After the death of An Xin, Zhao Lidong still wanted to get rid of Xu Jiang in the name of the "commendation meeting".

Zhang Yaoyang said to Lao Mo: "Go and try the gun tomorrow."


[Trigger task: Kill Xu Jiang]

[Reward: Bronze treasure chest*1]

[Trigger task: Perfectly handle the case of An Xin and Xu Jiang]

[Reward: Gold treasure chest*1]

After seeing the task reward given by the system, Zhang Yaoyang was stunned.

At this time, Lao Mo was still aiming.

This was his first time using a gun.

However, Lao Mo's shooting talent was very high.

Zhang Yaoyang remembered that in the original drama, Lao Mo shot Cao Chuang in the steel plant with one shot.

Looking at the focused Lao Mo, Zhang Yaoyang suddenly thought of something, and his mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a smug smile.

Zhang Yaoyang had to admire himself for being a criminal genius.

So, Zhang Yaoyang took out An Xin's pistol and handed it to Lao Mo: "Use this one."

Lao Mo looked at the 64 gun in his hand in surprise, but nodded.

While Lao Mo continued to aim with the gun, Zhang Yaoyang contacted Secretary Wang again.

After the call was connected, Zhang Yaoyang smiled and said: "Secretary Wang, I need your help."


Time passed quickly.

At the agreed time, Gao Qiqiang arrived at the scrap steel plant as scheduled.

The scrap steel plant is in the suburbs, and the surrounding areas are to be demolished and redeveloped. Therefore, even if gunshots are heard here, no one will know.

"I'm here."

When Gao Qiqiang walked into the steel plant, he did not forget to look around.

"Come up." Xu Jiang ordered.

Gao Qiqiang went upstairs carefully.

Xu Jiang hid on the third floor of the steel plant, holding a short-barreled homemade shotgun in his hand.

This shotgun is very powerful and can shoot dozens of steel balls at a time.

When Gao Qiqiang walked to the second floor, he shouted: "I'm here, where are you?"


Xu Jiang walked out from the pillar on the third floor.

"Where's the gun? Did you bring it out?"

Xu Jiang shouted at Gao Qiqiang.

"Where can I get you a gun?" Gao Qiqiang said speechlessly.

"Stop pretending."

Xu Jiang pointed the gun at Gao Qiqiang: "You and Tang Xiaolong killed An Xin, and you stole An Xin's gun."

"Xiaolong and I killed An Xin!"

Gao Qiqiang was stunned.

"Pretend, keep pretending to be innocent."

Xu Jiang looked at Gao Qiqiang coldly: "I finally see clearly, you are a liar."

"You dare to lie to me and say that my son's death was an accident."

Xu Jiang gritted his teeth. He wanted to kill Gao Qiqiang before he left Jinghai.

"Xu Lei's death was really an accident. Besides, I didn't kill An Xin, how could I kill him? He is my benefactor."

Gao Qiqiang was stunned.

"Keep acting." When Xu Jiang was about to pull the trigger, he heard a gunshot.


The bullet hit his chest.

Gao Qiqiang was stunned.

Xu Jiang looked at the person who came out of the shadows.

Lao Mo.

Zhang Yaoyang.

He had never seen these two people.

Lao Mo came to Xu Jiang, and when Xu Jiang was about to fight back.


Lao Mo pulled the trigger and shot Xu Jiang in the head, and then he kicked the gun out of Xu Jiang's hand.


[Complete the task]

[Get bronze treasure chest*1]

Gao Qiqiang looked at all this in confusion.

At this time, Gao Qiqiang came to Zhang Yaoyang and asked, "Brother Yang, he said that I killed An Xin, what is going on, and what is going on with taking An Xin's gun."

Lao Mo also looked at Zhang Yaoyang.

For Lao Mo, An Xin is also his benefactor.

If there is no An Xin, Lao Mo will not find his daughter.

Zhang Yaoyang looked at the two: "The police found Bai Jiangbo's wife and wanted to find Bai Jiangbo's driver from her. After Xu Jiang learned about this, he threatened Xiaolong with Xiaohu's life. If Xiaolong didn't kill Bai Jiangbo's wife, Xiaohu would die. That night, Xiaolong drove and overturned An Xin's car. This is probably what happened."

After hearing this, Gao Qiqiang was silent.

Lao Mo didn't speak again.

Tang Xiaolong didn't kill An Xin on purpose.

If it were them, they would do this for their families.

"Okay, it's all over." Zhang Yaoyang said to Lao Mo and Gao Qiqiang: "Living a good life is the most important thing."

Gao Qiqiang and Lao Mo nodded at the same time.

"Aqiang, you go back first, and leave the rest to us."

Zhang Yaoyang asked Gao Qiqiang to go back first, while he and Lao Mo dealt with the body.

Zhang Yaoyang was not at ease with Gao Qiqiang.

Because Gao Qiqiang was not a loyal person at all.

Lao Mo was different. He was grateful and loyal.

After Gao Qiqiang left, Lao Mo asked, "Where are we going now?"

The place where the body was dumped was very important.

If the body was found by the police, there would be more trouble.

"No hurry, I'll make a call." Zhang Yaoyang said, and took out his mobile phone and called Secretary Wang.

After the call was connected, Zhang Yaoyang said, "Secretary Wang, Xu Jiang has been dealt with."

Secretary Wang smiled: "Have you found the recorder?"

"No." Zhang Yaoyang replied.

"Yeah." Secretary Wang frowned, and he was now guessing the whereabouts of the recorder.

At the same time, he also suspected that Zhang Yaoyang had taken the recorder.

Zhang Yaoyang then said, "You can have someone deal with Xu Jiang's body."

Secretary Wang replied, "I'll let him go now."


At the commendation meeting, Li Xiang and Zhang Biao walked up to the podium, and the people who presented them with awards were Meng Dehai and An Changlin.

But Li Xiang and Zhang Biao didn't see Cao Chuang.

He was just here.

At the same time.

Cao Chuang drove to the gate of the steel plant.

Because he leaked An Xin's plan, An Xin was killed.

This incident made Cao Chuang very sad and self-blaming.

He wanted to surrender after Xu Jiang's case was over.

However, Secretary Wang found him.

Secretary Wang told Cao Chuang that Zhao Lidong was still optimistic about Cao Chuang.

As long as Cao Chuang could continue to work for Zhao Lidong, Cao Chuang could still be promoted to deputy director.

At the same time, Secretary Wang also told Cao Chuang that his wife had taken a house.

This was a hint to Cao Chuang that if he didn't help, his wife would be finished.

Cao Chuang looked at Xu Jiang's body.

One bullet hit the chest and one shot hit the brain.

Although the scene was obviously cleaned up, Cao Chuang's criminal investigation experience showed that there were at least three people at the scene.

One person attracted Xu Jiang's attention.

Another person shot Xu Jiang from behind.

A 64 pistol was also found in Xu Jiang's hand.

Could this gun be...

Cao Chuang clenched his fist.

He guessed that it was An Xin's pistol!

The other party killed Xu Jiang with An Xin's pistol.

The purpose of Zhao Lidong asking him to come here was to use him to close the case.

Xu Jiang's case ended here.

An Xin's case also ended here.

Two cases were perfectly closed on the same day.

Zhao Lidong was really good at calculating!

At this time, Cao Chuang's mobile phone rang.

It was Secretary Wang.

When Cao Chuang answered the phone, Secretary Wang's voice came from the phone: "Captain Cao, no, it's Deputy Director Cao."

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