Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 929: The Poison Village with a Thousand Ninjas

Time passed by minute by minute, Zabuza's body gradually twisted in the venom, his skin turned purple, as if he would collapse at any time. But his eyes became more and more determined, he gritted his teeth and took it all.

In the depths of his consciousness, a voice kept echoing: "I can't die, I can't let Bai down, I want to live, with my own strength!"

As the night faded, the sky gradually turned pale, and the first ray of morning light seemed to be the most gentle comfort of nature, penetrating the thick clouds and falling on this land covered by poisonous fog and barren land.

For Zabuza, this light is not only the beginning of a new day, but also his hope of rebirth.

After experiencing endless struggles and pain, his body finally stopped twisting. Every breath seemed so heavy and precious, but it was these breaths that proved that he was still tenaciously alive.

When Zabuza slowly opened his eyes, the eyes that were once full of despair and weakness were now filled with a new strength and hope.

He felt the unprecedented power in his body, which was the unique ability given to him by the poison escape, which was both terrifying and tempting.

It was both a curse and a gift.

He didn't know that he had been quietly transformed by the virus, but thought it was a miracle that he had exchanged for his life.

"I... succeeded."

He whispered in a low voice.

The rain ninja stood aside, with a satisfied smile on his face. He knew the pain and transformation that Zabuza had experienced, so this success was even more precious.

"Congratulations, Master Zabuza. You have surpassed the limits of ordinary people and become a member of our Poison Ninja Village."

However, this joy did not last long, and a sudden change broke the peace.

Bai, the boy who had always been by Zabuza's side and experienced the ups and downs with him, fell to the ground powerlessly at this moment, his face as pale as paper, and he was obviously deeply harmed by the poison gas.


An indescribable panic and self-blame suddenly surged in his heart. Bai, who had always been by his side and regarded him as everything, had fallen into such a situation because of him.

"I said that the poison gas here is not trivial. Ordinary people can't bear it without special training and preparation."

Rainin's tone was a bit helpless.

"But don't worry, the Poison Village has a way to detoxify. As long as he is willing to leave the village for treatment, he will have a chance to recover."

"No... I want to be with Lord Zabuza."

Although Bai's voice was weak, it was very firm. He held Zabuza's hand tightly, as if it was his only support in this world.

Zabuza's heart was like a knife. He knew that he couldn't let Bai embark on this road full of unknowns and dangers.

If Bai continued to stay in the Poison Village, he would only repeat his mistakes and might even die here. He had to make a choice, a difficult and cruel choice.

"Bai, you must leave here. Your physique is not suitable for the environment here. Staying here will only be more dangerous. Moreover, I need you to collect intelligence for me outside and become my eyes and ears."

There was unquestionable determination in his words, because he knew that this was the best protection for Bai.

When Bai heard this, a trace of struggle and reluctance flashed in his eyes, but he finally let go of his hand. He knew that Zabuza's decision was out of concern and love for him.

"I understand, Master Zabuza. Please be careful. I will wait for you outside until you return safely."

In this way, Bai received detoxification treatment with the help of the rain ninja and was safely sent out of the Poison Village.

And Zabuza officially became a member of the Poison Village and started his new life.

Life after becoming a Poison Ninja is not as free as Zabuza imagined.

The management of the Poison Village on ninjas is relatively loose. The Poison Ninjas can leave the village at will, but the bondage from the toxins follows them like a shadow.

He must return to the village regularly to receive special treatment and training to maintain the balance of toxins in his body.

This kind of life made him feel depressed and constrained, but he knew that this was the price he had to pay in order to survive and protect Bai.

Zabuza had a strong ability to adapt. Not only did he quickly learn the poison gas technique, but also because of his original strong poison erosion, his poison gas was more deadly than ordinary people, even the ninjas of the Poison Village could not bear it.

Not to mention the poison mist technique, Zabuza felt that this technique was tailor-made for him, and he did not continue to use the beheading sword, but replaced it with a poisonous sword of similar size but more solid.

The three body techniques are the basis of ninjas, but most of the poison ninjas in the Poison Village do not know it.

And the poison ninjas also have their own three major poison techniques.

Poison method·poison gas technique, poison mist technique, and poison technique are the three most basic poison techniques.

Zabuza can already release the poison mist technique, but he doesn't think much of the poison technique, because the poison technique only allows him to spit venom from his mouth, what is this?

But if it can be combined with water escape, it seems that it can also increase the lethality of water escape?

But water escape will probably dilute the toxicity of the poison, right?

After Zabuza left the village, the first thing he did was to find Bai.

"Master Zabuza!"

Bai was immediately excited when he saw Zabuza, who he had not seen for a long time.

"I'm fine, Bai."

Zabuza said calmly.

The management of the Poison Village is so loose that he has never even seen the Poison Ninja leader and the captain of the Anbu. Sometimes Zabuza even wonders if such a village can really be established?

But seeing the number of Poison Ninjas in the Poison Village growing, Zabuza is also shaken.

The Poison Village welcomes everyone. As long as they can soak in the poison and not die, they can directly obtain the chakra equivalent to that of a Genin, as well as deadly poisons, so the Poison Village develops its combat power very quickly.

"Bai, listen to me, the Poison Village is ready to take action."

Zabuza came out to tell Bai about this, the Poison Village is about to take action against other ninja villages.

The Poison Village is also powerful. It can actually gather ninja tools that can arm a thousand ninjas. You know, this is a lot of money.

Although the Poison Village does not have detonating talismans, the "poison gas bottle" and "poison bottle" are the detonating talismans of the Poison Ninjas, and their lethality is much more terrible than the detonating talismans.

Once hit, unless you are a Kage or a Jonin, you can only wait to die.

"How could it be?"

Bai couldn't believe it. The Poison Village was going to take the initiative to attack other villages?

Are they so bold?

"You don't know how terrible the Poison Village is."

Zabuza thought that the success rate of the Poison Village was quite high, mainly because the poison of the Poison Village was too dangerous.

And they didn't plan to attack the five major ninja villages in the first step.

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