Lady Spring

Chapter 6.2


Saeun screamed as she felt an explosion inside of her. At the same time, hot liquid escaped from her burning entrance to soak his hand. One of her legs, which was still raised, trembled while the other one on the bed sagged weakly. She buried her face in the blanket and panted while Wooyoung took his fingers out and kissed her neck lazily. 

“You’re too cute.”

The area between her legs throbbed as if she was burnt. She had no idea two fingers could hurt this much. How thick were two fingers together anyway?

If a man entered her for real… Was it even possible? Suddenly, Saeun became anxious. Yesterday morning, she accidentally touched his manhood and it was pretty thick. How thick? Well, his fingers were certainly thicker than hers, but definitely not as thick as his…


How did other women have sex safely?1

She became even more nervous. Was there something wrong with her? Was she too small? Too tight? But Wooyoung didn’t say anything about it. If something about her body was different or strange, wouldn’t he have said something to her by now? She turned gingerly to look at him. 

Her eyes were by now used to the dark, so she could see him a little. When she noticed him licking his wet fingers, Saeun blushed.

“D…don’t do that! It…it’s dirty!”

When she turned fully towards him and yanked his hand away from his mouth, Wooyoung raised his eyebrows. 

“What’s dirty?”

“T…t…t…that! T…the thing that just…”

Came out of her… Saeun couldn’t bring her to say it out loud. She glared at him and pushed his hand down away from his face. Wooyoung grinned and leaned towards her to lick her lips. 

“Are you embarrassed?”

Without answering him, she turned away. Using his other hand, Wooyoung pulled her closer. It felt slippery between her legs, but what shocked her more was his rigid erection against her thighs. The size of him reminded her again of how small her body was. Saeun shook her head and Wooyoung asked, 

“Oh, so you aren’t embarrassed?”

Remember what he asked earlier, she blushed. His eyes sparkled devilishly as she murmured,

“No, that’s not what I meant…”

“You taste delicious.”

Saeun’s face was so hot that she could fry an egg on it. She cringed and looked away, hoping he would stop talking about this embarrassing topic, but Wooyoung grabbed her chin. She could smell the subtly sour scent of herself on his fingers. Her heart began to pound hard. 

“I like the taste of you, your scent, your moan, and the way you blush. I like everything about you. I wish you were with me during the last 10 years. That would’ve been really nice.”

Lies. He must’ve dated countless beautiful celebrities all these years while her life remained unhappy and insignificant. But Saeun couldn’t stop staring at him.

“Saeun, you should date me.”

Her face paled before turning red again. The way she called her name sounded so familiar and seductive.


Saeun sounded like she swallowed a frog. Wooyoung gave her a tiny smile before saying again,

“I said we should date. We should keep seeing each other even after I go back.”


She knew very well this wasn’t possible. What was happening now was just a dream. A temporary fantasy. It was something she was never meant to have and the memories of their magical time together were going to sustain her for a very long time. 

After all, didn’t something similar happen before? 10 years ago, she fantasized about him for months until Wooyoung stopped coming to school. He didn’t even say goodbye to her before moving to another school. And since then, she has lived all alone.

But she was fine. Her life was perfectly fine.

Even if he left right now, Saeun was certain she would survive. She would get over him and get her old life back. But if she dated him? If he leaves after she gets used to having him by her side and becomes dependent on him? 

Would she be able to survive then?

“No, I can’t.”

Saeun tried to move away from him, but Wooyoung grabbed her hand quickly and placed his leg over her thighs. He trapped her in his embrace and asked, 

“Why not?”

His face looked dangerously cold. Saeun wet her lips and swallowed.

“You… you and I are too different.”

“What’s different?”

His tone clearly suggested he didn’t like what she was saying. Saeun glanced at him briefly before looking away from his cold eyes. She stared at his shirt as she murmured, 

“You’re a famous singer and you know… you have a fan club and stuff, and I… as you can see, I’m like this…”

“What’s wrong with the way you are?”

Was he asking because he really didn’t know or was he trying to hurt her on purpose? She suspected it was the former. She didn’t think Wooyoung was an unkind person by nature. With a deep sigh, Saeun looked at him again and explained, 

“It’s not like a star like you will be able to tell other people that I’m your girlfriend.”

“And what kind of woman am I SUPPOSED to date? A beauty queen?”

He was clearly angry. His tone was so sarcastic, but Saeun actually agreed with him. Yes, a celebrity like him should date a beauty queen or a model. Or maybe a TV anchor or other pretty celebrities… Because in comparison, she was…

She was nothing. A nobody.

Saune replied, 

“Well, yes.”


He seemed to want to say something angry, but instead, he inhaled deeply and murmured in a quiet voice.

“I didn’t realize you were prejudiced just like everyone else, Yun Saeun.”


But what? Wooyoung looked at her as if daring her to speak. Saeun closed her mouth slowly. She had nothing to say to him. 

He was handsome. He was a famous singer. He was amazing. 

So she didn’t deserve him. They didn’t suit each other.

Wooyoung smiled bitterly and turned away as he said to her,

“I thought you were different.”

When his warm body left her, Saeun shivered. Staring at his broad back, she wondered if she made a mistake. Was she supposed to thank him and say yes?

But it was so obvious that they couldn’t be together, so how could she?

“Wooyoung, I…”

“Just go to sleep.”


Saeun bit her lips. His voice sounded so distant. He was never supposed to be within her grasp anyway, but for a very brief moment, he felt so close… 

Saeun turned her back to him as well. Her heart ached as if it was being squeezed mercilessly. The wetness between her legs now felt like a joke. Trying to get into a comfortable position, Saeun wiggled her body and closed her eyes. 

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