Lady Spring

Chapter 14.3

“Crazy love~! Running away from it is useless. Our fate has already been sealed. The moment our eyes first met, you know we were crazy in love!”


The four members of the Strawberry Fields walked forward to the front of the stage. When Wooyoung appeared closer, Saeun couldn’t breathe. Everyone around her was singing along and dancing in excitement, but she couldn’t even stand. Saeun froze in her seat. 


“I don’t care if we need to destroy everything in front of us. If we run away or give up, it isn’t real love. I can go to hell and back if it means I get to have you.The moment our eyes first met, you know we were crazy in love!”


Suddenly, their eyes… Their eyes met!


Under the countless lights… With so many people around them… Their eyes met, or at least Saeun thought it happened. But then… perhaps it was just her that saw his eyes. 


Saeun couldn’t even remember most of the concert. All she could do was sit in her seat and cry. Her eyes were so red and swollen that they hurt. She had no idea where all of her tears were coming from, but she cried and cried. Surrounded by screaming fans, Saeun sobbed her heart out. 


After singing a few songs in a row, the members finally sat down to rest while chatting with the fans. Sangone worked as a host. He took the microphone and talked to the audience. The fans were even allowed to ask questions. 


“Now, let’s talk about what everyone is curious about. Jay, who was your first love?”


The fans screamed in anticipation. Saeun finally stopped crying as she wiped her face with her sleeve. She saw that the four members were flushed and soaked in sweat. 


Jay grumbled, 


“Why do I have to be the first one to answer?”

“Because you’re the oldest and therefore must have the worst memory. I was afraid you might forget if the other two answers first.”


The fans laughed loudly. When Jaejun raised his eyebrows a little, Sangone just grinned and targeted the next member.


“Sehyun, how about you? Who and when was your first love? Do you remember?”

“For me… It was when I was 15.”


Sehyun answered easily, making the fans scream even louder. They yelled,


“Who was it? Who?!”


Sehyun smiled faintly and replied,


“It was an older woman.”

“Wow, as expected, you’ve always been very mature. But not as mature as me, of course! For me, my first love was my kindergarten teacher!”


When Sangone joked, the fans laughed. Even Saeun smiled a little even as she sniffled. Sangone glanced at Jaejun as he asked,


“How about you now, Jay? Do you remember?”

“No, I think you’re right. I’m too old to remember. I’m not like SOMEONE who writes his song about his first love.”


The three members all turned toward Wooyoung, who was taking a sip of water. Wooyoung placed the bottle on the floor and frowned. When Sehyun handed him the microphone, it was obvious Wooyoung didn’t want to accept it. Saeun couldn’t even breathe as she watched the scene. Sangone grinned and asked,


“This is true. I think everyone here knows that Min Wooyoung wrote the song ‘Spring Lady’ based on his first love. Am I right?”


Did he really? Everyone around her screamed “yes” while Saeun stared blankly. How come there were so many things she still didn’t know about Wooyoung?


Sangone insisted,


“Then let’s hear about it from Wooyoung himself. What do you think is the meaning of first love?”


Still looking uncomfortable, Wooyoung coughed and accepted the microphone. He replied,


“Well… maybe first love is something you realize only after it has ended.”

“Ah, that’s true. Most people only find out they were in their first love after it has passed. Based on the lyrics to ‘Spring Lady’, it sounds like your first love was in high school, right? Isn’t that a little too late for a guy?”


Wooyoung glared at Sangone for a moment. But when he could feel the fans gazing intensely, he sighed and replied, 


“I think a real first love isn’t a simple emotion of liking someone. It’s not a shallow feeling. It’s… something you regret later. You wonder why you didn’t do more… Why you ended up realizing how you really felt only after it was too late. I think that’s what real true love is. It’s something you can’t get back. It’s something you’ll never have. But of course, if you become reunited with that person, all your feelings might come back and suddenly… you find yourself in love all over again…”


Suddenly realizing he had said too much, Wooyoung coughed again and looked away. The fans began clapping, trying to encourage him. Jaejun raised his microphone and smirked. He asked,


“So your first love was a friend from high school?”


Wooyoung’s face turned bright red. The fans clapped and screamed for an answer. When Wooyoung remained quiet, Jaejun asked again,


“Who was it? There are actually a couple of celebs that went to school with you, right? Is it someone we all know? Some famous actress maybe?”

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