The nurse held the phone, looked at Qian Dong, and replied: "Hello, I am Mr. Qian Dong's nurse, Mr. Qian Dong is not convenient to answer the phone at the moment." "Nurse! What's wrong with Qian Dong!" Qian Zhu's heart tightened and asked hurriedly. The nurse did not answer in a hurry. She covered the microphone with her hand. Qian Dong hooked his hand towards her, motioning her to bring the phone over. The nurse nodded and put the phone to Qian Dong's ear. "Sister." Qian Dong said weakly: "I have been feeling unwell these two days, so I came to the hospital to see." "Where do you feel uncomfortable? Is it serious? What did the doctor say? Which hospital is it? I'll go there now." Qian Zhu asked like a string of bullets. Qian Zhu and Qian Dong's parents passed away early. Although Qian Zhu is only three years older than Qian Dong, she also took great pains to raise her younger brother. In her life, only three men are the most important, the first is her son, the second is her younger brother, and the last is her husband.

"Appendicitis, it's not a big deal, sister, don't come over." Qian Dong lied.

Qian Dong used to be a gangster, but he didn't dare to make his sister worry. If Qian Zhu knew that he was beaten and seriously injured, how worried she would be!

"I was scared to death." Qian Zhu was relieved to hear that it was appendicitis.

Qian Dong asked: "By the way, sister, do you have anything to ask me?"

Qian Zhu said: "Qingfeng hasn't come home yet, I want to ask you if I have been to your place."

"Qingfeng didn't come home?" Qian Dong frowned.

Qian Zhu added: "I have asked the class teacher, and she has asked other students, and they all said Qingfeng has returned home."

Qian Dong frowned: "Sister, don't worry, I'll ask a few friends to help look for him."

"Okay, let them come directly to the house." Qian Zhu said, and then hung up the phone.

Qian Dong exhaled lightly, and he said to the nurse: "Miss nurse, can you help me make a few calls?"

The nurse nodded.

Qian Dong said: "Help me contact Chen Hao, Jiang Long, and Xu Peng."

The nurse looked up the address book and dialed Chen Hao's number first.

After the call was connected.

The nurse put the phone to Qian Dong's ear, and Qian Dong said: "Haozi, go to my sister's house, something happened in my sister's house."

Chen Hao's voice came from the phone: "Brother Dong, I'll go there right away."

After hanging up the phone, the nurse dialed Jiang Long and Xu Peng's numbers one by one.

Qian Dong didn't say a word of nonsense, and directly asked them to go to Qian Zhu's home.

In less than half an hour, Chen Hao, Jiang Long and Xu Peng arrived at Qian Zhu's home.

"Sister, what happened?"

Chen Hao asked as soon as they met.

They grew up with Qian Dong and went through life together. When they were young, they always ate at Qian Dong's house, and Qian Zhu often cooked for them. Later, Qian Zhu's husband became rich and helped them. They treated Qian Zhu like their own sister.

Qian Zhu said, "Qingfeng hasn't come home yet. I want you to help me find him."

"Maybe he is in an Internet cafe?" Jiang Long smoked a cigarette: "My son always likes to hang out in Internet cafes. I have caught him several times."

Qian Zhu didn't dare to conclude: "Please help me find him in the nearby Internet cafes and game halls."

"Sister, you wait at home, we will look for him. If Qingfeng comes back, you call us."

After Xu Peng finished speaking, he left Qian Zhu's home.

"Sister, don't worry, I will definitely help you find him."

Chen Hao comforted Qian Zhu and turned away.

"Sister, I'll get some more people to help find him."

Jiang Long contacted some friends in front of Qian Zhu.

Qian Dong and others are old friends in Jinghai. Although they are old, they are close friends. One phone call will get hundreds of responses.

Soon, they contacted dozens of people and searched for him in Internet cafes, game halls, skating rinks, and even KTVs in Haifeng District.

But they searched all night and didn't find him at all.

That night, Qian Zhu couldn't sleep, and Qian Dong couldn't sleep either.


"Will Qingfeng be kidnapped?"

The next morning, Qian Zhu couldn't sit still. She thought about it all night and thought of various possibilities, so she went to the police station to report the case.

"Sister, why don't you wait a little longer." Jiang Long frowned and said.

"How long do we have to wait? We've been looking for him all night." Qian Zhu couldn't wait even a minute.

"Sister, it's useless to find a police officer for this kind of thing." Xu Peng said with disgust.

"Who can we find? Haven't you been looking for the whole night?" Qian Zhu asked Xu Peng in a hurry.

"Sister, I'll go to the police station with you." Chen Hao said hurriedly when he saw Qian Zhu was anxious.


I'll go right away." Qian Zhu didn't care about her makeup, she got up and walked out the door.

Chen Hao and others followed.

The four drove to the police station, and they quickly explained their purpose to the police.

Since Liu Qingfeng is a minor, he can report the case at any time.

However, the police didn't pay much attention to this kind of case.

It's not that they don't have empathy.

It's that children of Liu Qingfeng's age are playful. Some children hide in black Internet cafes to play games all night, and some don't go home for several days and nights.

If police force is wasted because of such things, it is obviously not worth it.

After the female police officer accepted the case, she said to Qian Zhu: "Okay, you go back and wait for news. If we find the child, we will contact you as soon as possible."

After leaving the police station, Xu Peng muttered: "Sister, I said it's useless to find a policeman, you are just fooling us. "

Chen Hao kicked Xu Peng, and Xu Peng shut up.

In the afternoon, Qian Zhu's husband Liu Jun came back, and he was exhausted.

Last night, he learned that his son did not come home, and he did not sleep all night.

This morning, his son still did not come home, and Liu Jun finally could not sit still.

He did not care about the business and immediately bought a plane ticket to fly back to Jinghai.

When Qian Zhu saw Liu Jun, she immediately threw herself on Liu Jun and cried.

Liu Jun had no other way except to comfort his wife.

"Don't cry, don't cry, I will contact some people to help find it." Liu Jun took out his mobile phone. He was a businessman and had some friends in both the black and white worlds.

Qian Zhu cried and said, "Then let them help find it quickly. "

Liu Jun nodded, and he immediately took out his mobile phone and called his friends.

If he still couldn't find him, he could only post a missing person notice.

The anxiety continued to grow as time passed.

Qian Zhu, Liu Jun, and Qian Dong in the hospital were all worried.

Liu Qingfeng was too important to them.

By the morning of the third day, Liu Jun had someone urgently print out 100,000 missing person notices, ready to be posted all over the streets and alleys of Jinghai City.

Just then, Liu Jun's mobile phone rang.

It was an unfamiliar number.

Liu Jun answered the call.


Liu Qingfeng's call made Liu Jun ecstatic.

Liu Jun hurriedly asked: "Baby, where are you?"

At this time, a strange man's voice came from the phone: "Tell Qian Dong that the child will be home tonight."

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