Just as he was about to go to the Golden Soil, Chen Qing stopped.

In the corner of the third floor, there was a small mound of earth.

Looking over, Chen Qing's hand trembled slightly.

A Kunwu knife was stuck in the ground, and behind it was a small grave.

On the knife, it was written: The Ghost Control Army, the Tomb of Zhang Mingyuan.

"This is the guy with a round face, nicknamed QQ Egg."

The next grave, the tombstone was still the Kunwu knife, and it was written:

The Ghost Control Army, the Tomb of Lin Tao.

"Muscle Tyrant..."

The next grave, there was a broken knife stuck in it, and it was written:

The Ghost Control Army, the Tomb of Hu Hai.


There was another grave, besides the knife, there was also a fishing rod:

The Tomb of He Qiang, the Ghost Control Army.

Chen Qing looked at the fishing rod and could naturally feel that it was possessed.

He Qiang had really become a crazy ghost, and had become his favorite fishing rod.

"You really have become a crazy ghost..."

Chen Qing murmured.

Looking at these familiar or unfamiliar names.

Their images in his mind were still as vivid as ever.

He sighed.

He summoned Pegasus and sat on it, and came to Jintu.

Jintu was very large, with fog and rain, and it was not fully visible for the time being, but it was probably similar to the dirty land and the fire land, with a radius of about a thousand miles.

The sword mountain that Han Yuan mentioned was very obvious and could be seen almost at a glance.

From a distance, the sword mountain was shining with golden light, in patches and piles, like the starry sky, like the Milky Way.

When he got closer, Chen Qing realized that these shining points were actually swords!


Jianshan, it was the literal meaning of Jianshan!

There is not a single plant on the entire mountain, instead there are all kinds of swords.

Short swords, long swords, stabbing swords, mother-and-child swords, splitting swords, slashing swords, two-handed swords, class swords, etc.

Some are already rusted, some are brand new.

Some have blue edges, some are red, some are emerald green, and some are like gold.

"What a sword mountain..." Qianmian Niang murmured, "This creation of heaven and earth is really magical."

"Master, look, this sword not only has a hilt, but also a name on it!"

Chen Qing looked over and saw that the name of the sword was written in small seal script. Chen Qing recognized both characters: "Xuanzhen."

"Xuanzhen Sword? Is it a famous ancient sword in history?"

"I have never heard of it..."

As he was talking, a silver-eyed white rabbit tilted its head and looked at Chen Qing in the sword cluster.

Seeing Chen Qing looking at it, it immediately jumped and disappeared in the sword cluster.

"That's the sword spirit!"

Chen Qing was shocked.

His bronze sword had a sword spirit, so he was not unfamiliar with it.

He chased after it for a few steps and saw another black snake.

The black snake hissed and spat out its tongue, its body was smooth and shining with metallic light.

Good guy!

It was a sword spirit again!

"Master, look there."

Chen Qing looked over and saw a little boy standing on a bare boulder.

The boy was bare-butted, with a smooth crotch, and there was no difference between men and women.

He stared at Chen Qing with a pair of big eyes.

It was a sword spirit again!

"Xiao Qian! Can you tell which sword these sword spirits belong to? Give them back to Feng Qingyang!"

"Your servant..."


A very thin, but overwhelming sword light slashed from the depths of the Sword Mountain!

Chen Qing was startled and subconsciously used the law of time. He turned sideways and the sword light slashed into the Sword Mountain from in front of him...


The Sword Mountain had no soil, it was all metal.

Metal fragments and debris flew everywhere, and a deep scar as thin as thick paper, but extending for several miles, appeared on the ground.

Chen Qing's heart trembled.

This terrifying sword light, I'm afraid Qianmian Niang can't bear it!

A golden light flashed, and an old man slowly walked in the depths of Jianshan.

The old man was very tall, probably a little taller than Chen Kuan.

But he was extremely thin, hunched over, and his head almost hung in front of his stomach.

One arm was broken at the shoulder, and it was unknown whether it was born or cut off.

The only remaining right arm was thin and long, and he was hunched over, so his arm almost hung on the ground.

And behind this man, there was a huge sword box on his back. The sword box was so big that it looked like a coffin, and it felt like it could crush him at any time.

"This is the old man Han Yuan mentioned!"

Chen Qing's eyes narrowed, "Xiao Qian, can you see any clues?"

