The incident alarmed Secretary Tian! You know, Secretary Tian is now in Jinghai! Chen Xuefeng's face was gloomy, and he replied: "Secretary Tian, ​​I must take the main responsibility for this matter. Because of me, my nephew was negligent in his work. I will suspend him immediately. While accepting the inspection, he will conduct a deep self-examination, apologize to the students who were poisoned by food, and give them corresponding compensation." Chen Xuefeng still wants to excuse Chen Jianghua. The dead pig incident was still characterized by him as an accidental incident at work. "You should handle your nephew's matter yourself. I just want to tell you that the province has already known about this matter, and the organization is very concerned about it."

Although Chen Xuefeng was defending Chen Jianghua, Secretary Tian didn't care about it now.

Secretary Tian's words scared Chen Xuefeng.

Secretary Tian said again: "No matter what, today's matter must be resolved peacefully, and at the same time, it must be dispersed before dark."

Secretary Tian is very careful about his reputation, and he doesn't want to have a conflict with the students.

Once a conflict breaks out and students are injured, the consequences will be unimaginable.

He is the secretary of the municipal party committee of Jinghai, as the top leader of Jinghai.

After the conflict breaks out, he can't just say "I was not in Jinghai that day" and want to shirk responsibility.

"Secretary Tian, ​​I..."

Chen Xuefeng was about to explain when the phone was hung up.

Wang Chunyun looked at Chen Xuefeng, and when Chen Xuefeng put down his phone, she asked, "Xuefeng, does Secretary Tian have any instructions?"

Chen Xuefeng's face was gloomy, and he replied, "Let me evacuate the crowd before dark."

"This is not easy." Wang Chunyun raised his wrist, looked at the time, and said to Chen Xuefeng, "Xuefeng, the person who tied the bell must be the one who untied it."

"I know." Chen Xuefeng took a deep breath, and said to the secretary, "Tell Guo Wenjie to evacuate the crowd, and at the same time, immediately find out the identities of these students. I want to know who is organizing them."

"Yes." The secretary immediately contacted Guo Wenjie.

In front of the municipal government.

"Okay, okay, I know." Guo Wenjie put down his phone.

Cao Chuang looked at Guo Wenjie.

Guo Wenjie said, "Old Cao, Mayor Chen asked us to evacuate the crowd and find out who organized it."

Cao Chuang frowned, then nodded.

"I know." Cao Chuang nodded, and then he walked towards Li Xiang and Zhang Biao.

Then, Cao Chuang looked at Wang Jun.

"Wang Jun." Cao Chuang said to Wang Jun.

"Here." Wang Jun immediately stood up.

He was surprised that Cao Chuang would call his name on his own initiative.

Cao Chuang said: "Now I will give you a task. You are responsible for evacuating the crowd."

"Yes!" Wang Jun accepted the order.

"Follow me."

Cao Chuang brought Li Xiang and Zhang Biao to the back of a police car, "Check who organized these people."

"Yes." Li Xiang and Zhang Biao looked at each other.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Wang Jun and a female police officer came to the parents of the students and asked them.

Seeing the police uniforms on Wang Jun and the others, the parents of the students frowned.

How dare ordinary people mess with the police? They usually stay away from the police.

"What you are doing now can be classified as the crime of illegal assembly."

Wang Jun said to the parents of the students.

"Legally, if an assembly, procession or demonstration is held without applying for permission in accordance with the provisions of this law or the application is not approved, or if it is not carried out in accordance with the start and end time, location and route approved by the competent authority, and the person in charge and the directly responsible personnel of the assembly, procession or demonstration refuse to obey the order to disperse, and seriously disrupt social order, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years, detention, control or deprivation of political rights."

Wang Jun began to popularize the law with the parents of students and the "students".

The female police officer on the side echoed: "This will leave a criminal record, which will affect the political review of themselves and their children in the civil service examination, conscription, etc., and even prevent them from studying abroad."

Hearing this, the parents of the students were shaken.

"We are not afraid!"

"If there is a criminal record, then there is a criminal record!"

At this time, a "student" stood up excitedly and shouted at Wang Jun and the female police.

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward.

The young people who were called here were very excited when they learned that they could earn 200 yuan a day.

Not to mention staying in front of the city government for a day.

Even if they live outside the city hall for a month, it's fine.

As long as you pay them, they can do anything.

What's more,

They also provide bread, mineral water, and boxed lunches.

One day's money can be spent freely for several days.

Therefore, no matter if it is the Education Bureau or the Police Department, the young people will not leave even if they are told to do anything.

Besides, they have all dropped out of school, so what does the civil service exam have to do with them?

Joining the army still depends on connections, so it has nothing to do with them.

Use these to scare them? They are not afraid.

Moreover, their families have no money, and it is even more impossible for them to study abroad.

As for the parents of the students, although they have no money to take and are afraid of having a criminal record, their children are still in their hands.

They dare not withdraw.

Therefore, as time passed, the traffic in front of the city government not only did not resume, but more and more people gathered around.

Ordinary people in Jinghai got off work one after another, and came to watch the excitement out of curiosity.

Chen Xuefeng was even more embarrassed now.

This is also what Zhang Yaoyang wanted.

What do officials fear the most?

The most feared thing is to be involved in the center of public opinion and become the target of public criticism.

Therefore, leaders will strictly control public opinion.

Do not let the situation escalate further and cause worse social impact.

However, in the current situation, Chen Xuefeng can no longer control public opinion.

Such a big thing has caused a lot of uproar in Jinghai.

"Why are there so many people over there?"

"Tens of thousands of students are protesting in front of the city government."

"What happened?"

"The mayor's nephew fed students poisoned pork, and it seems that several students died."

"Is it true?"

"I heard that more than a dozen people died. They have been suppressing it for some time, but today they can't suppress it anymore."

"Oh my God, no wonder it's so fierce."

Some people watched from a distance. They didn't know much about the dead pig incident.

Coupled with word of mouth, it was easy to spread a new version of the dead pig incident.

Further expand the dead pig incident.


Guo Wenjie, Cao Chuang and others stood from morning to night.

He saw the students eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.

In between, they ate bread and drank mineral water.

Guo Wenjie, Cao Chuang, and all the police officers were still hungry.

The medical staff and fire brigade were the same. Their nerves were tense, and they were also accompanying the students to consume.

In the city government.

There was a lunch box on Zhao Lidong's desk.

He had just finished eating.

Today's lunch box was quite delicious.

Usually, he only ate half a box of rice, but today his appetite was particularly good, and he even asked for an extra meal.

Secretary Wang came to clean up the lunch box.

Zhao Lidong picked up the tissue and was about to wipe his mouth when the phone on his desk rang.

Zhao Lidong looked at the phone, but he was not in a hurry to answer it.

He knew who was calling.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, Zhao Lidong picked up the phone.

"Lidong, come to my office."

Chen Xuefeng's voice came from the phone.

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