Lady Spring

Chapter 14.7

Wooyoung was the most important person in the world to her too. 


After a long deep kiss, Wooyoung finally released her lips. Her body continued to shiver in excitement. The area between her legs felt tight and throbbing.




Panting helplessly, Saeun tried to bring him closer to her again, but Wooyoung took a step back from her. His eyes sharper now, he asked, 


“Have you finally realized that I’m more important than your brother? Is that why you came back to me?”


Saeun nodded, her eyes still dazed from desire. She continued to gaze at him while he caressed her face. Before she could answer, Wooyoung leaned forward again for another aggressive kiss. By the time this kiss ended, her lips felt numb. They were also bleeding a little from Wooyoung biting them. When she licked her blood on her lips, Wooyoung rubbed them with his thumb. He also rubbed his body against hers and promised, 


“Don’t worry about that jerk anymore. I’ll make sure you don’t ever have to see him again.”

“There is no need for that.”


Saeun pulled his face closer and whispered. Licking her lips ardently, Wooyoung murmured,


“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything.”

“I said you don’t have to do that. My brother is dead.”


His body tensed for a moment. Saeun, who was caressing his hair, realized that something was wrong. When she flinched and looked up at him, Wooyoung looked a little worried. Holding her  face gently, he asked,


“Did… you do it?”


It took a few seconds before Saeun could understand what he was asking. Her eyes widened, she yelled, 


“Are you asking me if I killed him? Are you serious?!”

“I’m perfectly fine if you did. I will…”


Sauen stared at him for another few seconds before punching him in the stomach. She screamed, 


“He died from alcohol poisoning, you idiot! I know I hated him, but I mean… still… Murder? Are you crazy?”


Wooyoung frowned and rubbed his stomach. Glaring at her, he replied, 


“I actually wish you did it. Then that would mean you were willing to go that far for me! You left me like that, and it looks like you only came  back because your brother died. Is that it? Don’t you think that’s too cruel? So if your brother didn’t die… Would you never have returned to me? Is that it?”


Saeun couldn’t say anything. Wooyoung was right. If her brother didn’t die… She would’ve just stayed home and kept crying her life away. After her brother died, it was only then that she realized that she couldn’t live without Wooyoung. When she became free of her brother, she knew she needed to have Wooyoung back.


Saeun stammered, 



“I’m right, aren’t I? It’s so obvious, Yun Saeun. I can see exactly what must’ve gone through your mind. Have you ever thought of me? Did you ever consider the possibility that I would be willing to kill that jerk for you?”

“I did!”


Saeun screamed and glared at him, more tearing rolling down her cheeks. She continued, 


“But I didn’t want you to have to do that for me. I couldn’t see you ruining your life because of me! Why are you so angry at me?! I was so heartbroken too! It was so hard that I wanted to die!”

“We didn’t have to go through this at all! If you stayed by my side… If you told me what was going on… I would’ve fixed it for you! I would’ve helped! So why did you have to  go through it all alone, you idiot!”


Wooyoung yelled back at her and panted. When he glared at her, Saeun gulped and sniffled again. She took a step back, but the door was right behind her. She muttered,


“Whatever! I’m leaving…!”


Saeun rubbed her eyes and turned around, but Wooyoung grabbed her quickly and pulled her closer.


“Where do you think you’re going?!”


Wooyoung whispered as he kissed her temple. His voice sounded so husky. Saeun shook her head and replied, 


“I didn’t have you anymore, and it was hard… And now I’m back, but you’re just so angry at me… It was hard for me to come here today. I was scared… Yet you’re just yelling at me… I’m telling you that it was hard for me too without you…”

“Me too… I couldn’t do anything. Jay threatened to kick me out of the group because I was useless… But even then, I couldn’t do anything. Do you get it?”


Wooyoung continued to whisper quietly. His hand hugged her tight and caressed her body gently. Saeun shivered in response. Hesitantly, she asked, 


“You never told me about what you felt in high school… That you liked me… That was a lie just now, wasn’t it? You’re just trying to sell the song? You made it up I’m sure.”


Wooyoung snorted and turned her around to face him. He replied,


“Strawberry Fields don’t need to make up fake stories to sell our songs.”


With a pout, Saeun grumbled,


“But.. it doesn’t make any sense.”

“What do you mean?”

“That you liked me in high school.”


Quietly, Wooyoung replied, 


“I just didn’t know it then.”

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