Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 910 Nagato: Shiro has become stronger.

Of course, Nagato also knew that even if Virgil had already explained his purpose, Nagato would not listen.

Because Nagato was at a time when his self-confidence was inflated and he felt that he was a god.

Not to mention that after merging with Shiro Zetsu, Nagato was strengthened. If you asked Nagato to answer Virgil's questions honestly, wouldn't he become stronger for nothing?

Now after being severely beaten by Virgil, he actually felt a sense of powerlessness and fear that he had never experienced before.

This fear does not stem from the threat to his life, but from the shake of his own belief - is he really as close to the realm of a god as he thinks?

At this moment, Konan used her unique ninjutsu ability to turn into pieces of paper and fly in, re-forming around Nagato.

Her appearance made Nagato even more angry and worried. He was worried that he would not be able to protect her from this powerful enemy.

"Xiao Nan, you shouldn't come here! It's too dangerous here!"

Nagato was very angry. He was already in such danger, and if Konan came running over, wouldn't it be even more dangerous?

After all, he was not sure about protecting Xiaonan's safety in front of Virgil.

"Don't worry, I have no interest in your lives. I just want to know what I want. What I'm interested in is the truth behind this world."

Virgil doesn't care about anyone who doesn't block his way. He will kill people only if they block his way.

"Our Akatsuki organization is here to bring real peace to this world full of pain."

Nagato's voice was slightly trembling, but still firm.

"By collecting tailed beasts, we plan to create a powerful weapon to deter major countries and avoid endless wars and killings."

Nagato naturally did not dare to neglect, and he did not feel that his purpose needed to be kept secret.

So he told Virgil.

On the other side, Uchiha Obito and Black Zetsu were deeply worried. Obito's heart was filled with unwillingness and anger. He could not accept that he could not defeat even an outsider.

Black Jue, on the other hand, was full of curiosity and wariness about Virgil's identity and purpose. He has lived for so many years and has seen countless strange people and strange things, but he has never seen a being as mysterious and unpredictable as Virgil.

"what to do?"

Black Zetsu asked Uchiha Obito. It can be said that Vergil's strength was beyond their imagination. Even Nagato, who was combined with White Zetsu, was defeated.

Obito pondered for a moment, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

"We can't sit back and wait, we must find a way to deal with it. Vergil's strength is far beyond our imagination, but we also have our advantages. Members of the Akatsuki organization have their own specialties. If we can join forces, we may be able to find a way to defeat him."

Uchiha Obito said angrily that he himself was no match for Vergil. Unexpectedly, Nagato was no match for Vergil either. In addition, Vergil's time and space ninjutsu was too restrained for him.

This made Uchiha Obito dare not act rashly.

If he jumped out, he would probably be hacked to death by Virgil.

Black Zetsu was even more at a loss. He didn't know where Vergil came from. He had lived in the ninja world for so many years, and he asked himself that even the Sage of Six Paths didn't understand the ninja world as well as he did.

In order to resurrect his mother, he traveled to many places in the ninja world and arranged countless games. He had been controlling the chakra reincarnation of the two sons of Sage of Six Paths for so many years in an attempt to create the Samsara Eye.

But he had never seen a guy like Vergil, and he didn't look like someone from the ninja world at all.

It's like it came out of nowhere.

It has lived for so long and has seen countless strong men and conspiracies, but it has never seen a being like Vergil who is completely outside the rules of the ninja world.

Virgil listened to what Nagato said, but the progress bar did not move forward until he finished listening.

It's like I'm stuck here.


Virgil said to Nagato.

"I've finished."

Nagato was startled, he had finished talking about the terror plan of the Akatsuki organization.

"That's all?"

Virgil was a little dissatisfied.


Nagato was secretly on guard, worried that Virgil, who couldn't get the answer, would take action against them.

However, Virgil was used to searching for clues and not finding things, so he did not continue to attack. Instead, his figure gradually blurred, as if blending into the void, leaving only Nagato, Konan, and Obito and Kuro hiding in the dark. Jue, looking at each other.

Virgil's figure was like a ghost in the night, quietly crossing the boundaries of space, and instantly appeared in front of Uchiha Obito and Black Zetsu. The sense of oppression made the air seem to solidify.

"What is your relationship with the Akatsuki organization? And why are you hiding here?"

Virgil's eyes wandered between Uchiha Obito and Black Zetsu, and finally settled on Black Zetsu's figure that revealed an unusual aura.

"What do you know?"

Virgil asked as he looked at the two of them, and Black Zetsu noticed that Virgil's eyes were on him.

Because Uchiha Obito Virgil had already seen it, the progress bar didn't even go up. However, the moment he saw Black Zetsu, the progress bar started to go up.

I don’t know what this thing is, but it looks very important.

"Virgil, we didn't mean to hide it, it's just that... the Akatsuki organization's plan is complex and dangerous. Once leaked, the entire ninja world will fall into chaos."

Uchiha Obito's voice was slightly trembling due to nervousness. He tried to stabilize the other party with words while looking for opportunities to escape.

He protected Black Zetsu in front of him.

Black Zetsu looked at Uchiha Obito with disdain hiding behind him.

"But my purpose is not whether your plan succeeds or not, but to find out the truth behind all this."

"Tell me everything you know, otherwise, die."

Virgil said very straightforwardly.

"Virgil, the truth you said may be too heavy for this world."

Uchiha Obito's voice was low and heavy. He knew what kind of storm would be triggered once the true face of the Akatsuki organization was revealed.

"But since you have traced it so far, I will no longer hide it. The Akatsuki organization is a group composed of defectors from various ninja villages. Their real goal is to collect the nine tailed beasts scattered in the ninja world and use the Moon Eye Project to display the infinite moon reading to the whole world. That is an ancient and crazy dream, trying to erase all the pain and disputes through the power of dreams and create a beautiful peace without war."

Virgil frowned when he heard this. He did not agree with this kind of peace at the expense of the truth. It was just a false peace.

He stared at Uchiha Obito coldly, waiting for his next words, especially the part about Black Zetsu.

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