Qianmian Niang's voice was solemn: "Foolish ghost, sword ghost!"

"Foolish ghost, possession, transformation, spirit. Foolish ghosts basically follow these stages, but different Foolish ghosts have different names."

"For example, He Qiang, his possession may be called 'fishing rod'."

"And the sword ghost, the level may be called 'divine sword', 'broken sword', 'big sword'. This sword ghost has obviously been born with intelligence, at least

It is the 'spiritual' level of the Taoist corpse level. ”

Most idiot ghosts are extremely weak.

But some idiot ghosts are ridiculously strong.

For example, sword ghosts and knife ghosts.

Chen Qing had heard of them a long time ago, but didn't expect to meet them here.

But on second thought, it was reasonable for the sword ghost to appear in Jianshan!

"Master, let's retreat! The sword ghost in Jianshan is like a water monkey in the water, almost invincible!"

"Understood! "

With a golden light, Chen Qing had disappeared in Jianshan.


Headache! Headache!

Now he somewhat understood the logic of the fourth floor of the Demon Suppression Tower.

If his dirty land was a barracks, then the fourth floor of the golden land was obviously an arsenal.

But the arsenal was occupied...

The sword of the sword ghost was too terrible!

The Thousand Faces Lady might be able to bear it, or she might not.

Plus, the sword ghost was entrenched in Jianshan. Except for Zhong Kui, none of his ghost pets could defeat him.

Chen Qing didn't want to bear the result of a hard fight.

While thinking, he slowly inspected the golden land.

Like the dirty land, There are also barracks here.

But as Han Yuan said, almost all the soldiers here were killed in the battle of Chuntaifang.

It is very rare to see a soldier ghost. If it forms a scale, it may take three to five years.

Fall to the ground and walk around.

The main color is black, and there are various plants, but most of them are extremely tough.

Pick up a handful of soil, it is very heavy.

There are too many metal elements on the gold soil, and there is almost nothing that can't be found here.

Including rare metals such as gold and silver.

Just thinking about it, the general sent a message:

"My lord, the magma is about to be released. Do you want to come and see it? "


Chen Qing rushed back immediately.

The junction of Fire Earth and Filthy Earth was originally a world of water and fire, but the Filthy Earth River was diverted to Yinyang Lake, and this place was all magma river.

Thick smoke billowed, and heat waves surged.

The magma river was bubbling with sticky bubbles.

The general blocked the magma river and would open it after the river was repaired.

Now everything is ready, and the river is winding and spreading to Yinyang Lake.

The two mountain movers have been tamed by the general by some unknown method, and are now waiting in front of the earthen embankment.

Chen Qing nodded and signaled to start.

The general shouted: "Release! "

Mountains move and the earthen embankment is broken immediately.

It's just that...

The imagined magma rushing did not happen.

The magma flow lazily and slowly rushed forward, swallowing everything along the way.

Looking at this posture, it may take several days to walk these few dozen miles.

General: "..."

Chen Qing: "..."

"Uh... Lord, maybe tie up a few lava monsters, they may have a way."

Chen Qing waved his hand.

"Master, master, master," Yin Jiao suddenly said excitedly: "Leave it to the magma prince! That kid is the best at dealing with this!"

"Oh! Bring it! "

Chen Qing had forgotten.

The war between Fire and Earth and Dirty Earth was started by this guy. One of the main reasons was that he had no idea what was wrong with his brain and snatched the prince or crown prince of the lava monster.

After a while, the flower-waisted bride giggled and came out with a baby with fat hands and feet, but as big as a cow, and a body like an LED light.

The flower-waisted bride swayed her red veil and mumbled something in the giant baby's ear.

The giant baby immediately clapped his hands in agreement and quickly jumped into the magma.

The viscous magma suddenly became like boiling water, no longer viscous, and no longer slow.

It was like glowing water, extremely brisk.

The giant baby pointed in the direction of Yinyang Lake...


The magma river suddenly went crazy!

It was just like the Qiantang River tide, rushing towards Yinyang Lake at a speed that should never appear on magma.

And the giant baby sat on the magma tide, clapping and laughing, extremely happy.

Chen Qing was stunned:

"This... this child, his background seems to be not simple!"


Information that can be announced now:

Iron Man → Eighteen Bronze Men →?

Sword Ghost (Crazy Ghost) →? (Possessed) →? (Chemical) →? (Spiritual) →?

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