Lady Spring

Chapter 9.7

*Warning: The following material may contain strong language, unusual humor, violence, and sexual contents that readers may find offensive. Please use your own discretion.*

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Wooyoung frowned. His reddened face turned suddenly serious.

“What’s wrong? Are you really angry at me? But I said I’m sorry. My friends kept insisting I stay. They were one of my closest friends and I haven’t seen them in a while.”

“Whatever. I don’t care. Just go back to your own home! I’m gonna go back to my apartment too. I’m not going to stay here and wait for you anymore. I hate cooking for you only to have it hated by the other guys here. I hate staring at the walls all night waiting for your return! I’m going to go back and be comfortable in my own home!”

Wooyoung tensed suddenly. Saeun turned around and began to pack, but he grabbed her arms and turned her towards him.

“You. Can’t. Leave!”

He looked into her eyes and emphasized each word, but Saeun didn’t even blink. She was so angry that the whole world looked red.

“I’m leaving! I’m sure you have plenty of other women anyway!”

“What the hell are you talking about? Are you saying I was out meeting with some other girl? Who told you that? Which bastard said that?”

Saeun was so sick of this topic. She didn’t want to talk to him at all. When she tried to turn around again, Wooyoung refused to let go of her arms. 

“Is that what you think? That I was out fooling around with other girls? I mean, it’s true some of my friends are girls, but I would never do something like that with my friends! Why can’t you believe me? I told you that you’re the only one for me!”

“How can I trust you? I’m all alone here all the time and you’re out doing whatever you like. How can I know what you do outside this house? How can I believe it when you say I’m the only one for you?!”

No, she wasn’t planning on talking about this. She was just annoyed. Saeun missed the days when they lived together in her own apartment. It was just a short while, but she was happier. She had nothing to worry about then since it was her who went in and out of the apartment. It was always Wooyoung who waited for her. There were moments when she was afraid he might leave, but she never worried that Wooyoung would meet another woman.

If Jaejun didn’t bring up this topic, Saeun would’ve been fine. But now that the thought crossed her mind, it refused to leave her alone. If she hadn’t known, she would’ve chatted with Wooyoung and laughed with him tonight. She would’ve asked him how his day was. But now, it was too late. 

Wooyoung’s face turned ugly.

“So you need me to make you believe me? Like this?!”

He suddenly turned her around and pushed her against the wall. After putting her hands on the wall to support herself, Saeun tried to turn around.

“What do you think you’re doing? Let me go! I’m leaving!”

“Never! Do you have any idea how hard it was for me during this last week? To wait and control myself around you? And now, you’re accusing me of being with another woman? Ha! If I had been with someone, why would I be this frustrated? Are you an idiot, Yun Saeun? Can’t you tell by looking at my condition? Can’t you?!”


Holding her waist firmly with one hand, he used the other hand to push her shirt up along with her bra. When her breasts were revealed, he grasped one of it hard and rolled her nipple. Saeun moaned, 

“Ahh, hgn!”

“I waited patiently all this time because I didn’t want to hurt you again. I knew I couldn’t control myself if I was around you all the time, so I made sure to sleep most nights in my parents’ home. Do you know how much extra work it is to do that? And I did it all for you! So how could you say I was with another woman? You must’ve lost your mind, Yun Saeun, huh? You know, I have nothing scheduled tomorrow morning. And tomorrow’s Saturday, so you must be off too, right? Perfect. Let’s just get all of our frustrations out tonight, okay?”

“No, go away! You… smell like… Ngh!”

She wanted to tell him he smelled like another woman, but before she could finish her sentence, Wooyoung pinched her nipple painfully. All she could do was shriek.

“Ever since you came here, all I could do was think about you all day every day. I even asked other guys what I can do to not hurt you anymore when we do it! Yet all you can do is nag me and be angry at me? And you even threatened to leave me? How could you do that, Yun Saeun? Do you ever think about how hard it must be for me? How painful it is for me? Guess not. Well, then I’m not going to think about not hurting you either. I’m just gonna do everything I want to do to you. I’m gonna do it all night, got it?”

“No, no… Wooyoung, they’re gonna… hear us. What… what if they hear us? Don’t… No… I…”

Tightening his hold around her waist, Wooyoung’s hand moved up to shove his finger in her mouth. Feeling his long finger filling her mouth, Saeun panted and tried to turn away, but she couldn’t move. The salty taste of him possessed her tongue and her brain, making her lower half of the body jolt. She could feel the heat beginning to erupt from deep inside. Her knees shook, but thanks to Wooyoung supporting her butt with his thighs, she didn’t collapse to the floor.

“Do you feel that? Are you wet already?”

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