The two of them were very busy, and the two were busy.

Shanyuan Seafood Restaurant.

In the private room, Cao Chuang had a serious expression, and he had been keeping his temper since he came in.

The purpose of meeting with Zhang Yaoyang today was to make his position clear.

It is true that Cao Chuang was indeed promoted by Zhao Lidong, and during this process, Zhao Lidong gave Cao Chuang a lot of shopping cards and gas cards.

However, Cao Chuang had no use for shopping cards, gas cards and other items.

Cao Chuang wanted to be promoted, but he did not want to be corrupt.

Therefore, even if he was promoted to deputy director, Cao Chuang did not openly use his authority for personal gain.

Because he was afraid of being gossiped about behind his back, he was always very sensitive when passing by the crowd every day, always worried that someone would talk about him.

However, Zhang Yaoyang was making trouble. He not only transferred her daughter's job, but also introduced her daughter to a date.

This was to win over and bribe him, to corrupt him.

Therefore, Cao Chuang had to remind Zhang Yaoyang that he was not that kind of corrupt official.

Ten minutes later, the door of the box was opened.

The waiter led Zhang Yaoyang into the room.

After Zhang Yaoyang entered the room, he greeted Cao Chuang: "Director Cao, I'm sorry, I was delayed for a few minutes just now."

"It's okay, I just arrived too." Cao Chuang said, and then looked at the waiter: "You can serve the dishes."

"Okay." After the waiter answered, he turned and left.

After a while, the wine, food and drinks were served one after another.

The waiter poured wine for Zhang Yaoyang, and when he was about to pour wine for Cao Chuang, Cao Chuang shook his head and pointed to the orange juice on the table.

The waiter poured orange juice for Cao Chuang, and Cao Chuang motioned him to leave.

After the waiter left, Cao Chuang raised his glass and said, "I have a meeting in the afternoon, so I will use juice instead of wine. Thank you for your help, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Yaoyang smiled slightly: "Director Cao, you are too polite."

The two drank it all in one gulp.

Cao Chuang sighed: "Director Zhang, I was born in 1954 and I am 46 years old this year. I have been a police officer for more than 20 years. Although I am not a people's hero, the knife and gunshot wounds on my body are also a kind of honor. I originally thought that I would never have the opportunity to be promoted to deputy director in this life, but I didn't expect to become one in a muddle."

Zhang Yaoyang did not respond, he listened to Cao Chuang continue.

Cao Chuang continued: "After becoming a deputy director, I was cautious, fearing that something I did not do well would cause dissatisfaction among leaders and discussions among subordinates. Therefore, I am very grateful to Mr. Zhang for helping my daughter, but I hope that such things will not happen again in the future."

"Are you afraid of being gossiped about?" Zhang Yaoyang asked with a smile.

Cao Chuang replied: "I hope she can get it by her own ability, and I hope Mr. Zhang can understand."

Zhang Yaoyang took out a cigarette, lit one, leaned back in his chair, and said with a smile: "Director Cao, I understand what you mean."

"Yeah." Cao Chuang nodded, he was showing his hand.

Zhang Yaoyang took a deep puff of cigarette and slowly exhaled: "Director Cao, do you believe in fate?"

Cao Chuang looked at Zhang Yaoyang and didn't understand what he meant. However, after a brief thought, he replied: "I don't believe in the existence of ghosts and gods in the world."

"Then let me tell you a story about the Soviet Union."

Zhang Yaoyang smiled, holding a cigarette, "One day, the general's son asked his father: Dad, when I grow up, can I be a general like you? His general father said: My son, of course you can. The general's son was very happy, and he asked again: Then can I be a marshal when I grow up? The general shook his head: No. The general's son was a little frustrated: Why not, the general replied: Because the marshal also has a son."

Cao Chuang is also a smart man, at the same time, he is very sensitive, he is like a cat whose tail is stepped on. He thought Zhang Yaoyang was mocking him, mocking him for not becoming the deputy director by his ability, so he laughed at himself: "The situation you said is very common, and I was lucky to become the deputy director."

Zhang Yaoyang shook his head: "Director Cao, I think you misunderstood, I didn't mean to mock you."

"In fact, I don't like this society at all. There are too many unfairnesses in society. Some people are born in Rome, and some are born as mules and horses. The former enjoys the good years, poetry and distant places, while the latter is branded with the fate of class, working hard all their lives, working like a cow and a horse for others, and carrying heavy loads."

Zhang Yaoyang said, and then stood up. He poured a glass of wine for Cao Chuang, who did not refuse. Then, he poured himself a glass of wine.

Zhang Yaoyang asked: "Do you say this is fate?"

Cao Chuang did not answer.

"I'll drink it, you can do whatever you want." Zhang Yaoyang drank the white wine in the glass


Cao Chuang also drank.

The 53-degree liquor went down his throat, and a burning sensation made him feel refreshed.

"For men, life is nothing more than three things. Power, wealth, and women."

Zhang Yaoyang said as he poured wine for himself and Cao Chuang.

"Some people are satisfied if they can have one of them, but some people get it, but always complain that it is not enough or not good enough." Zhang Yaoyang put down the bottle and sat back: "I am a vulgar person, I can't escape the vulgarity. I want money, power, and sex, and I am not satisfied."

"But." Zhang Yaoyang raised his hand, he patted his chest, and made a muffled sound: "I think I still have a conscience. I want to live well and let others live."

Cao Chuang hummed, he also heard about Zhang Yaoyang's character, and he did help many disadvantaged groups.

However, can this say that Zhang Yaoyang is a good person? Not really, because Cao Chuang knew that Zhang Yaoyang had done a lot of bad things.

Zhang Yaoyang picked up the wine glass again and drank another one.

A glass of wine is two taels.

Cao Chuang also drank it.

Zhang Yaoyang changed the subject: "Director Cao, if I were you, I would definitely change my way of life."

"What do you mean?" Cao Chuang frowned.

Zhang Yaoyang asked: "Don't you feel that your life is very frustrating?"

Cao Chuang did not answer.

Zhang Yaoyang said: "Being cautious every day, afraid of this and that, it is better to think about what you can give back to the public and subordinates with the current power. Before serving the people, you can't make yourself and the people around you suffer."

Cao Chuang remained silent.

Zhang Yaoyang continued: "If the people around you can't live a good life with you, then who will follow you and do things for you? What can a commander without troops accomplish?"

"What do you think?"

Zhang Yaoyang asked.

At this time, under the influence of alcohol, Cao Chuang's face flushed and his blood boiled. He raised his head and took a long breath.

Seeing that Cao Chuang was persuaded and his position was unstable, Zhang Yaoyang struck while the iron was hot: "Director Cao, I, Zhang Yaoyang, like to make friends. If you don't want to be my friend, then I am drunk today and just said nonsense. On the contrary, if we are friends, we will be loyal to each other in the future. I promise you that I will definitely make you rise step by step, and at the same time get rid of Zhao Lidong's control, so that you can do what you wanted to do but couldn't do in the past."

Faced with Zhang Yaoyang's olive branch, Cao Chuang was silent.

Zhang Yaoyang waited for a few minutes, but Cao Chuang still didn't respond, so he stood up: "Okay, if we are on different paths, we can't make plans together. Director Cao, I'm leaving first."


Just as Zhang Yaoyang was about to leave, Cao Chuang's voice sounded behind him.

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