The old man was beaten, and the old man was beaten.

Forced demolition, corruption, bullying, and exploiting the people.

Meng Yu circled a few key words from the materials provided by Zhang Yaoyang.

Tonight, Meng Yu was destined to work overtime, and she had to finish the manuscript as soon as possible.

After Zhang Yaoyang notified Meng Yu, he planned the next step.

He didn't want to be Gao Qiqiang in "The Storm", but Vito Corleone in "The Godfather".

He needed friends, but he didn't want to be a chamber pot.

Therefore, he needed to show his strength and at the same time catch the handles of those officials.

Only in this way would he not become a discarded child.


The demolition of the machinery factory began.

Some of the workers who were arrested were released one after another.

Among them was Lin Guodong.

When Lin Guodong and others saw the demolished machinery factory, their eyes were about to burst into flames.

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

At this time, the large engineering vehicles were still working, and the noise they made made Lin Guodong and others even more unbearable.

"Official-business collusion."

"These dog officials."

The workers around Lin Guodong said angrily.

It was the Construction Group that started the beating, but they only arrested them, but not the people from the Construction Group.

If this is not collusion between officials and businessmen, what is it?

"Then what can we do? We can't beat them."

At this time, someone asked.

Lin Guodong said in a deep voice: "Let's go to the gate of the municipal government and sit in silence, and let the leaders give an explanation."

"Will this work?"

A worker questioned.

"If Jinghai doesn't care, we will go to the province, and if the province doesn't care, we will go to Beijing!"

Lin Guodong said decisively.

"Yes, if the city doesn't care about us, we'll go to the province, and if the province doesn't care, we'll go to Beijing!"

After hearing Lin Guodong's words, everyone was excited. They wanted to ask for an explanation and protect their own interests.

In the crowd, one person frowned after hearing this.

This person is called Wang Xiaoyu.

Wang Xiaoyu is a classmate of Ma Guoqing's younger brother Ma Guowei.

This time, Wang Xiaoyu got an extra 45-square-meter house through Ma Guowei's relationship.

Therefore, if the workers have any actions, Ma Guoqing and others will know in advance.

After Lin Guodong finished the meeting and went home to prepare big-character posters, banners, and joint petitions, Wang Xiaoyu came to Ma Guowei's home.

Ma Guoqing and Ma Guowei's grandfather and parents are all workers at Jinghai Machinery Factory.

However, because his brother Ma Guoqing is the director of the street office, Ma Guowei became rich.

Relying on Ma Guoqing's relationship, Ma Guowei opened a game arcade, and the slot machines in the store brought him huge profits every day.

Later, Ma Guowei used the game hall to recruit a group of henchmen and started an underground casino business.

During this demolition, Ma Guoqing approached Ma Guowei, and they made a lot of money from it.

"Xiaoyu, you're just in time, come over and have a drink."

Ma Guowei said to Wang Xiaoyu with a smile.

At this time, the people around Ma Guowei made room.

After Wang Xiaoyu sat down, he stuck to Ma Guowei: "Lin Guodong and others are going to petition the municipal government. If the municipal government doesn't care, then they will go to the province. If the province doesn't care, then they will go to Beijing."

"Haha." Ma Guowei smiled disdainfully when he heard this: "Just make a fuss. There are always such things happening in front of the municipal government. How many petitioners can succeed?"

The thugs at the table laughed when they heard this.

Wang Xiaoyu reminded: "You still have to take care of it, just in case..."

He was still worried.

If they really come to investigate, he will lose the extra house he got.

Ma Guowei didn't take it seriously. He patted Wang Xiaoyu on the shoulder and said, "Don't scare yourself. The sky won't fall."


Lin Guodong and his fellow workers split into two groups.

Some continued to stop the demolition, while others went to the Jinghai Municipal Government.

They pulled out banners and posted big-character posters at the entrance of the municipal government, accusing the injustice of the demolition.

For the gatekeepers of the Jinghai Municipal Government, this kind of thing is too common.

"Go to the side and make trouble. Don't block the vehicles in and out."

