Lady Boss, Please Spoil Your Husband!
Chapter 374 - 374: Loyalty
Right off the bat, White Bird fired the big guns and didn't beat around the bush. The question was a critical hit that Thrill Seeker forgot her bearing for a moment.
What's even eerier than the evident, threatening question itself, was that White Bird's tone made it sound like the question was truly just a simple, innocent question that came out of pure curiosity.
"You don't expect me to believe Daunting Spirit, would you? Saying that the whole group was part in that stunt you pulled in impersonating me."
"As expected of you." Thrill Seeker laughed helplessly. "What you have gathered is true. I acted alone and pulled only some of my men into it. Now, how does this piece of information be of use to you?"
Lillie hummed, pretending to consider something. "Well, if that was the case, then you along with half of your group will be annihilated."
The two leaders' blood runs blood at her declaration. Daunting Spirit clenched his partner's hand under the table.
Anger seethed from his voice as he moved closer to the table. "You made a promise with me, White Bird—"
"Indeed. I made a promise with 'you'." Lillie interrupted him. "Your partner wasn't with us last time. Fortunately, your group has two leaders. The guilty party will be handed to us as reimburs.e.m.e.nt, while the innocent are spared."
Lillie looked at the quiet fox-masked teenager. "It's a win-win for you, isn't it, Daunting Spirit? You will not be implicated by your foolish co-leader's actions, and we will not tyrannize you and the rest of your group that is left out."
Daunting Spirit gritted his teeth. What did he expect from criminals? He should've known better than to believe that White Bird will keep her promise.
"Think of the boss' offer carefully, brat. It's a great deal. Because if not us, then the Reapers will be out for your heads." Enyo stated on Lillie's right. Without the second-in-command, she's acting as his stand-in. "Our boss is benevolent enough to spare half, the same can't be said with them."
Red Raven nodded in agreement with his girlfriend. "They're not the type who discriminates between the guilty and innocent. It matters not whether you're involved or not, as long as you all are under one group, they will exterminate you."
"You two are still young and new in the Underworld, but the Reapers won't fall for the excuse of you failing to realize the magnitude of your crime." Enyo shook her head. "Just let her accept the consequences, boy."
Shadow cast over Thrill Seeker's eyes, her partner's tight grip of her hand still refuses to let go. She got to hand it to White Bird. Anyone who has reasonable thinking wouldn't hesitate to grab the opportunity to escape the embodiment of calamity that is White Bird.
"What's your answer, Daunting Spirit?" The She-Devil lifted her chin, gazing down on them.
Suddenly, a hand slammed down on the wooden surface of the table, followed by a high-pitched screech of the chair grating on the floor.
Everyone's eyes were set on the fox-masked teenager who abruptly stood up and extruded an impolite behavior. He glared at White Bird, his shoulders shaking in unkept anger that promises to lash out soon.
"You. Made. A. Promise." He spatted out every word with unfiltered contempt. "Thrill Seeker is as much of the leader of Thrilled Phantom as I am. We founded it together. Therefore, whatever you decide to do with her goes for the entirety of Thrilled Phantom. However, you're mistaken if you think we'll sit down like obedient dogs and let you have your way!"
"I, Daunting Spirit, will not turn my back on my partner!"
His hand stubbornly remained latched onto hers. And when he stood up, everyone across the table can see it.
"Daunting Spirit..." Thrill Seeker couldn't believe what she just witnessed from her partner. He had the chance to save himself, the chance to have the group and mold it to his design without her interference.
And yet...he spits on it as if it was worthless. He didn't betray her.
The edge of Lillie's red-tinted lips curled into an amused smirk. The two leaders were taken-aback when she suddenly started laughing.
Her laugh would've sounded pleasant in the ears if they didn't know it was coming from a notorious figure of the Underworld who was known to love tormenting her enemies.
"Well done, Daunting Spirit, you've chosen the correct answer," Enyo smirked mischievously.
"Huh?" The two leaders uttered at the same time.
What answer?
"Loyalty," Lillie said after recovering her composure. She raises her index finger, "is the number one trait I look from someone. Surely, you understand why."
Loyalty, of course. It makes perfect sense. White Bird wouldn't just accept someone under her wings without a serious inspection of their character. So, this was all just a test to see how far his loyalty goes.
"Who would want an ally who turn their back on someone at the first sign of danger?" The answer was common sense.
Humans are naturally selfish; and therefore, are more likely to stab you in the back if it benefits them.
