The old man was so angry that he was beaten.

"The backbone of the Tang Dynasty has never been broken..."

Chen Qing looked at Han Yuan, muttering and silent.

This is a dead end!

Originally there was a glimmer of hope, but it was blocked by Han Yuan himself.

Shura and Rakshasa, because of their strong physical talents, also prefer close combat because of their personalities.

Occasionally there are ghost cultivators, all of them are very perverted.

At this moment, a blood decapitator beside Chen Qing gently pinched his thumb and four fingers together...


A white snake broke out from the ground, like a subway train drilling out of the ground.

Its body was as white as snow, but its mouth was as black as ink, and it was extremely foul.

The moment it appeared, it swallowed Han Yuan in one gulp!

But the moment it swallowed, the skull of the white snake exploded!

Metal Han Yuan broke out of his body, and the moment he jumped out of the snake gate, the black blade became several times longer, and cut off the snake's head with one knife!


The Asura beside Chen Qing spat out a mouthful of blood, picked up the mace, jumped off the stadium, and joined the battle.

At this time, an Asura who looked like jade shouted loudly, his hands became as tall as half a man, and clamped Han Yuan's hand knife like a dragon claw.

Han Yuan struggled violently, but he didn't break free. He only scratched a two or three inch cut on the hand of the Jade Asura, and the jade fragments flew everywhere, while other attacks had already bombarded.

A golden body Rakshasa, holding a huge hammer the size of an oil barrel, hit Han Yuan's head heavily!


Han Yuan's body was like a nail nailed into the earth, the shock wave spread, and the earth waves rolled for several feet.

Han Yuan's body stiffened, and finally pulled out the hand knife.

At this time, the sharp-eyed people have already discovered that there is a palm-sized area on Han Yuan's waist, which has faded from metal and turned back into flesh.

"Attack his waist!"

Someone shouted!

Han Yuan's body jumped out of the soil layer, and the soil splashed everywhere. While still in the air, he was spinning like a gyroscope, and his hand knife became narrower and longer, covering nearly ten meters!

Puff puff puff!

The four people had no time to dodge and were cut into several pieces at a rapid speed.

Han Yuan's hand knife fell again, cutting a Shura who was fleeing quickly in half from head to toe.


At the other end of the stadium, the thunder cannon fired again!

Sparks on Han Yuan's body, jingling, and shell fragments were ejected in all directions, shooting holes in the ground at his feet.

And blood flowers burst out from his waist, and his flesh and blood were blurred.

Han Yuan didn't care at all and ran towards Jade Asura!

The knife turned into a spike while running, piercing Jade Ashura's chest!

Jade Ashura shouted, and his six hands desperately grabbed the spike. His body was pushed back and plowed two deep grooves on the ground.

At this time, the tip of the spike suddenly became longer, and it had pierced Jade Ashura's heart before he could defend himself, and exploded into countless filaments in his heart, instantly destroying his vitality.

Jade Ashura let out a roar, and his six arms merged into one, firmly fixing the spike.

A bloody light suddenly rushed to Han Yuan's side, and the next moment, a fist condensed from the air and hit Han Yuan's waist!

It was Bai Bailong who had been waiting for an opportunity!

Han Yuan's body shook, and his left hand directly cut off the spike growing on his right hand!

His right hand kept moving, and with a slight turn, it had pierced Bai Bailong's shoulder!

Just as he was about to kill, Yushi held a huge axe and chopped Han Yuan's shoulder heavily.

What was fatal was that Han Yuan's shoulder just turned back into flesh at this time, and the axe chopped directly from the shoulder to the elbow, cutting his right hand into two pieces vertically.

Han Yuan ignored his injuries and drew a huge circle with his left hand knife, cutting the two people in half.

Everyone stepped back and looked at Han Yuan coldly.

Many parts of Han Yuan's body had faded black and turned back into flesh.

Bai Bailong sneered: "It turns out that your black gold body can't last too long."

Han Yuan's right hand drooped at his side, and he laughed loudly: "It's more than enough to kill another hundred people."

"Dream on!"

