The police said that the police had been working hard.

Tang Xiaolong was very efficient and he quickly contacted all his men.

In less than an hour, the men scattered in various districts of Jinghai gathered together.

Some of these men came on foot, some came by bus, some came by motorcycle, and only a few came in vans.

Fortunately, they all wore uniform black T-shirts and black casual pants.

Outside the People's Hospital.

"Stand up."

As Tang Xiaolong gave the order, nearly three hundred people stood up.

For the men, today was work.

Because as long as they did things well, they would get money.

"Brother Yang, everyone is here." Tang Xiaolong came behind Zhang Yaoyang and reported to him.

Zhang Yaoyang looked at the group of young people in front of him, tall, short, fat and thin. Then, he picked up his phone and contacted Gao Yuan.

The call was quickly connected.

Gao Yuan's voice came from the phone: "Brother Yang, is there anything?"

Zhang Yaoyang said expressionlessly: "Arrange 6 buses to the entrance of the People's Hospital."


Gao Yuan hung up the phone.

Twenty minutes later, six buses stopped at the entrance of the hospital.

"Get on the bus." Zhang Yaoyang said.

Three hundred people got on the bus one after another.

As the bus fleet started, it set off towards Xiong Ye's territory.


In the bar, Xiong Ye and Liu Quan and others were drinking and chatting.

Liu Quan gulped a glass of whiskey: "Brother Xiong, you are too low-key. Now that Xu Jiang is dead and Jinghai is leaderless, it is a good opportunity for you to unify Jinghai."

"Isn't it good now?"

Xiong Ye said disapprovingly.

"It's good, but can you tolerate those cats and dogs stepping on your head?" Liu Quan said sarcastically.

In Liu Quan's eyes, the current Jinghai is a mountain without tigers, and the monkey is king.

Brother Yang? He has never heard of where Brother Yang came from.

"Have they affected your money-making?" Xiong Ye smiled slightly. He had no interest in being the boss of Jinghai.

When Xu Jiang was there, Xiong Ye didn't want to compete with Xu Jiang.

Moreover, in the eyes of many people, Xiong Ye's power is not as good as Bai Jiangbo.

However, Xiong Ye's gambling business is going well.

The entire Jinghai underground gambling is all monopolized by Xiong Ye. The daily cash flow is enough to make many people jealous.

It just so happens that no one comes to compete with him for such a profitable business.

The reason is that Xu Jiang doesn't like it, Bai Jiangbo doesn't like it, and Uncle Tai doesn't like it even more.

Liu Quan was about to answer, when suddenly, the intercom on his desk rang.

"Brother Quan, there are 6 buses outside."

Near the bar, Xiong Ye rented several houses and sent people to live in them, watching the passing vehicles 24 hours a day.

The purpose of doing this is to guard against the police.

Liu Quan asked: "Are you here for tourism?"

The panicked voice of the younger brother came from the intercom: "No, they all have weapons."

Liu Quan asked again: "How many people are there?"

"I don't know, the street is full of their people, all wearing black clothes and black pants."

The younger brother's report made Liu Quan frown.

At this time, Xiong Ye had stood up and walked towards the monitoring room.

"Don't panic, block them in the bar." Liu Quan gave orders while holding the intercom and asked the younger brothers in the bar to be ready.

Don't look at the large number of enemies.

However, in the bar, the enemy can't do anything.

After arriving at the door of the bar, Zhang Yaoyang said to Tang Xiaolong: "Xiaolong, you stay outside with 200 people."

"Brother Yang, how can this be..."

Tang Xiaolong knew that Xiong Ye's group was not easy to deal with.

However, before Tang Xiaolong could speak, Zhang Yaoyang led people into the bar.

Tang Xiaolong ordered: "Block the road."

At this time, more than 200 people behind Tang Xiaolong dispersed and surrounded the bar.


Zhang Yaoyang walked into the bar with nearly 100 people.

In the bar, Liu Quan had already arranged the battlefield.

Zhang Yaoyang took a look. According to Liu Quan's arrangement, let alone 300 people, even 100 people would not be able to exert their power.

"Who injured Tang Xiaohu, stand up."

At this time, Zhang Yaoyang shouted to Liu Quan and others.

"Another fearless person."

Liu Quan sneered, holding a steel pipe in his hand, and sneered: "It's you, my father."


Zhang Yaoyang said coldly.

As Zhang Yaoyang gave the order, the younger brother behind Zhang Yaoyang rushed forward with a steel pipe.

Seeing this, Liu Quan also rushed towards Zhang Yaoyang with a steel pipe.

Yang and others.

It must be said that Liu Quan was really fierce. He rushed into the crowd with a stick in each hand and hit everyone he saw. After a while, several younger brothers fell to the ground screaming.

Liu Quan grew up in Shaolin Temple and was best at stick fighting.

Moreover, Liu Quan was very strong. With one swing of the stick, the least he could do was fall to the ground, and the worst he could do was break his head and bleed.

Tang Xiaolong's younger brothers were all scared when they saw Liu Quan was so brave.

Zhang Yaoyang saw this, then picked up a stick and rushed towards Liu Quan.

Tang Xiaolong saw this, and was not willing to fall behind, and also rushed up with a stick.

The two rushed towards each other one after the other.

Liu Quan had a sneer on his face: "Go to hell!"

After saying that, Liu Quan swung the stick in his hand fiercely.

Bang bang! ! !

Zhang Yaoyang swung the stick in front of him and blocked Liu Quan's two sticks in a row.

Liu Quan's strength was amazing. Tang Xiaolong, Tang Xiaohu and others would not be able to bear it for a while.

However, Zhang Yaoyang was even stronger.

Liu Quan saw that Zhang Yaoyang actually blocked his attack, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He just used all his strength, but Zhang Yaoyang took it?

However, Liu Quan did not stop, but instead accelerated the speed of attack.

After Zhang Yaoyang remembered the consecutive blocks, he quickly found Liu Quan's flaws with the stick method taught by the system.

Zhang Yaoyang raised his stick and hit the inside of Liu Quan's thigh.

This stick hit, and Liu Quan's eyes widened in fear.

Because, this is a fatal part!

Liu Quan hurriedly retreated to avoid the fatal blow.

But Zhang Yaoyang did not give Liu Quan a chance to retreat. He took advantage of the situation and chased Liu Quan, hitting him three times in a row, each of which was a vital point, and Liu Quan's soul was almost scattered.

With a clang, Zhang Yaoyang finally hit Liu Quan's right hand, the stick flew out of his hand, and Liu Quan's hand was also broken.

Zhang Yaoyang held the stick and pointed at Liu Quan.

Liu Quan's pupils contracted, but Zhang Yaoyang rushed to him in one step.


This kick was strong, Liu Quan felt the blood surging in his chest, and then his throat felt sweet and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing Zhang Yaoyang swinging the stick and about to hit the head with the last blow.

Zhang Yaoyang stopped attacking.

It was not that Zhang Yaoyang was unwilling to do it, but that a person appeared on the side.

The person was Brother Xiong.

At this time, Brother Xiong held a pistol and aimed at Zhang Yaoyang who was rushing in front.

If Zhang Yaoyang dared to act rashly, he would pull the trigger at any time.

"Don't move!"

Brother Xiong said coldly to Zhang Yaoyang.

Seeing Brother Xiong take out his gun, the brothers brought by Zhang Yaoyang did not dare to move.

However, at this moment, Zhang Yaoyang also pulled out a pistol from his arms and aimed at Xiong Ye.

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