The next day at noon.

Zhang Yaoyang drove to the restaurant where Secretary Wang had made an appointment.

After talking to the lobby manager about Secretary Wang, the lobby manager welcomed Zhang Yaoyang to the private room on the top floor.

The private room was empty.

Zhang Yaoyang was the first to arrive.

Zhang Yaoyang ordered the dishes first, and then paid the bill.

Ten minutes later, Cao Chuang also came.

Cao Chuang also came early, but he didn't expect Zhang Yaoyang to be earlier than him.

"It turned out to be him."

Cao Chuang thought to himself.

As Secretary Wang said, Zhang Yaoyang has been very famous recently.

"Director Cao." Zhang Yaoyang said to Cao Chuang.

Cao Chuang probably guessed the theme of today's meal, so he said: "Although Mr. Zhang is a friend of Mayor Zhao, the police have just started the investigation and cannot confirm the suspect of arson, but..."

"Director Cao, Mr. Zhang."

Before Cao Chuang could continue, Secretary Wang's voice came from the door.

Secretary Wang walked in.

Zhang Yaoyang and Cao Chuang sat on the left and right sides of Secretary Wang respectively.

At Zhang Yaoyang's signal, the waiter began to serve the dishes.

"We are all friends, don't be restrained." Secretary Wang said, and then looked at Cao Chuang: "Director Cao, Mr. Zhang is a very enthusiastic person, and a person with a strong sense of responsibility. The leader hopes that you can help him more, so that it will be beneficial to the development and construction of Jinghai."

"I will do my best." Cao Chuang hurriedly expressed his attitude.

"By the way." Secretary Wang drank tea and asked, "Has there been any progress in the investigation of the arson case at the machinery factory?"

Cao Chuang replied, "According to our police officers' investigation and visits, a few days before the fire, staff from the power bureau came to maintain and repair the circuit. However, we asked the power manager of the area, and they did not send anyone to the dormitory of the machinery factory that day."

Secretary Wang nodded and looked at Zhang Yaoyang again.

Zhang Yaoyang said, "It can be basically concluded that someone deliberately set the fire."

"Yes." Cao Chuang replied.

Secretary Wang smiled and said, "I don't know how to investigate the case, but Mr. Zhang can rest assured that Captain Cao is our city's detective and will definitely catch the murderer."

Zhang Yaoyang nodded.

Cao Chuang also echoed: "This is my job, but I hope that the Construction Group can focus more on engineering matters."

Although he didn't say it explicitly, Cao Chuang was already hinting to Zhang Yaoyang: Don't make trouble anymore.

Zhang Yaoyang smiled slightly: "I believe in Director Cao's ability, and I am willing to give Director Cao a face. Our Construction Group will no longer intervene in the arson."

"Yes." Cao Chuang nodded.

Since Zhang Yaoyang is willing to cooperate, his work will be much easier.

At least the people in the Construction Group can be quieter.


Construction Group.

Zhang Yaoyang came to Chen Tai's office.

Seeing Zhang Yaoyang coming, Chen Tai asked: "Have you found any clues?"

Zhang Yaoyang replied: "A few days before the fire, someone pretended to be someone from the Power Bureau to enter the dormitory area of ​​the machinery factory to check and repair the circuit."

"Yes." Chen Tai nodded.

Sure enough, someone was messing with him.

So, Chen Tai said to Zhang Yaoyang: "My friend told me not to make trouble anymore, and the police will do their best to investigate."

"I understand what you mean." Zhang Yaoyang replied.

Chen Tai instructed: "From now on, you will focus on the demolition, and the progress of the project cannot be slow."

"I will." Zhang Yaoyang nodded.

After leaving the Construction Group, Zhang Yaoyang drove to the Jinghai Machinery Factory.

A shed was built on the internal road of the machinery factory.

The shed was a bit crude, and even the beds were made of wooden boards.

Although the conditions were crude, it was finally a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

When Zhang Yaoyang approached the shed, a worker shouted: "Mr. Zhang is here, Mr. Zhang is here."

Soon, the workers and their families in the shed came out.

Lam Kwok-tung squeezed out of the crowd and came to Zhang Yaoyang.

"Has the housing problem been solved now?" Zhang Yaoyang asked Lam Kwok-tung.

Lam Kwok-tung replied: "It's a bit crowded, but at least there is a place to live."

"Thanks to Mr. Zhang for helping."

"Without Mr. Zhang's help, we can only sleep on the street now."

Some workers echoed.

Zhang Yaoyang said seriously: "Well, don't worry, I will communicate with the leaders and implement the demolition compensation as soon as possible so that everyone can move into the new house as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang." Lin Guodong confessed: "I suspected Mr. Zhang of arson before, but I didn't expect Mr. Zhang to be so generous and not only helped us solve the housing problem

"I'm not talking about the issue, and I'm busy with our compensation."

"Mr. Lin, you're too serious. This is my job." Zhang Yaoyang said with a smile: "I hope the compensation for demolition can be negotiated as soon as possible. You move out, and our engineering team can come in to demolish. If the project is suspended for one day, we will lose more money."

"Well, we understand."

Lin Guodong and others nodded.

In their view, there are so many people in the Construction Group waiting for the start of the project, and every day they eat and chew, it is a huge expense.

If the project continues to be delayed, the biggest loss will be the Construction Group.

Because they understand the interest relationship, Lin Guodong and others no longer doubt Zhang Yaoyang.

"Okay, I'll go and talk to the leaders of the Demolition Office first."

After Zhang Yaoyang finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Take care, Mr. Zhang."

"Take care, Mr. Zhang." "

Lin Guodong and others waved goodbye.

The office of the demolition office is next to the street office.

At this time, the office was full of people.

There are tens of thousands of employees in Jinghai Machinery Factory. Except for those whose homes were burned down, the rest are submitting materials and handling the documents required for demolition.

"Mr. Zhang."

At this time, Ma Guoqing shouted to Zhang Yaoyang.

"Director Ma." Zhang Yaoyang took the initiative to walk over.

Ma Guoqing said to Zhang Yaoyang: "Mr. Zhang, are you here today? Do you have something special to deal with?"

Zhang Yaoyang replied: "I want to come to the demolition office and talk to Director Xia of the demolition office about demolition compensation."

"Oh." Ma Guoqing smiled and said: "I'll go with you."

Under the guidance of Ma Guoqing, Zhang Yaoyang came to the office of Director Xia Heping of the demolition office.

At this time, Xia Heping was playing games on the computer. Seeing Zhang Yaoyang and Ma Guoqing coming, he immediately turned off the display screen.

"Director Xia. "Ma Guoqing said to Xia Heping: "This is Mr. Zhang Yaoyang. You must have remembered him these two days."

"Oh, oh, oh." Xia Heping looked as if he remembered him: "Mr. Zhang, please sit down."

Zhang Yaoyang and Ma Guoqing sat down, and Xia Heping poured two glasses of water for them.

"Mr. Zhang, what specific thing do you want to talk about?" Xia Heping asked.

Zhang Yaoyang replied: "Regarding the standard of demolition compensation, can it be based on the standard of the light bulb factory last year?"

After listening to Zhang Yaoyang's words, Xia Heping was embarrassed: "The total number of people in the light bulb factory is only 274, while there are tens of thousands of machinery factories. If the compensation standard is raised, the district finances will not be able to afford it."

The implication: no money.

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