Lady Spring

Chapter 8.2

Saeun shrieked and burst into tears. Wooyoung was able to swallow her scream with his own mouth, but her tears rolled down her cheeks like a small stream. Showing no mercy, his member filled her completely again and again.


Wooyoung groaned, 


“You’re so hot. So tight and… So wet. Ugh, I love it.”


He continued to thrust into her. Whenever he pulled back a little, her body relaxed in relief briefly, but when he forcefully entered her again, she screamed in pain and pleasure. Still panting and crying, Saeun embraced Wooyoung tightly.


“Nghhh… Aahhh, hng…” 


It felt too strange. She couldn’t do it anymore. She was going crazy. Stop! These were all the things Saeun wanted to scream, but her voice refused to work. Her whole body wouldn’t stop quivering. Even the deepest part of her was twitching in excitement.


“Ugh, ack… Ackk!”


Wooyoung pulled back enough to be almost out of her body before plunging deeply back in. He was buried to the hilt, and he groaned in satisfaction.


Saeun’s moan was now more of a sob, but he didn’t slow down. Wooyoung kept on shoving into her mindlessly until she finally sagged. Then, he himself orgasmed himself with a shiver.




As if time had stopped, his rigid body slowly collapsed on top of her. Saeun hugged his thick body and continued to cry. She was breathless and her whole body ached, but somehow, she felt dazed and at peace. Her head went blank as if she was meditating.


So hot… But so pleasant…


Wooyoung’s erection must’ve finally shrunk a little because it now felt more comfortable. Realizing her legs were still wrapped around his waist, Saeun tried to change her position. But as soon as she did, she could feel every inch of his penis again. Saeun moaned.


“Stay still for a little while longer.”


 Wooyoung whispered weakly and began to lick her tears staining her cheeks. When Saeun flinched, he chuckled.


“It’s too salty.”

“Obviously because they are tears.”


She grumbled scornfully, but Wooyoung didn’t seem discouraged.


“Does it still hurt?”


After a short pause, Saeun replied,


“I’m not sure yet, but for now… everything hurts.”

“You don’t exercise much, do you?”


She frowned and looked at him. Their faces were less than 10 cm apart, and she saw that he was smiling broadly. 


“What’s that got to do with anything?”

“You need to exercise, so your muscles become more flexible. Flexibility can help you stretch better. You’re gonna be sore for a while.”


Just which muscle was he talking about? When Saeun blushed, Wooyoung smiled again and sat up. When she felt his penis leave her body, Saeun gasped.


“It’s alright, Saeun.”


He placed his warm hand on her lower belly and slowly pulled out from her. Saeun glanced down and quickly realized it was a mistake to look. She blushed and looked away. Feeling it and seeing it were very different. His manhood wrapped in a sticky condom… Saeun couldn’t be any more embarrassed. Guessing what she must’ve been thinking, Wooyoung laughed again.


“You’ll get used to it soon. Now, I need to take care of the clean up, so I’ll be back.”


Clean up? What clean up… Oh. Saeun covered her reddened face, but quickly spread her fingers to get a peek at Wooyoung walking out. Every time he took a step, his amazing butt and thighs…


“I must’ve lost my mind.”


Covering her face again, Saeun cringed. She… she was acting like a pervert. 


Or was she? Maybe not. Was it unethical to enjoy and admire a man’s butt and thighs…? Well… She didn’t know. Of course, Saeun would’ve loved for Wooyoung to admire her body, but was it the same for a woman to feel that way about a man’s body?


Shaking her head, she tried to stand up only to end up yelping. She felt pain all over her body as if she just had a boxing match. Her waist and butt especially hurt, and her nether region felt like it was burnt. There was no way she could stand up at the moment. Her legs were shaking and she began to sweat profusely. Groaning, Saeun managed to grab the nearby blanket and cover herself. Just then, Wooyoung entered and raised his eyebrows. He was completely nude, and it seemed that he wasn’t afraid to show it. 


“What are you doing, Saeun? Are you in pain?”

“I…it hurts like hell!”


When she screamed at him, Wooyoung looked worried. Feeling guilty that she acted mean towards him, Saeun quickly shook her head and added,


“I…I mean… Umm, I’m fine. It’s just… I just wanted to get the blanket, that’s all.”

“Stay there. I’m going to wash you now.”


As if he just took a shower, Wooyoung looked clean. His broad chest was well-formed with perfect muscles and his shoulders and arms were…


“A…are those scratches from me?”


Saeun’s eyes widened as she stared at the angry-red nail marks on his shoulders and upper arms. Wooyoung looked down and grinned.


“I guess so. You act all prim, but the truth is, you’re super strong and tough, Miss Yun Saeun.”


When she blushed again, Wooyoung tittered and walked towards her. Saeun flinched and tried to move away, but he swiftly pushed away the blanket to expose her.


“If you stay like this, it’s gonna hurt more. Just stay still.”


When he began washing her with a wet towel, Saeun jolted and tried to take the towel away from him.


“I…I can do it myself. I’m gonna do it!”

“No, I want to do it for you. Just be still.”

“Min Wooyoung!”

“Yun Saeun!”


When he mimicked her nagging voice, Saeun frowned at him. But in the end, she gave up as she felt the pleasure of his gentle hand carefully washing her face. 


“Your lips are swollen too.”


Wooyoung gingerly cleaned her lips and began to move down to her neck and breasts. Her skin was still very sensitive, so when she felt the soft towel, Saeun shivered. She blushed and Wooyoung leaned to give her a quick kiss.


“It’s alright, Saeun.”

“B…but I feel embarrassed.”


When she murmured without meeting his eyes, Wooyoung leaned a little closer and asked,


“About what?”



This whole thing! Everything that happened just now! But she wondered why. In the movies, lovers would make love and cuddle in the bed together comfortably. Sometimes, they even took baths together. 


So why did she feel even shyer after being with him just now? Saeun felt like she needed to cover her naked body. She couldn’t look him in the eyes. 




He placed the towel on the side and held her face with his hands. She shook her face and tried to escape, but Wooyoung refused to budge. He lifted her face up so their eyes met.


“Yun Saeun, look at me.”


“Because you don’t like me? You don’t like how I look?”


She jolted and faced him. To her shock, Wooyoung looked serious. In disbelief, Saeun gaped at him. She opened and closed her mouth a few times because her voice wouldn’t come out.

Finally, she managed to reply,


“H…how could you ask me that? You’re hot. The whole world knows it!”

“I don’t care what the world thinks of me. All I care about is how you see me. Do you find me attractive, Saeun?”

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