The guns were made in the kitchen, but the owner was not very good.

Xie Ergou looked at the guns on the table, then took them apart and looked at the accessories.

Like Huang Chunsheng, Xie Ergou recognized at a glance that the guns were made by himself.

"It was made by me." Xie Ergou did not deny it, "What's wrong? Is there a problem with the quality?"

Li Xiaoqiang replied, "It's not a quality problem. Some people still want to buy your guns."

Xie Ergou smiled proudly when he heard this: "That's right, in the whole Jinghai, who has a better 64 than me? This workmanship and materials, who can compare."

"Yes, insiders know it." Li Xiaoqiang echoed.

"But." Xie Ergou said to Li Xiaoqiang: "I don't sell guns individually. If you want to buy, you have to go to Fat Cat. I've sold all my guns to him."

"Okay, then I'll go to Fat Cat. Thank you, Brother Gou."

Li Xiaoqiang said, and took out a thousand yuan from his pocket.

Xie Ergou was not polite, and threw the money into the drawer.

After confirming that the gun was made by Xie Ergou, the rest was to find the seller.

The seller's nickname was Fat Cat, and he was an "arms dealer" in the black market.

Hunting rifles, bird guns, pistols, shotguns, Fat Cat sells them all.

Li Xiaoqiang came to Fat Cat's territory, and was stopped by Fat Cat's younger brother as soon as he approached.

"I'm looking for Brother Cat." Li Xiaoqiang said.

After that, Li Xiaoqiang shouted to the second floor: "Brother Cat, Brother Cat, it's me."

At this time, the window on the second floor opened, and a fat face poked out.

The man looked at Li Xiaoqiang.

"Let him in."

The man upstairs shouted.

Li Xiaoqiang then entered the house.

There were many guns in the room.

But these guns were just models, you could only look at them, not fire them.

If you want the real thing, you must ask your younger brother to pick it up from the warehouse.

Li Xiaoqiang went up to the second floor and came to Fat Cat.

Fat Cat was shirtless and eating raw pickled sweet shrimp.

"Xiaoqiang, are you looking for me to buy a gun?" Fat Cat asked.

Fat Cat and Li Xiaoqiang knew each other.

In the past, Li Xiaoqiang and Fat Cat met in the detention center, and they had a good relationship.

Li Xiaoqiang replied: "Brother Mao, did you sell two Type 64 pistols a few days ago?"

Ah~~~Fat Cat yawned: "I sold a lot of guns, which two are you talking about?"

Li Xiaoqiang took out the Type 64 pistol.

Fat Cat dismantled the pistol, checked the accessories, and then assembled the gun: "This is my product, how did the gun end up in your hands?"

Li Xiaoqiang asked: "Brother Mao, who did you sell the gun to a few days ago?"

"Are you a policeman? Why should I answer you?"

Fat Cat threw the gun to Li Xiaoqiang.

Every industry has its own rules, and Fat Cat cannot disclose the buyer's information.

Li Xiaoqiang smiled and said: "Brother Mao, a grandson used it to rob my goods, and now I'm looking for him."

Fat Cat frowned, and he thought for a while: "Then you go to Lao Qi, he brought the people."

Fat Cat is still loyal.

Li Xiaoqiang helped him in the detention center, so Fat Cat naturally wanted to help.

"Thank you, Brother Mao."

Li Xiaoqiang was about to pay for the information fee.

"Get lost." Fat Cat waved his hand impatiently: "Take the money back to Auntie."

Fat Cat knew that Li Xiaoqiang's family was not well off, especially his mother had uremia and needed dialysis, which cost a lot of money.

"Thank you, Brother Mao." Li Xiaoqiang turned and left.


Li Xiaoqiang found Lao Mo, and he returned the gun to Lao Mo: "Lao Qi introduced me, you go find Lao Qi."

"Where can I find him?" Lao Mo asked.

Li Xiaoqiang said: "There is a bicycle repair shop under the Huifeng flyover, opened by Lao Qi."

Lao Mo nodded, then turned and left.

He first called Zhang Yaoyang and reported the current information, and then took a taxi to Huifeng flyover.

According to Li Xiaoqiang's instructions, Lao Mo found Lao Qi's shop.

At this time, a lame man was repairing a bicycle tire.

Lao Mo came to the man.

The man looked up at Lao Mo.

"Lao Qi?" Lao Mo asked.

The man asked: "What's the matter?"

"Let's talk in the store." Lao Mo said to Lao Qi.

Lao Qi stood up and walked into the store to wash his hands. While he was washing his hands, he secretly took a sharp awl from the shelf.

If Lao Mo came to seek revenge, Lao Qi would kill him.

Lao Mo saw that Lao Qi was acting strangely.

In prison, prisoners would sharpen toothbrushes and wood chips and then hide them in their hands.

This kind of trick could not be hidden from Lao Qi.


Lao Mo turned his back to the road and took out his pistol.

Lao Qi was stunned.

Lao Mo said, "A few days ago, you took someone to buy a gun."

"Yeah." Lao Qi nodded.

Lao Mo said, "Who was the buyer?"

Lao Qi didn't say anything. He shook his head. He didn't believe that Lao Mo dared to shoot on the street.

At this time, Lao Mo's cell phone rang.

He took out his cell phone.

It was Zhang Yaoyang calling.

Zhang Yaoyang's voice came from the phone: "What's the situation?"

Lao Mo replied, "He refused to say."

Zhang Yaoyang said, "Give him the phone."

Lao Mo nodded, then handed the phone to Lao Qi: "He wants to talk to you."

Lao Qi took the phone in confusion: "Hello."

Zhang Yaoyang's voice came from the phone: "I am Zhang Yaoyang."

After hearing the name Zhang Yaoyang, Lao Qi frowned.

Of course he knew who Zhang Yaoyang was.

Who doesn't know Zhang Yaoyang's name among those who are on Jinghai Road now?

Zhang Yaoyang said: "The person who bought the gun wants to kill me. Tell me who it is. We are friends and I will thank you."

Lao Qi said in a low voice: "I will not betray my friends."

Lao Qi is different from Li Xiaoqiang.

Li Xiaoqiang is a broker. As long as there is money to be made, he is willing to do anything.

But Lao Qi has principles. He only works for people he knows.

Zhang Yaoyang said: "Li Shunhui, born in 1972, lives at No. 124 Dongbin Road. He has been in prison twice. He has a paralyzed mother and a mentally handicapped brother. I don't want to embarrass a poor man. Do you understand what I mean?"

Before making this call, Zhang Yaoyang had contacted Cao Chuang, and Cao Chuang immediately checked Lao Qi's file.

Lao Qi is indeed a tough guy who is loyal and has been in prison twice to help his brothers.

Lao Qi clenched his fists, and after a while, he answered, "Wu Dafu."

Zhang Yaoyang asked again, "Where can I find him?"

Lao Qi replied, "He has a car repair shop in the south of the bridge, and he is there during the day."

"Someone will take your mother and brother to the nursing home."

"Give him the phone back."

Lao Qi heard this and returned the phone to Lao Mo.

"Leave some money for him." Zhang Yaoyang said to Lao Mo.

Lao Mo nodded, then took out a sum of money and gave it to Lao Qi.

Lao Qi still wanted to refuse.

Lao Mo had already turned and left.

Lao Qi watched Lao Mo leave.

He had no way to notify Wu Dafu.

Because he hit the snake at its weakest point, Zhang Yaoyang had grasped Lao Qi's weak spot.

As long as Wu Dafu could not be found, his mother and brother would be in danger.


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