the temperature to suit the comfort of the human body.

Surrounding the platform are walls made of the same material. They emit a faint fluorescent light, illuminating the entire space brightly without dazzling the eyes.

"Where is this?"

Virgil finally spoke, and although his voice was slightly hoarse, it was full of doubts and determination. He looked around, trying to find any clues from what he saw.

"As you can see, this is the stronghold of the BOSS team, a place that transcends the boundaries of life and death and gathers countless strong men and legends."

The man who originally spoke smiled and explained.

"The moment you 'died', you made a choice and answered that voice, so you got the chance to be reborn and became one of us."

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