The old man was very angry.

"What's going on?"

Zhang Yaoyang asked with a frown.

"You asked me to go to Yujuan food stall this afternoon, so I went. After asking about the situation, I called the landlord. I told him that I was following you and asked him to come out and talk, but he not only didn't listen, but also hung up on me. I found his address and went to his house at night..."

Tang Xiaolong began to tell the story.

Zhang Yaoyang had a general understanding of the situation.

"Brother Yang, I really didn't mean to kill him. I just wanted to teach him a lesson. I didn't expect that young people would be so reckless."

Tang Xiaolong said innocently.

Zhang Yaoyang said: "Run away first. If the person is really dead, I will take care of the aftermath for you."

"Oh." Tang Xiaolong asked again: "Where should I go?"

Zhang Yaoyang said: "Your sister-in-law has a house in the countryside. I will let Lao Mo take you there."

After that, Zhang Yaoyang hung up the phone and called Lao Mo again.

At this time.

Lao Mo and Zhao Lei were drinking at Yujuan Food Stall.

From the conversation between Li Yujuan and the owner of the hardware store next door, they learned that Tang Xiaolong went to find Qian Dong.

If there is no accident, Li Yujuan's store will be saved.

The mobile phone on the table rang.

Lao Mo picked up the phone and saw that it was Zhang Yaoyang calling, so he immediately answered the call.

Zhang Yaoyang's voice came from the phone: "Lao Mo, is there anyone else around you?"

Lao Mo glanced at Zhao Lei across from him, Li Yujuan who was busy in the store, and the guests who were drinking and chatting around him: "Shitou and I are at Yujuan's food stall."

Zhang Yaoyang said: "Xiaolong may have killed someone and needs to hide first. You come to my house to get the key and send him to the villa in the countryside."

Lao Mo hummed and hung up the phone, then said to Zhao Lei: "I have something to do and I have to go to Brother Yang's house."

"I'll go too." Zhao Lei stood up and said.

"No, I'm enough." After saying that, Lao Mo left quickly.


After Qian Dong and others were sent to the hospital, they were immediately taken away by the waiting doctors and nurses.

Under the gaze of Li Xiang and others, Qian Dong and the other two were sent to the emergency room.

A doctor immediately examined Qian Dong.

He measured Qian Dong's blood pressure with an instrument, and then began to check his pulse, breathing, body temperature and consciousness.

After checking the head, neck, heart, lungs, abdomen, back, spine, and limbs, he made his own judgment.

Li Xiang hurriedly asked: "Doctor, how is the situation?"

The doctor's expression was solemn, and he replied: "The situation is very serious and needs surgery."

"Send to the operating room." After the doctor said that, he and everyone else sent Qian Dong to the operating room.

Seeing the lights in the operating room turn on, Zhang Biao said to Li Xiang: "It is estimated that he will not be able to come out for a while, go outside and smoke a cigarette first."

Li Xiang nodded.

Then, Zhang Biao and Li Xiang walked outside the hospital, found a step, and squatted down to smoke a cigarette.

Three hours later, the doctor came out of the operating room.

Li Xiang stood up and walked over.

The doctor knew what Li Xiang was going to ask: "He is not out of danger yet, and needs further observation in the ICU."

Li Xiang asked: "How long will it take to be out of danger?"

The doctor shook his head: "I can't answer this question for you."

Li Xiang and Zhang Biao looked at each other.

Zhang Biao said to Li Xiang: "You go back and rest first, I'm here."

Li Xiang shook his head: "Two people are always better than staying up late alone."


At eight o'clock in the morning of the next day.

In the ICU, Qian Dong's fingers moved, and this scene happened to be seen by the nurse.

The nurse observed for a while and Qian Dong showed signs of waking up.

So the nurse immediately called the doctor.

The doctor walked into the ICU and checked Qian Dong's condition, and then he was relieved.

"Officer Li."

The doctor walked out of the ward and found Li Xiang and Zhang Biao who were washing their faces repeatedly with their hands.

Li Xiang and Zhang Biao stood up.

The doctor smiled and said: "The patient has woken up."

Li Xiang asked hurriedly: "Then when can I ask him?"

The doctor replied: "Wait until his condition stabilizes."

"Yeah." Li Xiang nodded: "Doctor Chen, thank you for your hard work."

Ten o'clock in the morning.

Li Xiang walked into the ward and looked at Qian Dong who was on the bed with an oxygen tube inserted.

Qian Dong had woken up and was looking at Li Xiang.

Li Xiang asked, "Who beat you up like this?"

Qian Dong thought for a while before answering weakly, "It should be Tang Xiaolong."

Li Xiang was not unfamiliar with the name Tang Xiaolong.

During this period, Tang Xiaolong has been arrested twice, each time for fighting and provoking trouble.

So, Li Xiang walked out of the ward, reported to Cao Chuang, and applied for the arrest of Tang Xiaolong.

Zhang Yaoyang was drinking tea with several contractors.

These contractors have been cooperating with the Construction Group for a long time and rely on the Construction Group for their meals. Naturally, they are respectful to Zhang Yaoyang.

And Zhang Yaoyang also wants to control them.

At this time, Zhang Yaoyang's mobile phone rang, and he looked at the caller ID.

It was Cao Chuang.

So, Zhang Yaoyang said to Cheng Cheng: "Cheng Cheng, you chat with the brothers for a while."

"Okay." Cheng Cheng nodded, and then poured tea for several contractors.

Zhang Yaoyang walked out of the office and came to the end of the corridor. He pressed the call button.

Zhang Yaoyang asked with a smile: "Director Cao, is there something wrong?"

Cao Chuang's voice came from the phone: "Your men beat someone seriously."

"Huh?" Zhang Yaoyang was stunned for a few seconds, "Who?"

"Tang Xiaolong." Cao Chuang replied.

Zhang Yaoyang asked again: "Who did he beat?"

Cao Chuang said: "A man named Qian Dong and his two friends."

Zhang Yaoyang frowned and thought of Yujuan Food Stall yesterday: "Is he still alive?"

Cao Chuang replied: "The ambulance took him to the hospital yesterday. He was rescued all night and just woke up."

Zhang Yaoyang had a general understanding of the situation, "I know, thank you Director Cao, I'm sorry to bother you."

Cao Chuang said: "This matter is very serious, I'm going to arrest someone."

In Cao Chuang's eyes, Zhang Yaoyang is Zhao Lidong's man.

And Cao Chuang's current backer is also Zhao Lidong.

Therefore, before Cao Chuang arrests someone, he must notify Zhang Yaoyang in advance so that he can be prepared.

Zhang Yaoyang can even let Tang Xiaolong run away in advance.

Zhang Yaoyang laughed and said, "Then arrest him first."

"Well, then I'll order the arrest."

After Cao Chuang finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Zhang Yaoyang called Tang Xiaolong.

Soon, the call was connected.

Tang Xiaolong couldn't sleep all night.

Tang Xiaolong asked nervously, "Brother Yang, what's the situation?"

Zhang Yaoyang said expressionlessly, "The person is not dead, you come back."

"Huh." Tang Xiaolong breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Yaoyang said, "Don't be afraid after entering the police station, I will arrange a lawyer to accompany you."

"Yeah, I understand, I won't say anything."

Tang Xiaolong hung up the phone, and then looked at Lao Mo excitedly; "Brother Mo, the person is not dead, I'm fine."

Lao Mo hummed, and then took away the gun while Tang Xiaolong was not paying attention.

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