Millefeuille stacked in multiple pieces with crispy thin pie dough and cream.

The history of Millefeuil, which means "a thousand leaves" in French, is ancient.

The early nineteenth century literature already describes its name, and it is a popular treat both today (in Kontochi) and known as a great classic.

...... but Milfielle, who is widely loved by people, is also unfortunately not perfect.

For the most part, those who have eaten once will experience it, and even after countless recipe improvements, there are fundamental shortcomings that remain to be overcome.


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As usual, Lyme had finished her workout by treating Alice to tea and sweets as a reward for her hard work. Today's guy is Millefeuille with custard cream and thinly sliced strawberries. It is a gorgeous and lovely treat, sometimes called 'Napoleon Pie'.


But Lyme looked in some trouble. No, the expression itself is the usual faceless look, but it entailed a troublesome atmosphere.

It's not like I don't like Millefeuil.

I like strawberries and pies, and even Millefeuil combines them. Yes, I do love it......,

"... nasty"

Like any other type of cake, trying to cut a bite out with a fork doesn't work.

The cream and strawberries inside are crushed and pushed out all the time when pressure is applied to the pie dough, ruining the beautiful look of it because of it.

If you use a knife together, it will be somewhat better, but a sharply sharpened knife will still crush you mostly just like a fork in a regular dietary knife cleavage.

You won't crush it if you peel it off one layer at a time from the top, but then you won't be able to fully taste the texture quirks produced by several layers of pie dough. Neither is the last resort to reopening it and throwing it in your mouth all at once, nor is that possible with a small mouth of lime.

Yes, the "hard to eat clean" point is the only weakness Millefeuil has.

Milfielle is also a demonic sweetness that has made a number of challengers feel somewhat regrettable and a slight sense of defeat along with a rich taste.

Well, even if it's somewhat shapely, it doesn't change the flavor, but it's a beautiful treat in the corner, so anyway, it would be about humans wanting to stay clean.

With such a wack, Lime today was also cautiously pursuing his offense, but the boulder is a difficult downtrodden Millefeuil castle fortress. With a little extra force, the cream would stick out easily, and there seemed to be something like thick loss from the beginning, which I haven't had time to eat yet.

If you continue with the impossible attack like this, you will be completely out of shape and eating the wreckage that has fallen apart feeling a little sad.

But heaven still didn't seem to abandon the struggling lime.

"Oh, if it's hard to eat, put the knife in the tat and you'll cut it clean. I think it feels like poking from the top instead of hanging up."

"... really. Surprise."

The Demon King, who happens to be here to see the floor, taught me a backhand that works immensely against Millefeuil.

Poking with the tip of a pointed knife concentrates the force on one point. Even if you only have a fork, poke it in the tattoo using a tip instead of cutting it on the side like a normal soft cake.

Doing so will allow us to cut the excess power before it passes to Millefeuil and crushes it.

Well, using this method isn't all over the place, and the odds of failing are there, but you should have a far better chance of winning than not devising anything.


"Haha, that was good. Do you need a replacement?


This is how Lime masked his disadvantage at the beginning and finished eating his mighty enemy Millefeuil beautifully.

◆ ◆ ◆

Note that this is for the record.

"... flickered"

Lyme shrugged as she finished her oyster time.

If the force is not widely dispersed and concentrated on one point, the destructive force increases.

Even if your body is small and your fist or foot size is less than or equal to the crowd, can the narrow area of contact with the subject be transformed into penetrating force as it is?

Apparently, her spare fighting sense has been inspired by the kick-ass way he eats and has woken up to the deep nanica of martial arts. Now you will lift your arms again.

Well, similar eye openings have always been a little bit, specifically about a week, and it's not quite as unusual. It was a lime that found tips to get stronger from casual everyday ends of life and gained (less useless) combat ability at a terrible rate.

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