Lillie learned that the hard way.
"Daunting Spirit passed his test. But what about you, Thrill Seeker? I notice you've grown quiet. Do you have anything to say that would attest your loyalty?"
Daunting Spirit glanced at his partner, concern swirling in his eyes. White Bird has proven that she knows more than what he led on. His partner's situation is more serious than his.
"I've heard of White Bird from the moment I began trekking towards the dark society. The fear you struck in people's hearts, the respect you gained, the influence you spread, and the many you inspired. I must admit that the idea of bumping heads with you had been thrilling, but as my partner has said, it's not worth the risk." Thrill Seeker earnestly said.
She has known true fear, and she's felt it today.
"I request White Bird to be patient with me," She stood up and bowed. "Allow me to show you my loyalty after this alliance has been settled. I swear it on my life that I will not betray you."
"I hear your sincerity, Thrill Seeker," Lillie said with a satisfied nod. "I'm giving you a chance to prove yourself. Let it not be wasted."
"You won't regret it." Thrill Seeker determinedly said. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #!_11957027006657805/chapter-374-loyalty_51037643802208476 for visiting.
"Too early to ascertain." Lillie flicked her wrist in dismissal. "That being said, shall we continue from where we left off before we were interrupted, Daunting Spirit?"
The aforementioned man swallowed the unease that bubbled in his throat. This is it, the moment where he succ.u.mbs deeper into the criminal world.
It was Thrill Seeker's turn to gently squeeze his hand—that still refuses to let go. She knows how much this affects him.
Though, unbeknown to him, this affects her as much as it does to him. She was just good at masking it.
Lillie observes the two leaders' interaction and couldn't help but be slightly impressed. And they've never seen each other's faces before? They act like they've been married for years with how affectionate they are.
Nonetheless, she shouldn't be the one to talk. How long did it took before she and Ethan started acting like they're married?
"Time to deliver your end of the bargain, you two. Strip your masks and pledge your loyalty." Lillie leaned forward slightly. She braced her elbows on the table and rested her chin on her clasped hands.
The Elders shifted from their position as well in anticipation.
"On three?" Thrill Seeker prompted, smiling softly behind her mask when her partner nodded stiffly.
"One...two..." They muttered in unison.
"Three!" Masks unlatched from their faces with a click.
Breaths were held back, emotions spiked violently.
What's even eerier than the evident, threatening question itself, was that White Bird's tone made it sound like the question was truly just a simple, innocent question that came out of pure curiosity.
"You don't expect me to believe Daunting Spirit, would you? Saying that the whole group was part in that stunt you pulled in impersonating me."
"As expected of you." Thrill Seeker laughed helplessly. "What you have gathered is true. I acted alone and pulled only some of my men into it. Now, how does this piece of information be of use to you?"
Lillie hummed, pretending to consider something. "Well, if that was the case, then you along with half of your group will be annihilated."
The two leaders' blood runs blood at her declaration. Daunting Spirit clenched his partner's hand under the table.
Anger seethed from his voice as he moved closer to the table. "You made a promise with me, White Bird—"
"Indeed. I made a promise with 'you'." Lillie interrupted him. "Your partner wasn't with us last time. Fortunately, your group has two leaders. The guilty party will be handed to us as reimburs.e.m.e.nt, while the innocent are spared."
Lillie looked at the quiet fox-masked teenager. "It's a win-win for you, isn't it, Daunting Spirit? You will not be implicated by your foolish co-leader's actions, and we will not tyrannize you and the rest of your group that is left out."
Daunting Spirit gritted his teeth. What did he expect from criminals? He should've known better than to believe that White Bird will keep her promise.
"Think of the boss' offer carefully, brat. It's a great deal. Because if not us, then the Reapers will be out for your heads." Enyo stated on Lillie's right. Without the second-in-command, she's acting as his stand-in. "Our boss is benevolent enough to spare half, the same can't be said with them."
Red Raven nodded in agreement with his girlfriend. "They're not the type who discriminates between the guilty and innocent. It matters not whether you're involved or not, as long as you all are under one group, they will exterminate you."
"You two are still young and new in the Underworld, but the Reapers won't fall for the excuse of you failing to realize the magnitude of your crime." Enyo shook her head. "Just let her accept the consequences, boy."
Shadow cast over Thrill Seeker's eyes, her partner's tight grip of her hand still refuses to let go. She got to hand it to White Bird. Anyone who has reasonable thinking wouldn't hesitate to grab the opportunity to escape the embodiment of calamity that is White Bird.
