Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?

Blood 26, ghost blood.

Sometimes the school goes on expeditions to places where nearby demons live along with level increases.

Although I had until now been forbidden by your husband to go on an expedition, this was the first time permission had been granted, so I was to take part in the expedition.

The expedition is a forest two days walk from Demon King Castle.

The forest is home to many low-level demons, making it an excellent hunting ground for students.

Of course, there may be casualties in action, so you can't be alarmed just because your opponent is at a low level.

I was perplexed that I had a forest in front of me and could not hide my excitement.

I don't have good memories in the woods.

For whatever reason, most of the time I was traveling was spent in a forest like the one in front of me.

It brings back hard memories of those days.

At the same time, I felt nostalgic somewhere.

And most of all, what's exciting about me is that I can fight.

Just being aware of that excites me so much that it's going to be bright red in front of me.

I have never fought properly since I was born.

The extent to which your husband mocked you or played a mock fight at school.

I can't call that battle with your husband, and I don't play mock battles at school.

It doesn't end in a battle to exchange lives.


Wash blood with blood.

Just imagine that, palpitations increase.

This feeling must be because I'm a vampire.

My instinct as a vampire is to fight blood.

So the dismay at the moment I walked into the woods and actually defeated the demon was also intense.



This is just ravaging.

It's not a fight.

But for the first time, I gained something called experience, and the level went up.

When I told the good-looking legions I was with them that I had reached level two, they looked so surprised.

Did I say something surprising?

The strange thing is, the moment the level rises, my body glows for a moment and my SP recovers.

Unlike HP and MP, SP has limited means of recovery.

Apparently, when the level rises, the SP recovers.

And when I told him about it, he said that even if the normal level went up, the SP would never recover.

I wonder if I'm the only one special.

"Sophia, let's pull it up here. Momentum like this will destroy all demons in this forest."

Teacher Dr. Jigris stopped me by saying so.

I accepted that suggestion because the level also went up to 3 and it would not be interesting to continue ravaging any more.

"I didn't do anything this time."

"Don't worry. Me, too."

"I'm here to level, but I can't level"

"I can't help it because Sophia's got one."

The boys were depressed about something, but I don't care.

They should try to be friends, but they don't have the strength to fight.

Do not satisfy this desire of mine.

Rather than that, I have realized in the last few years that my strength is a lot abnormal.

Is there someone strong enough to fight me right now?

Your husband said, would I be satisfied if I even went to the Ellow Great Labyrinth?

More and more thoughts go in dangerous directions.

I smell demon blood, maybe I'm losing my mind.

No way, I've never known I was such a battle junkie before in my life.

And that's when I tried to pull it up, the case happened.

A scream I heard a short distance away.

The only students in this forest right now should be students from the school.

For the Lord of Screams will be someone of the students of the school.

The boys move quickly.

To head to the screaming place.

I think it's their beauty to be able to move for rescue without hesitation at a time like this, but at the same time I was feeling the situation roll over to the worse.

I'm sorry, but you can't let them go.

Stun him by accident from behind.

I'm sorry.

But if you go, I'm sure they'll die.

The Lord of Screams is already dead, too.

That was confirmed by the sign perception.

And the strength of the person I felt in the sign perception was what made your husband or Ariel feel.

Hide the men in a discreet position and put them to sleep, and turn to the Lord of Signs.

I think myself that something is wrong.

The opponent is strong enough to know that is the case with sign perception.

Even so, there's a grin on my face.

Oh, I can fight.

With the crisis in front of me, that's the only emotion I get.

And I went face to face with it.

Blood to the point of companionship.

The end of a corpse that has been damaged so much that we don't even know how many were there.

My heart dances, even though I may have known her face.

"Ghost Man LV49 Name Lars


HP: 16077/16077 (green) (details)

MP: 1989/1989 (blue) (details)

SP: 15755/15755 (yellow) (details)

: 15791/15791 (red) (details)

Average Attack Capacity: 15888 (Details)

Average Defense Ability: 15823 (Details)

Average Magic Ability: 17760 (Details)

Average resistance capacity: 17808 (details)

Average speed capability: 15773 (details)


"HP Fast Recovery LV8," "MP Fast Recovery LV10," "MP Consumption Greater Easing LV10," "Magic Sensing LV10," "Magic Precision Operation LV2," "Magic LV2," "Magic Granting LV10," "Magic Granting LV2," "Big Magic Strike LV1," "SP Fast Recovery LV1," "SP Consumption Greater Easing LV2," "Fighting God LV10," "Power Granting LV10," "Skill Granting LV2," "Atmospheric Strike LV1, Sword God, Slash Greater Enhanced LV10, Strike Greater Enhanced LV1, Pierce Greater Enhanced LV3, Impact Enhanced LV9, Destruction Greater Enhanced LV1, Flame Enhanced LV1, Thunderlight Enhanced LV2, Outer Way Attack LV5, Dragon Force LV8, Flame Attack LV5, Thunderlight Attack LV6, Mind LV7, Throw LV10, Injection LV10, Spatial Maneuver LV2," "Concentrated LV10," "Thought Accelerated LV8," "Foresight LV2," "Parallel Intent LV1," "Fast Computation LV5," "Memory LV8," "Hit LV10," "Evasion LV10," "Probability Large Correction LV1," "Tyrant LV3," "Appraisal LV2," "Sign Sensing LV4," "Demon," "Curse LV3," "Fire Magic LV10," "Fire Magic LV6," "Thunder Magic LV10," "Thunder Magic LV6," "Therapeutic Magic LV8," "Outer Way Magic LV10," "Space Magic LV8," "Demon King LV4," "Holding LV4," "Anger," "Prayer LV3," "Destruction Great Resistance LV5," "Slash Disabled," "Strike Great Resistance LV5," "Penetration Great Resistance LV5," "Shock Great Resistance LV5," "Flame Resistance LV2," "Water Resistance LV6," "Ice Resistance LV9," "Storm Resistance LV1," "Ground Resistance LV5," "Thunder Resistance LV2," "Light Resistance LV2," "Dark Resistance LV1," "Condition Abnormality Large Resistance LV4," "Stun Resistance LV5," "Terror Large Resistance LV2," "Outer Way Resistance LV9," "Pain Invalidity," "Pain Relief LV9," "Dark Vision LV5," "Thousand Mile Eye LV7," "Five Senses Large Enhancement LV3," "Perceptual Area Extension LV3," "Divine Area Extension LV4," "Heavenly Destiny LV10," "Astronomy LV10," "Sky Moving LV10," "Rich Sky LV10," "Rigid LV10," "Castle LV10," "Heavenly Way LV10," "Contraindication LV10," "Naming LV10," "" Fantasy Weaponization LV10, "" "N = 10% WI,"

Skill Points: 0


"Ally Killer," "Blood Eater Rye," "Angry Ruler," "Master Killer," "People Killer," "Mercy," "People Killer," "Demon Killer," "Demon Killer," "Demon Killer," "Dragon Killer," "Champion," "People Natural Disaster," "Country Fallen," "Demon Killer," "Sword God," "Demon Natural Disaster," "Fairy Killer," "Demon Natural Disaster," "

It was the ghost that was there.

He was little different from the Demons, but he proved that the two horns growing on his forehead and, above all, his intense killing spirit were monsters.


I think you kind of look familiar to me, but it's my fault.

Blood is high.

For the first time in his life, he became a relative enemy.

This guy can have enough of my enemies.

Mutual or as bad as a few minutes.

'Cause I can't hide my exhilarating mood.

I want to take this guy down and drink up that blood.

I fought the ghost according to that desire.

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