The two were separated, and the two were separated.

Han Yuan quickly sent the list over:

Ji Tiancheng, former captain of the Fifth Ghost Slayer Team of Ximing City. Nether Spring Realm. Currently stationed at the First Middle School of Ximing City, centurion.

Ji Changqing, former political commissar of the Ghost Control Army of Ximing City, Ten Yuan Realm. Currently stationed at the Cultural Square of Ximing City, centurion.

There is a long row of information about the Ji family members behind, but after looking at it, these two are the most in line with the standard.

Generally speaking, the Nether Spring Realm corresponds to the evil spirit level, and the Ten Yuan Realm corresponds to the Taoist corpse level.

But Taoist corpse-level ghost pets are hard to find, and many Ten Yuan Realm ghost cultivators cannot find a Taoist corpse-level ghost pet in their lifetime.

The Ji family is very large, with many people, and ordinary people cannot access core secrets.

If you want to pick, pick the core personnel.

And this Ji Changqing, a ghost cultivator of the Ten Yuan Realm, can definitely be called a core member.

After selecting the target, Chen Qing immediately began to prepare.

He called Liupin Sha:

"Brother Sha! I want to start with Ji Changqing."

"Who is Ji Changqing?"

Chen Qing sighed in his heart. Ji Changqing is in the Ten Yuan Realm, which can be regarded as a middle and high level, but Liupin Sha has no interest in remembering him. Human existence is really low.

He simply said Ji Changqing: "It is not appropriate for me to kill him like this. Brother Sha can just give an order and ask him to do a mission somewhere, and I will ambush him there."

Chen Qing is still testing Liupin Sha.

Liupin Sha is only a captain of ten men, while Ji Changqing is a centurion.

Liupinsha did not hesitate, "Okay! Then let's go to Black Stone Ghost Square."

Black Stone Ghost Square is the station of Liupinsha. According to the rules of Shura, it can also be regarded as a fiefdom.

Chen Qing was delighted!

He was just thinking of taking the opportunity to go to Black Stone Ghost Square to check the details of Liupinsha.

Unexpectedly, he killed two birds with one stone.

Chen Qing already had the white token of Black Stone Ghost Square.

A few golden lights have arrived in front of Black Stone Ghost Square.

The living environment of the ghost clan and the human clan is too different. Shura is very ambitious and obviously does not just want to "occupy".

What they have to do is to digest it thoroughly, so they divided Ximing City into hundreds of ghost squares.

And at an unimaginable cost, the underworld world was cut into hundreds of ghost squares and merged with Ximing City.

Then formed a real "Raksha Sea City".

The last time I entered Chuntaifang, the area was at least a thousand miles. If these hundreds of ghost squares were all of this size, the territory of Luoshahai City alone would be comparable to that of the Tang Dynasty.

When I arrived in front of Heishifang, it was still an ordinary community.

But there were cracks everywhere, and the darkness inside was rolling and twisting.

I took out the white token and stepped into Heishifang.

It was empty, dark, and cold.

The environment was similar to the dirty land, but the ghost aura was several orders of magnitude lower than that of the dirty land.

The dirty land was very underworld, but compared to this, the dirty land was rich black soil, and this place was like a Gobi desert.

It was rare to encounter even the most common underworld plants.

"Xiao Qian, is the underworld like this?"

"The underworld is vast and desolate. From my experience, about half of the land is like this. Of course, there are also rich places in the underworld, but they are only a few, and are usually occupied by powerful ghost kings. If ordinary ghosts want to live in those places, they must either be strong enough or work like slaves and let the ghost kings exploit them."

"Then are we in the Dirty Land considered one in a hundred in the underworld?"

"It can't be said to be one in a hundred," Qianmian Niang smiled and said, "It's one in a million~"

"According to Kui Guan, the Dirty Land is a place of ancient battles, and countless corpses nourish this land, but it is definitely not that simple."

"Perhaps the master grew up in the human world and it is difficult to detect that the speed at which wandering souls are born in the Dirty Land is amazing, far beyond imagination."

"In terms of the richness of ghost energy, the Dirty Land is probably one in a hundred, but the speed at which wandering souls are born is probably unmatched by the entire underworld except for a few places such as the underworld and the shore of Huangquan."

Chen Qing nodded.

While sighing at the power of the tower builder.

At the same time, I thought maliciously that the dirty land was obviously a whole piece of land dug from the underworld. Would that piece of land be an abyss now?

After walking about eight or nine miles, I finally saw a small town.

The earthen wall was five meters high and had long been decayed under the decay of the long years. A light poke of the finger would make a pit.

The town was also desolate.

The desolation here is different from the desolation in the human world.

In the human world, those abandoned villages and islands will soon be lush and green, and the houses will be returned to nature in a very short time.

But here, everything is slowly decaying.

There are ghosts living in the town, all of which are common ghosts, such as toilet ghosts,

Ghosts that died of starvation, ghosts that died of illness, ghosts that died of drowning, skeletons, etc.

Slow in action, average in strength, no threat to Chen Qing.

Easily occupied an inn.

Quietly waiting for Ji Changqing.

No matter what task the Sixth Grade Brake asked Ji Changqing to do, Black Stone Square was too barren, and this town was a must-go.

The innkeeper was a peddler.

Chen Qing took out two ghost beads of the Wandering Soul level and placed them on the counter, and its eyes suddenly lit up.

Just as he was about to take them, Chen Qing's hand covered the ghost beads.

"I'll ask you a few questions, and you'll get a reward if you answer them well. Black Stone Square, why is it called Black Stone Square?"

"Because this world is on a piece of black stone." The peddler answered, staring at the ghost beads with burning eyes.

Chen Qing frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Well... sir, this world is a huge black stone that is tilted. It sinks in the south and rises in the north. If you go further north, you can see the black stone exposed on the ground."

"Without the sun, how do you distinguish between the north and the south?"

"There was a moon in the past, and it also rose in the east and set in the west." The peddler looked at Chen Qing with a different look.

Obviously, this common sense question made him realize that Chen Qing was definitely not a local ghost. In fact, he was not a ghost.

Chen Qing didn't care.

Before he could ask again, a man rode a dragon skeleton and slowly came over the town.

Chen Qing narrowed his eyes slightly!

The dragon skeleton's bone chains formed two wings, gently flapping and floating in the air, and stretched out more than ten bone chains to form a seat to hold the man.

In addition to the dragon skeleton, there was also a flying zombie beside him.

The long black hair spread out softly in the air, and it was actually an evil spirit-level flying zombie.

This person must be Ji Changqing, but I didn't expect that he also has a dragon bone skeleton.

At this moment, the enemy is in the open and we are in the dark, it's a good time to trick him!

With a thought, the Cloud Piercing Arrow appeared in the inn.

Pull the bow to the full...


The bowstring made a slight sound.

The next moment, Ji Changqing was hit hard in the chest, and his body flew backwards, spitting out blood in the air.

Chen Qing was stunned. This guy definitely has a means of defense! Otherwise, this attack should have killed him.

Putting away the already weakened Cloud Piercing Arrow, Chen Qing shouted:

"Get to work!"

With a bang, the inn exploded!

A bunch of ghost pets appeared:

Six-eared Macaque, Dragon Bone Skeleton, Ten Thousand Enemies, and Lord Qingtian.

The young boss who was just happy because he received two ghost beads looked at the inn and was stunned.

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