"What's your answer, Daunting Spirit?" The She-Devil lifted her chin, gazing down on them.
Suddenly, a hand slammed down on the wooden surface of the table, followed by a high-pitched screech of the chair grating on the floor.
Everyone's eyes were set on the fox-masked teenager who abruptly stood up and extruded an impolite behavior. He glared at White Bird, his shoulders shaking in unkept anger that promises to lash out soon.
"You. Made. A. Promise." He spatted out every word with unfiltered contempt. "Thrill Seeker is as much of the leader of Thrilled Phantom as I am. We founded it together. Therefore, whatever you decide to do with her goes for the entirety of Thrilled Phantom. However, you're mistaken if you think we'll sit down like obedient dogs and let you have your way!"
"I, Daunting Spirit, will not turn my back on my partner!"
His hand stubbornly remained latched onto hers. And when he stood up, everyone across the table can see it.
"Daunting Spirit..." Thrill Seeker couldn't believe what she just witnessed from her partner. He had the chance to save himself, the chance to have the group and mold it to his design without her interference.
And yet...he spits on it as if it was worthless. He didn't betray her.
The edge of Lillie's red-tinted lips curled into an amused smirk. The two leaders were taken-aback when she suddenly started laughing.
Her laugh would've sounded pleasant in the ears if they didn't know it was coming from a notorious figure of the Underworld who was known to love tormenting her enemies.
"Well done, Daunting Spirit, you've chosen the correct answer," Enyo smirked mischievously.
"Huh?" The two leaders uttered at the same time.
What answer?
"Loyalty," Lillie said after recovering her composure. She raises her index finger, "is the number one trait I look from someone. Surely, you understand why."
Loyalty, of course. It makes perfect sense. White Bird wouldn't just accept someone under her wings without a serious inspection of their character. So, this was all just a test to see how far his loyalty goes.
"Who would want an ally who turn their back on someone at the first sign of danger?" The answer was common sense.
Humans are naturally selfish; and therefore, are more likely to stab you in the back if it benefits them.
Lillie learned that the hard way.
"Daunting Spirit passed his test. But what about you, Thrill Seeker? I notice you've grown quiet. Do you have anything to say that would attest your loyalty?"
Daunting Spirit glanced at his partner, concern swirling in his eyes. White Bird has proven that she knows more than what he led on. His partner's situation is more serious than his.
"I've heard of White Bird from the moment I began trekking towards the dark society. The fear you struck in people's hearts, the respect you gained, the influence you spread, and the many you inspired. I must admit that the idea of bumping heads with you had been thrilling, but as my partner has said, it's not worth the risk." Thrill Seeker earnestly said.
She has known true fear, and she's felt it today.
"I request White Bird to be patient with me," She stood up and bowed. "Allow me to show you my loyalty after this alliance has been settled. I swear it on my life that I will not betray you."
"I hear your sincerity, Thrill Seeker," Lillie said with a satisfied nod. "I'm giving you a chance to prove yourself. Let it not be wasted."
"You won't regret it." Thrill Seeker determinedly said. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #!_11957027006657805/chapter-374-loyalty_51037643802208476 for visiting.
"Too early to ascertain." Lillie flicked her wrist in dismissal. "That being said, shall we continue from where we left off before we were interrupted, Daunting Spirit?"
The aforementioned man swallowed the unease that bubbled in his throat. This is it, the moment where he succ.u.mbs deeper into the criminal world.
It was Thrill Seeker's turn to gently squeeze his hand—that still refuses to let go. She knows how much this affects him.
Though, unbeknown to him, this affects her as much as it does to him. She was just good at masking it.
Lillie observes the two leaders' interaction and couldn't help but be slightly impressed. And they've never seen each other's faces before? They act like they've been married for years with how affectionate they are.
Nonetheless, she shouldn't be the one to talk. How long did it took before she and Ethan started acting like they're married?
"Time to deliver your end of the bargain, you two. Strip your masks and pledge your loyalty." Lillie leaned forward slightly. She braced her elbows on the table and rested her chin on her clasped hands.
The Elders shifted from their position as well in anticipation.
"On three?" Thrill Seeker prompted, smiling softly behind her mask when her partner nodded stiffly.
"One...two..." They muttered in unison.
"Three!" Masks unlatched from their faces with a click.
Breaths were held back, emotions spiked violently.
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