Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 916: The Poisonous Village

The establishment of the Poison Village quickly caused a sensation in the Land of Waves and even the entire ninja world.

The residents of the island talked about it, and they were curious about the emergence of the Poison Village and had a bit of awe.

The name of the Poison Village itself is full of temptation and danger.

It is said that its founder was a poison master who was once a legendary ninja world. Because he was tired of endless fighting and betrayal, he chose to establish his own ideal country in this desolate land.

Not only are there many masters who are good at using poison, but there are also many unknown secrets and forbidden techniques.

The outskirts of the village are densely covered with natural barriers woven by highly poisonous plants. Even the bravest explorers need to think twice before acting.

As night falls, the taverns in the Land of Waves are brightly lit and bustling. The bartenders are busy wiping their glasses while vividly telling all kinds of strange stories about the Poison Village.

Some say that the ninjas there can manipulate the toxins of nature and turn them into deadly weapons; others say that there are ancient medical books and antidote formulas hidden deep in the Poison Village that can cure all the stubborn diseases in the world.

These stories are passed on by word of mouth among guests, adding fuel to the fire, making the Poison Village even more mysterious and desirable.

The sailors at the dock exchange news from afar, while the farmers in the fields look up at the once barren but now vibrant land after working, with their hearts full of curiosity and expectations about the unknown.

Every day, thousands of people gather around the Poison Village. Some of them are attracted by the power of the Poison Village and are eager to become one of them; others are pure bystanders, who want to witness the rise of this emerging ninja village with curiosity and awe.

The reason why the Poison Village has caused such a sensation in a short period of time is not only because of its own mystery and strength, but also because it has adopted an unprecedented open and inclusive policy.

In this village, there are no unattainable thresholds and no strict hierarchy.

As long as you are determined to become a ninja, no matter your origin, age, or ability, you have the opportunity to be recognized and trained by the Poison Village.

This unprecedented equality and opportunity has allowed countless civilian families to see the dawn of changing their destiny.

In order to attract more talents to join, the Poison Village also promises to provide formal members with high subsidies and superior living conditions.

This is undoubtedly a huge temptation for civilians who have been in poverty and struggle for a long time.

They know that although becoming a ninja is dangerous, it is undoubtedly a hopeful shortcut compared to the poverty and hopelessness that have been passed down from generation to generation.

However, as the reputation of the Poison Village has risen, doubts and concerns have also followed. Some people are worried about how a small country like the Wave Country can afford such a huge cost of training ninjas.

After all, in the ninja world, the ninja village is a country's gold-eating tycoon. They do not produce, but need huge funds to maintain daily operations and training.

Take Konoha Village as an example. Its annual expenditure far exceeds the income obtained from performing tasks, and most of the funds need to rely on the funding of the Fire Country Daimyo.

Since the country of waves is small and poor, whether its financial resources can support the operation of the Poison Village has become the focus of everyone's attention.

Wesker is in the building of the Poison Village.

Except for the leaders of the five major ninja villages who can be called "shadow", the leaders of other ninja villages will not be recognized if they call themselves "shadow".

So Wesker only calls himself the leader of the Poison Village.

Wesker is not a ninja in the traditional sense. He is a top virologist with an extraordinary understanding of biological transformation and virus control.

In the Poison Village, he is not only the leader, but also the soul of scientific research.

His existence has allowed the Poison Village to find a unique way of survival in the gap between the five major ninja villages - using the power of viruses and toxins to create a unique way of fighting.

This road has been walked by someone before, that is, Hanzo, the Salamander, who is called the "Demi-God of the Ninja World".

But Hanzo failed in the end.

After collecting a lot of information, Wesker decided to follow the path of Hanzo, the Salamander, and develop a ninja village where viruses and poisons coexist.

It's strange to say that there is no similar ninja village in the ninja world.

Wesker is very confident that their viruses and poisons, combined with chakra, form the so-called "poison escape", which is extremely dangerous.

Alex Mercer is his deputy, the captain of the Anbu!

Yes, a village with not many people already has the captain of the Anbu and the Anbu, and it is unknown how many ninjas can become Anbu.

"Alex Mercer, your arrival is always so silent."

Wesker's voice is low and magnetic, as if it can penetrate people's hearts. He turned around and stared at Alex Mercer who appeared out of thin air with a sharp gaze.

Alex was also wearing a black tights, but his clothes had an indescribable sense of fluidity, as if his body itself was a liquid, constantly changing organism.

"How many worthy targets are there among those wandering ninjas and rebellious ninjas?"

Luther restored the characters 100%, throwing them into the world to watch their collisions and games with the characters in the plot, while he himself basked in the sun in outer space.

So, Wesker and Alex Mercer would act according to their own characters.

It just so happened that both of them were virus researchers, and Alex Mercer was even more exaggerated. He had the corresponding memories of tens of thousands of people, including the memories of the Black Watch group of researchers.

It can be said that he is even more comprehensive than Wesker.

"Nami Ninja and Rebellion Ninja are just remnants abandoned by the world."

Alex Mercer shook his head slightly, with a hint of disdain in his tone.

"Aren't there Jōnin-level rebellious ninjas and Nami ninjas?"

Wesker said with a smile.

"I ate them all."

Alex Mercer shook his head.

Speaking of this, a strange light flashed in Alex Mercer's eyes.

He does not simply devour life to strengthen himself, but uses the special ability of the black light virus to integrate the memory, knowledge and even abilities of the devourer into himself.

This almost mythical way of evolution made him a presence that cannot be ignored in the ninja world in a short period of time.

"How do you feel after eating?"

Wesker also ate it himself, so he didn't think it was anything. He was just curious about what Alex Mercer could get.

"Not bad. According to this world, my current chakra should be equivalent to that of a tailed beast, and the ninjutsu I release is very destructive."

Alex Mercer said calmly, he has absorbed too many people, and he is a black light virus mimicking adult. After obtaining chakra, the amount of chakra Alex Mercer can extract is astonishing. , equivalent to a humanoid tailed beast.

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