Han Yuan glanced at the Rakshasas and said, "Dream or not, have you tried..."

His voice suddenly paused, his eyes fixed on the top of the stadium, and he almost spit out fire!

The voice was filled with murderous intent: "Chen Qing! You traitor!!"

The next moment, he was hit hard by several heavy blows, like a cannonball, rushing straight at Chen Qing!

Chen Qing hastily summoned the dragon bone skeleton, and hundreds of bone chains intertwined into a cage, protecting Chen Qing inside.


Sparks and bone fragments flew everywhere, and a small hole appeared on the dragon bone chain.

The next moment, dozens of bone chains gathered into a whip, and a heavy whip

, and beat Han Yuan back to the stadium.

Chen Qing was shaking his head.

He kept shaking his head.

How could he not understand Han Yuan's meaning!

He was giving the credit of this head to Chen Qing!


How could Chen Qing accept it!

How dare he accept it!

"Coward!! Pull out your knife!! Fight me!! " Han Yuan shouted at Chen Qing again!

His body was like a cannonball, rushing towards Chen Qing again!


Han Yuan's body suddenly stopped in the air.

As if being dragged by something.

His figure fell heavily from the air to the ground, and when he looked back, he saw a butcher.

A mere wandering soul-level butcher!




Six consecutive zither sounds!

A faceless man was sitting cross-legged in the shadow of the corner of the stadium, with a brown guqin on his knees.

Six flesh and blood flowers exploded on Han Yuan's body, and his body slumped on the ground.

At this time, only half of his black gold color remained, mottled with white, bloody and blurred.

A huge silver spear as thick as a thigh flew quickly from somewhere, and with a puff! It pierced Han Yuan's chest.

Han Yuan pulled out the silver spear with all his strength and threw it violently. The silver spear was as powerful as thunder and pierced through a Shura.

Staggering to his feet, Han Yuan laughed loudly: "I... I am the Taoist Ancestor of Tianyuan!"

Bai Bailong rushed over and clawed hard!


The claw sank into Han Yuan's chest and crushed Han Yuan's heart.

The next moment, several Shuras rushed over, searched Han Yuan for a while, and shook their heads and said, "No!"


Bai Bailong was furious: "Check! Check! Find! Find for me!"

"Dig three feet deep, turn the entire Luoshahai City upside down, and find the Tower of Babel for me!"

As he said that, he suddenly turned his head back with hatred, glaring at Han Yuan who died standing, "Chop him into pieces! See if there is anything in his body!"

As he was speaking, a dazzling golden light suddenly came from the sky.

Everyone was dazzled and couldn't open their eyes. They squinted their eyes and looked up at the sky, and saw that there was a sun in the sky!

The sun slowly set, and in the dazzling golden light, Shuras and Luosha were horrified to find that... it was actually a child!

The child's white robe was whiter than snow, and the feather belt fluttered, like a sun, slowly falling next to Han Yuan's body.

The ghost pet instantly prostrated on the ground.

Most of the Luosha also knelt down.

The Shuras gritted their teeth and supported. But he still felt unprecedented pressure!

That was the insignificance of an ant seeing the collapse of Mount Tai!

That was the fear of seeing a natural enemy!

Although they had never seen it before, all the Asuras understood in an instant what this kid was...


The legendary God!

The God ignored everyone and walked straight to Han Yuan.

His palm gently stroked Han Yuan's face.

An Asura took a step forward: "You..."

The God raised his finger and pointed...


The Asura's body exploded and disappeared.

Another point...


The legs of a golden body Rakshasa exploded.

The finger pointed at Bai Bailong.

Bai Bailong was horrified!

The figure quickly exploded and turned into blood mist and scattered into various parts of the stadium.

Everyone retreated quickly, their hearts seemed to be pinched by a giant hand, and cold sweat dripped down.

The god picked up Han Yuan's body and flew up slowly, like a giant sun rising into the sky, disappearing from everyone's sight.

Bai Bailong in the corner looked pale, and it took him a while to come back to his senses, and said angrily:

"Give... give the king a message!"

"God, God has returned to the world!"

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