Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 891 Exploring the World

Luther saw that Virgil had been fooled and felt satisfied.

In fact, it doesn't matter if Virgil isn't fooled, it's all true anyway.

In order to have fun, Luther made a main god space by himself.

Of course, there will definitely be characters he knows i in this main god space.

For example, Tony Stark, Batman, Thor, etc. are all very good.

King Frieza and Son Goku can also be considered to be thrown in.

And any character you see in the future may not be able to escape.

Dante and Nero looked at Vergil's body, unaware that he had gone to another world.

Although it is true to say so.

Dante was used to Vergil's death. Even so, he was still a little sad, but he didn't show it.

He doesn't want others to know his weakness.

Even if he is sad, Dante will only hide it in his heart.

"Sorry, Dante, I can't keep my hand."

Luther said to Dante.

"It's none of your business, it's his own choice."

Dante shook his head. Of course he couldn't blame Luther. If it hadn't been for Luther, he might have been the one who died.

He was only sure that he and Virgil would both suffer losses.

The result now is actually better.

But Dante left next, leaving the mess here to Luther and the Magic Sword Order.

Nero looked at Dante's back. He knew that Dante must be sad now, otherwise, Dante would not have left without saying a word.

Luther has finished basking in the sunshine of the Devil May Cry world and plans to leave a phantom here.

As for his identity, of course he focuses on Virgil's days in the BOSS team.

Main God Space, BOSS Team!

Virgil stood there, staring deeply at the door of time and space that suddenly appeared, with complicated emotions surging in his heart.

This door not only connects the unknown world and tasks, but also seems to reveal an invisible pressure and rules.

There was a subtle sense of tension in the air, but there was also a tacit calmness in this tension, as if they had long been accustomed to such scenes, accustomed to the daily life of wandering on the edge of life and death.

"You mean, those bosses who are unwilling to obey or are too arrogant have been eliminated by the Lord God?"

Virgil's voice was low and strong, as he tried to capture more information from Wesker's words. He realized that behind this seemingly relaxed team was the Lord God's ruthless screening mechanism.

Wesker nodded, with a complicated smile on his lips. The smile contained both helplessness about the cruel facts of the past and a deep understanding of the current situation.

"That's right, the main god space is never a greenhouse. It is more like a survival game with no end point. Everyone and every BOSS is a player in it. The reason why we can still stand here is because we have learned How to survive under the rules and how to remain humble and cooperative in an environment full of strong people.”

At this point, Wesker's eyes became profound. He slowly turned around, looked around at everyone in the room, and continued: "Remember, here, strength is important, but wisdom, strategy, and most importantly, The most important thing - team spirit is the key to how far you can go. The reason why we are called the 'loving BOSS team' is not only because of our superficial harmony, but also because we know deeply that in the world, When facing the endless challenges of the Lord God, only by uniting can we have a chance to survive.”

Virgil was not surprised why Wesker seemed to be the talker.

Because Boros is not interested in this kind of thing, let alone Alex. His whole person exudes the aura that no strangers should enter. He is very dangerous and very powerful.

More importantly, he is really not human.

People are just walking viruses.

As for Wesker, at least he can talk.

Virgil and the others entered the light gate.

Then the next moment, they found themselves in a completely unfamiliar environment.

The main god's mark also appears with task information at this time.

"Explore the current world!"

But Luther was already one step ahead of them and knew what this world was.


Although this world is not an advanced dimension in the traditional sense, it conceals power and legends that can shock the soul. Especially the existence of the Otsutsuki clan fully interprets the word "extraordinary".

Otsutsuki Shibaju is the most dazzling existence on this boundary. He seems to have crossed the boundary of the single universe and entered a broader dimension.

Otsutsuki Shibaju, this name echoes in the universe, like a god in the creation myth. He has an almost miraculous ability - manifestation.

This ability allows him to directly transform every thought and imagination in his mind into a part of the real world.

Whether it is the fall of stars, the churning of the sea, or the birth and death of life, everything can be made possible under his will. This kind of power is something that few even the ancestors of the Otsutsuki clan can match.

What's even more amazing is that Otsutsuki Shibaju's power is not static.

As he continues to devour the chakra fruits containing cosmic energy, his control over the real world becomes stronger and stronger, and he can even affect the basic laws of the universe.

Every swallowing is a subtle adjustment to the order of the universe, bringing him one step closer to the supreme "God" realm.

In addition to the ability to materialize, Otsutsuki Shibai also possesses an amazing eye technique. These eyes can penetrate the mist of time, allowing him to observe every corner of the universe in real time, and even look back to the past and witness those historical events that have already happened.

This ability is undoubtedly the key to mastering the secrets of the universe for the Otsutsuki clan.

However, even such a powerful eye technique has its limitations - it cannot peek into the world before Shibai was born, as if it was a forbidden land that even gods cannot reach.

In the Otsutsuki clan, the strength is often closely related to the purity of the bloodline and the results of personal cultivation. Although the outside world often regards the Otsutsuki clan as an invincible existence, in fact, there are significant differences in strength within them.

Isshiki, as a leader in the clan, is famous for his powerful strength and unfathomable means. However, above him, there is an even more powerful existence - Kaguya who took the chakra fruit.

Before obtaining this power, Kaguya was able to severely injure Isshiki with her own strength, which shows how terrifying she is.

In comparison, Momoshiki, Urashiki, and Kinshiki, who are about to descend, are more representative of the average level of the Otsutsuki clan.

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