The gatekeeper said to Lin Guodong and others.

Lin Guodong and others were naturally unhappy when they heard it. They came to appeal for justice, but they were treated like this.

"Block the door!"

"Yes, don't solve the problem and don't let them pass."

Some workers were already sitting at the gate, and more workers sat down.

The guard frowned and kindly reminded: "You will suffer if you do this."

This is not an exaggeration. Many people who cause trouble have been invited to have tea and have a criminal record.

In the future, children will go to school and work.

into a problem.

"Just endure the hardship, give it a try."

Lin Guodong said firmly, he did not believe that there was no law in this world, and those corrupt officials could really cover the sky with one hand.

"Then you just wait." The guard went back to make a phone call.

At the same time.

Zhao Lidong's car was parked outside the city government.

The driver looked at the situation outside and said to Zhao Lidong: "Leader, the front is blocked, it seems that someone is making trouble at the door of the city government."

"Go down and take a look." Zhao Lidong said.

The driver immediately got out of the car and ran over. After seeing the situation, the driver immediately ran back.

"Leader, it's the workers of Jinghai Machinery Factory who are protesting against demolition." The driver reported.

"Turn around and go through the south gate."

Zhao Lidong hid immediately after hearing this.

Demolition, asking for wages...

This kind of thing happens frequently and is troublesome.

The driver started the car and looked for an opportunity to turn from the main road to the auxiliary road.


“I know!”

“Don’t worry, leader. I’ll handle it right away.”

Guo Wenjie put down the phone in his hand, and then said to Cao Chuang: “Old Cao, thank you for your trouble. It’s still about the machinery factory.”

“Oh.” Cao Chuang nodded and went to do the work immediately.

In China, the top leader is in charge of everything.

That is the so-called “overall work of the presiding unit”.

Cao Chuang is a deputy, in charge of several aspects of work.

A strong top leader will hold all power in his hands, and the deputy position is actually a decoration.

If the top leader knows how to divide power and delegate power, he will fully give the deputy the power to be in charge of the work without interfering.

Guo Wenjie is not strong, and he also delegated more power to Cao Chuang.

However, Cao Chuang knew that Guo Wenjie was afraid of his backers, so he gave him important tasks in everything.

Cao Chuang quickly mobilized a large number of police officers and went to the municipal government in the shortest time.

At the gate of the municipal government.

“Take them all away.”

Cao Chuang gave the order with a cold face.


Li Xiang and others obeyed the order, and they quickly stepped forward, trying to pull Lin Guodong and others away.

However, Lin Guodong and others were well prepared. They held each other's arms and let the police drag them without moving a step.

"Let go! Let go!"

The police had no choice but to force their hands apart and try to separate them.

In this process, both sides inevitably had further physical contact.

At this time, more and more people were watching, and the whole road was blocked.

Seeing this, Cao Chuang frowned.

If today's matter is not resolved as soon as possible, it will definitely be criticized!

"Use spray."

Cao Chuang made a decision.

The police spray is easy to use and very simple. The police officers sprayed it at the faces of Lin Guodong and others.

In an instant, Ling Guodong and others lost their eyesight and coughed continuously.

They felt hot on their faces and chest tightness.

The workers who had just held their arms separated in an instant.

Cough cough cough!

Cough, cough, cough!

The workers coughed violently, and they had completely lost their ability to move.

Seeing this, the police officers immediately pressed them to the ground, subdued them, and handcuffed their hands.

Click! Click!

In the distance, the reporters quickly pressed the shutter.

"Stop taking pictures!"

"Tell them to stop taking pictures!"

Seeing the reporters taking pictures, Cao Chuang immediately asked the police to disperse the reporters.

This kind of thing is not glorious in the first place, and it would be even more embarrassing if it was reported in the news.

At this time, a reporter ran to a white van.

He opened the door and got in the car.

He took off his sunglasses and hat calmly.

The reporter was Lao Mo.

Cheung asked him to take pictures.

I took a lot of interesting photos today.

For example, when the police used spray and dragged the workers, they had physical conflicts with the workers, and there were even scenes of scuffling.


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