We decided to meet with the Pope to convey our willingness to join the Pope's faction.

Not only Katia, who had a stronger will to fight before me, but Sue, too, seems to be planning to fight again.

"If Niisama is going to join us, of course."


I may not be the stepsister who told you about people, but is that the reason?

Well, Katia's right, she's the only one who knows the weight of a man's will.

I'm sure there's a strong will in Sue.

And we were supposed to meet with the Pope, but the room was filled with tingling tension.

It was the person sitting in front of the Pope who was exhaling the air.

"You are."

The person responds to my voice and glances at me.

At the same time, the two people sitting right next to me turned around and raised their hands slightly.

"Tagawa-san Kuzutani-san"


It was Tagawa and Comb Tani who were supposed to be in the village of Elves.

To take a closer look, behind the Pope are the grass and the ogre.

We arrive at our seats at all costs.

"How did you get here?

"In this person's metastasis."

That said, Tagawa looks at the person sitting opposite the Pope.

"Let me introduce you.This is Lady Shreyne, the brave one. "

"I know."

Introduced by the Pope, lowers his head lightly.

In contrast, the person replied in a boring manner.

It's Ronanto. It's your brother's master. "

Mr. Ronant.

As the empire's chief court magician, it was brother Julius's magic master.

And one day when the execution of Brother Reston was published, he intercepted us who tried to infiltrate the kingdom's royal castle.

Because I have that memory, I feel aggressive.

"Oh, don't be like that.I'm not on your side. "

Ronant waves his hand in trouble.

"Are you on my side?

I hear it in surprise.

Although the Imperial Army was used, it followed Hugo.

And behind that Hugo was the demon tribe, Ariel the demon king.

There is no certainty that this person is not connected to the demon king Ariel.

That's right. I have a longing for him, but I can't say he told me to die. "

That's what Ronant said in a mood.

"That guy?

"Labyrinth nightmare. No, is it easier to say" White "now?"


It is Wakaba's name, which was widely known by the forbidden World Quest column.

But a labyrinth nightmare?

"As you may know, labyrinth nightmares are mythical spider monsters that once appeared in the Elroe Great Labyrinth.And it's probably the same as White. "


Unexpectedly, the Pope's explanation shouted with surprise.

I heard a little about the labyrinth nightmare from the labyrinth guide, Mr Basgas, when I left the labyrinth.

Is that you, Wakaba?

This surprised Katia and Tagawa as well as me.

"It's not just Mr. White.Master Lars, I think it would be better to say Kyoya-sama to you.He is also a singular auger observed in a place called the Devil's Mountains. "


On behalf of us who are losing our words of surprise, Ronando-sama leaks her voice with interest.

Was Wakaba-san and Sasashima a monster start?

Tagawa leaks his breath as he leans against his back.

Kyoya and Wakaba started out in a completely different situation.

Then I can convince you to join the Demon King faction.

I'm probably experiencing things I can't even imagine, so I'm not going to be able to think the same as I was in my previous life.

And yet, I said to Kyoya and the others, "Do I have to abandon Japanese values?"What did you say...?

When I think of Kyoya's face at that time, I feel like I can't help it.

So, Liho, Sofia too?

"She also follows a different, but strange, path."

Tagawa also asks the Pope about Sofia.

... he's about to say "Liho" about Sofia.

"You have been caught up in the war between Sariera and Otsu, and Ariel has protected you from the loss of your parents and home."

That's it again.

That's a hell of a story.

He would have briefly narrowed down the points and told me about the situation, but I can imagine that it was a terrible situation even though it was just that.

Is Ariel the Demon King the savior of life for Sofia?

Well, I'll help you.

Who's Melazophis?

Tagawa asks more questions.

It seems that Tagawa is more serious about this one.

"I was a servant who served Sofia's parents.It seems that Sofia's hand made him a vampire. "


I raised my voice unexpectedly.

"That's right. Sophia and Melazophis are vampires.Sophia-sama is the true ancestor since the first demon king Fodoui. "

There is a lot of additional information and the open mouth is not blocked.

Well, this guy knows so much.

Hmm. That's right.

Ronant stares at the Pope with his nose snorted.

"But knowing the other person's information is another story about whether or not you can win.Is there a way to win?

Ronant looks sharply at the Pope.

That's Niisama Julius's master.

The intimidation is terrible.


In contrast, the Pope tried not to be timid.


That's how Ronant-sama stood up.

"Then I'll wave this power to your full strength."

Then he reaches out to the Pope.

The Pope stood up and grasped it back.

"In the end, I couldn't be an apprentice, but I'd have to go beyond it myself."

That said, Ronant-sama smiled invincibly.

"Now, I want you to gather as much power as you can with the magic of the space."

That's what the Pope said to Ronant with a smile.

At that moment, Ronando-sama's smile came out of her face and she was stunned.

"Oh, Lord.Are you going to treat him as a courier..... "

"This can only be done by Mr. Ronant."

Take Ronanto, the court magician who is the leader of the Empire, to the courtyard.

What a luxurious use.

"Ah! Let's do it!

Ronant-sama refused, pleasure.

I don't even seem to have abandoned it slightly...

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