At the beginning of the fourth quarter of the game, Lan Qi defended the ice room as soon as he went up, and the ice room looked a little surprised, and smiled slightly; “How, is there a way to stop my shot?”

“Hmm! Probably! Is there a way to stop it, just try it and find out. The corners of Lan Qi’s mouth grinned slightly, and he said confidently.

The ice room looked at a jump shot directly, Lan Qi did not jump immediately this time, and secretly said: ‘Yang Yan shot, made two shots in the air, as long as you jump a little bit, then you can block. ’

The ice room watched Lan Qi’s movements, did not immediately jump up to defend himself, and knew that his shooting mechanism was cracked, and he shot out directly at the first time and scored a goal.

“What?” Lan Qi looked at it and exclaimed.

“It seems that you really noticed, yes, the true face of Yang Yan’s shooting is to make two shots in the air, but well!” The ice room said here, and said with a somewhat mysterious smile: “It doesn’t matter if you don’t notice, I can shoot in any situation after determining the opponent’s jump, even if you know, it won’t help, Yang Yan can’t stop when shooting.” ”

As soon as the race started, the ice chamber took the lead, 72:75.

Seeing this, Lan Qi is a little anxious, the three-point shot in the ice room is very powerful, and he can’t stop it, if he continues, his own slam dunk is two points, and the ice room is three points at one time, and he will definitely lose.

‘Cut, can only be solved with a three-pointer. Lan Qi gritted his teeth slightly, his shooting percentage is not particularly high in three-pointers, usually shooting two-pointers, but now there is no way, only to use three-pointers to divide the victory.

‘However, the ice room’s feint is very powerful, and if I use that trick, it won’t be of great use to him!’ Forget it, just try it as much as possible. Thinking of this, Lan Qi immediately dribbled the ball.

Coming to the outside of the three-point line, looking at the ice room defending himself with a smile, Lan Qi took a slight breath and said, “Let’s be honest!” I prefer slam dunking to three-pointers, but now it seems that there is no way to do it. Saying that, Lan Qi immediately threw himself back.

The ice chamber looked startled and secretly said, ‘It’s so fast.’ Immediately defended it, but the basketball player had already thrown the ball.

Three points, goals.

The ice chamber was slightly stunned, and secretly said: ‘Not only dunks, but even three-pointers can do this?’ That’s awesome! ’

“Skyshot, this is a three-point shot that I began to learn when I was in the second year of junior high school, although it is imitating other people’s moves, but this move is indeed a very powerful skill.” Lan Qi said a little smugly, this move was used by him when he looked at Shi Wei Lingyang, and later because Ziyuan seemed to like this trick of the three-point shot.

He also practiced this move with Ziyuan, originally he didn’t understand why Ziyuan wanted to learn these moves at first, shouldn’t he consolidate the skills of the center position more? Are slam dunks and defenses better?

And Ziyuan’s answer was: ‘If you just rely on one or two moves, although it is powerful, but like Mjolnir, it is clear that I have practiced to that point, and the slam dunk that cannot be defended at all, but it was still cracked by Xiaochi. ’

And there’s no harm in learning a little more skill, you can be adaptable! Xiao Chi said so, although not as powerful as Xiao Huangzi’s imitation ability, but I want to become an all-round player, no matter what kind of ball I encounter, what kind of opponent, I have to easily crush them. ’

Don’t think I’m practicing these new skills to play better, it’s just that I think I have the talent to work hard, not to be able to win, because there is no one who can beat me, my basketball is the strongest.” ’

I practice this just to completely crush the waste who love basketball, love basketball, but have no talent.” ’

Every time he thought of what Ziyuan had said, Lan Qi felt a little moved, ‘How much confidence is this! There is no one who can win you, you are the strongest, and practicing these skills is just to fight against players who have no talent. ’

‘But it is! Until now, no matter what kind of opponent you faced, you have easily defeated, a completely overwhelming victory, and I really can’t imagine that you will lose. ’

It is precisely because of this that you are so strong, so that I have to follow you every time, always wanting to surpass you, but the distance is getting farther and farther, I am afraid that I will not be able to surpass you in my life!” ’

But I’m not going to lose to anyone other than you.” ’

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