Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?

Elf's Inner Attack (6)

Watch Ariel crawl over the monitor.

It's been a long, really long relationship.

He's the longest associate I've had in my long life alongside Guliedist Dies and Dustin.

but even with such a long relationship, it's lame when it's over.

Ariel shouldn't even know why he's falling.

On the contrary, he's already unconscious.

For example, it may be the ideal way to die because you die to sleep.

I can kill you without suffering, as I was declaring earlier.

That's the way I pay my respects to years of resentment against my enemies.

Huh, I don't want to.

What I did is getting sentimental all the time.

So that's how big Ariel was in me?

I don't know.

At first, I thought it was a mistake to take, but I didn't think it was going to grow up to be hostile to me.

With that in mind, some of the things I've truncated as unwanted products so far may have been mixed with delicacies to turn into later.

In particular, it is a miracle occasional and nothing more than an act of searching for sand and gold from a few garbages.

If you have that time, it would be more constructive to dig a gold mine from somewhere else.

Ariel is the product of a miracle in which garbage has been turned into gold, the only one of its kind.

That is why it is loving and depressing again.

If one thing, yes, even one thing was different, that could have been on my hands.

I could have sifted through my spicy arms as my right arm without ever believing in an undisputed being, such as a goddess.

If that's the case, don't tell me you're a little girl who's a failure, but treat me like a real daughter.

That makes me sexually angry.

I understand it's pointless to talk about assumptions, and I still think I've done so sparingly that I feel that way.

But in reality, we're in a hostility, and this is how he crawls.

The reason Ariel is down is a coma caused by poison.

Chemical poison, not like a non-poison in the system, etc.

If it is a poison from the system, it can be offset by the resistance of the system.

but it is only a poison-only effect created by the system and does not increase resistance to real poison.

There was also a terrible match pump.

Call it poison to launch a sorcery attack, and call it poison resistance to endure it.

Because that's how they create the energy called skill.

Ariel has lived in the system for years.

I therefore assume that the poison will not work for me.

Poisons of natural origin are erased by the system, and only seemingly non-poisonous produced by the system remains.

No wonder I assume so.

At all, a system is unreasonable.

Because they twist all the laws of nature, they transform the way the world is, and on top of that, they impose a supply of energy on the organisms that live in this world.

Over and over again, I tried to complete a poison that wouldn't be erased by the system, and in the end I couldn't accomplish it.

It's also a nostalgic memory that I didn't care if I lost the system.

It's a system as if it embodies such irrationality, but it's not like there's no hole.

Proof of this is Ariel being invaded by poison and unconscious.

The name of the poison that is driving Ariel to the abyss of death is carbon dioxide.

It's obvious if you think about it, but even in a nutshell with poison, its variety is enormous.

Some of them are poisonous, but they have to be in this world.

The first example of this is carbon dioxide.

Not just humans, but the majority of organisms absorb oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide is then absorbed by plants and is oxygenated and spit out.

This cycle cannot be overshadowed.

Therefore, carbon dioxide will not disappear from this world.

Carbon dioxide can be a fine poison if the concentration is higher.

The rest is easy.

All you have to do is sprinkle a lot of carbon dioxide into the chamber space.

Higher concentrations of carbon dioxide can cause respiratory failure, causing confusion of consciousness and eventually death.

Whether you can wield extraneous power with the benefit of the system, its body is a clean organism.

You can't escape reason any more than you are an organism.

The system and similar powers of God seem to ignore that logic, but they are not in fact completely out of reason.

It appears to be out of reason, and its real constant rules exist.

It looks like it can do anything, but it is a miracle manifestation of an equivalent exchange with a massive consumption of energy, which is impossible to achieve without just enough energy to transfer it to execution.

You must also understand the process for executing it, even if you have energy.

Sorcery is not a technique that creates possession from nothing.

It's only a hypothesis, but I'm wondering if what I call energy is probably the pre-atomic phase.

Even matter undergoes state changes with individuals, liquids, gases, but it is not surprising that the previous stages of atoms, and hence matter, exist.

That's energy.

Magic is a technique that deals with its energy, and by interfering, it converts energy into matter.

If so, it is also theoretically possible to convert energy to oxygen or, conversely, to reduce carbon dioxide to energy.

So it's no surprise that Ariel avoided Gloria's attack right where it was and woke up a body that was supposed to have been invaded by carbon dioxide.

I see.

Apparently, he knew the process to break this situation properly.

No matter if you have energy, you can't do the miracle of witchcraft without just the knowledge to handle it.

With Ariel's intrinsic energy, it shouldn't be impossible to treat carbon dioxide poisoning on its own and keep fighting.

If I knew.

And Ariel knew.

That's why I could stand.

Not at all, a shame.

With all that power, with all that knowledge, you have to smash it.

Let's praise you for standing up.

However, the magic jamming junction did not disappear, nor did indoor carbon dioxide concentrations fall.

Ariel must fight Gloria in that environment.

The miracle of witchcraft is energy.

If you don't have enough energy, it won't run.

Because how long will Ariel have?

Exercise physical strengthening in your body to counteract the sorcery-obstructing juncture, constantly treating carbon dioxide poisoning, and fight Gloria on it.

This is the answer I derived assuming vs. Guilliedist Diez.

God is an organism whose amount of energy is out of digit.

And you can't escape reason any more than you are an organism.

Even if you have a huge amount of energy in you.

Whether you're exercising a miraculous move or if it's backed by energy, just let it consume that energy.

The stage for that.

Gloria type Ω for this purpose.

Gloria Type Ω is a long-lasting warfare specialty.

An indestructible aircraft capable of fighting all day, all week, all month.

If I clean up the outside, I'll stick with you all the time.

Ariel, until you die.

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