Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 922 Obito is infected with a virus

In the depths of the dim forest, the moonlight was thin, and could only barely outline the outline of the swaying shadows of the trees.

Uchiha Obito and Black Zetsu hid in the dense forest, and their auras almost blended into the night. Their eyes were as sharp as eagles, staring closely at the two figures slowly approaching in front of them - they were not ordinary beasts, but hunters endowed with special powers, surrounded by a faint chakra light, which looked extremely strange.

"Is it a summoned beast?"

Uchiha Obito whispered to himself, with a hint of doubt and disdain in his voice.

Black Zetsu's voice sounded faintly in Obito's ears: "These are not ordinary summoned beasts. The chakra aura they exude is very strong, equivalent to the chakra of the Jonin level, and reveals a trace of artificial transformation. It seems that someone wants to use them as a fighting tool."

Uchiha Obito and Black Zetsu both felt the chakra on the two hunters.

Summoning beasts are fighting tools for ninjas. After signing the agreement, ninjas can summon the summoning beasts that have signed a contract with them at any time.

Summoning beasts can be widely used in various situations, including direct combat, information transmission, exploration, and assisting ninjas in combat.

Summoning beasts, like ninjas, can also grow and can also be trained to become ninjutsu.

Wild summoning beasts are contracts with wild beasts caught or modified in the ninja world, and they are summoned when needed to help in combat.

Such summoning beasts are generally temporary, and they do not have the ability to think or speak.

When Nagato attacked Konoha, the Animal Path used the unique time and space of the Samsara Eye to summon a large number of modified summoning beasts to destroy the village; in TV447, it can be seen from the book read by Yamashiro Aoba that summoning beasts can also be obtained through manufacturing.

For Alex, there is no better choice than to make his hunter into a summoning beast.

These hunters originally had intelligence not much worse than humans, and they gained chakra, and the hunters created with ninja as a template were even more powerful.

They were equivalent to physical ninjas who were proficient in physical skills. With their strong physical fitness, they were at least the strength of special jonins.

"Humph, they actually sent a summoned beast of this level to deal with me. I was really underestimated."

Obito sneered at the corner of his mouth, and a hint of contempt flashed in his eyes.

Uchiha Obito felt that he was underestimated.

So, he let the hunters who looked like skinned frogs approach him. However, just when one of the hunters opened its big mouth full of sharp teeth and was about to pounce on Obito, its body penetrated Obito's body like a phantom, leaving no trace.

"Wood Release: Cutting Technique!"

Obito suddenly shouted, and saw the skin on his arm quickly cracked, and long wooden thorns grew out like mushrooms after rain, instantly covering the entire space.

These long thorns were extremely sharp, and with a whistling sound that tore through the air, they went straight to the two hunters.

The hunters were obviously aware of the danger, but they did not retreat. Instead, they jumped and dodged flexibly, using their extraordinary physical fitness to shuttle freely among the dense wooden thorns.

However, Obito's Wood Release Technique was not an ordinary one. Once the long thorns pierced the target, they would continue to branch and grow, trying to completely destroy the enemy from the inside.

The battle instantly entered a white-hot stage, and the forest echoed with the sharp sound of the wooden thorns piercing the air, and the low roars of the hunters when they dodged.

"You are just some pathetic creations."

Obito said coldly while controlling the Wood Release Technique.

Facing Obito's wooden thorn attack that came like a tide, the hunters did not choose to blindly resist, but showed amazing tactical qualities, using the complex terrain and trees in the forest as cover to flexibly dodge and counterattack.

Every jump, every turn, just avoided the fatal threat, while looking for opportunities to counterattack.

Wesker and Alex were watching this battle through the surrounding viruses.

"Interesting, is it an illusion?"

Wesker found that the hunter's attack always passed through Uchiha Obito, as if Uchiha Obito did not exist, just an illusion.

But his chakra creations are real, and those wooden thorns are materialized.

So, it should be an illusion?

I don't know where the main body is hiding?

"My virus is a bit strange."

Alex suddenly said.


Wesker asked.

"My virus infected this guy, and then became extremely active, but the connection with the virus is often intermittent."

Alex didn't know how to describe it. The prototype of the black light virus has absolute control over its own virus. No matter where in the world, even if Alex is in Antarctica and the virus is in the Arctic, he can keep in touch. This is the hive consciousness network of the black light virus.

This unprecedented situation made him frown.

"What happened to my virus? Why is there such an abnormality?"

He muttered to himself.

Alex tried to use his consciousness to explore the movement of the virus, but found that they seemed to break away from the constraints of the real world at some point and entered a realm that he could not reach.

"Your virus has infected him, so let your virus take effect and see."

Wesker couldn't figure out what was going on. He couldn't think of Uchiha Obito's ability to be related to space for a while.

So Alex planned to launch the erosion of the black light virus. Now the black light virus was just lurking in Uchiha Obito's body.

Alex launched the erosion of the black light virus upon hearing this.

As Alex's mind moved, the black light virus lurking in Uchiha Obito's body seemed to be awakened by a sleeping beast and began to spread quietly in his body.

These viruses are not ordinary microorganisms, but highly evolved super pathogens that have the ability to self-replicate, mutate, and even affect the physiological functions of the host.

They are like tiny blood-colored streams, shuttling between Obito's blood vessels and cells, trying to find a breakthrough and maximize their own erosion.

They can penetrate into every cell of the host and even affect the deeper bioelectric field and energy flow.

Under Alex's control, the black light virus began to spread along Obito's chakra meridians, trying to find and destroy the key points of his energy circulation.

Alex felt an unprecedented challenge through his special connection with the virus.

He was surprised to find that his virus had mutated after coming into contact with some unknown power within Obito's body. This mutation made the virus neither completely controllable nor easily eliminated.

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